Fard al-Kifayah : Societal Obligation

The Rise & Development of Societal Obligation -
'Fard al-Kifayah'
- in the Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence,
Paperback - 198 pages,
by Nahla Elharaki.

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Description :

The book at hand studies the development of Fard al-Kifaya and answers the questions of who, what, where, when, why and how it developed by looking at various perspectives of Islamic theological jurisprudence. It examines the theory and practices of societal [community] obligation.

In order to set this research within a historical perspective, the line of development during the medieval period is traced. The extension and various approaches in resorting to this concept for achieving certain social objectives are examined. Finally, the recent excessive use of this obligation is analysed and related to the social objectives inherant in the concept itself. It will become apparent how the concept of Fard al-Kifaya is an example of the way modern reformists acquire.

Table of Contents :

---Transliteration Chart,

---[1] Introduction,
---[2] Usul al-fiqh,
---[3] Definition of Al-Hukm ash-Shar'i,
------a) Definition of Al-Wajib al-'Ayni,
------b) Definition of Fard al-Kifayah,
------c) Norm vs Concept.

Chapter [I] Practices of Societal Obligation : Fard al-Kifayah,
---[1] The Era of the Prophet, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, the beginning of legislation,
---[2] The Era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, may Allah be pleased with them,
---[3] The End of the Era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, beginning of 2nd Hijri century,
---[4] The beginning of the 2nd century to mid 4th century,
---[5] Mid 4th century to mid 7th hijri century,
------a) Doctrinal 'Ijtihad' and Intellectual Medium,
------b) Political Factors: 'Jihad'
------c) The Imposition of some Sciences,
------d) Al-Juwayni and his book: ''Ghiyath al-Umam.''

Chapter [II] Theoretical Development of Societal Obligation,
---[1] The Origin of the Concept of Fard al-Kifayah at the time of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---[2] Ash-Shafi'i [150 -204h] and the origin of the term,
---[3] Contributions of Usuli Scholars,
------a) Al-Juwayni's View, [478h]
------b) Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, [505h]
------c) The Mu'tazilites,
------d) Al-Amidis Remark [631h], Ibn al-Hajib [646h],
------e) Al 'Izz Ibn 'Abd as-Salam [660h], and the theory of interest,
------f) Al-Qarafi [684h] and the repeated interest,
------g) At-Tufi [716h], the aim is the interest and not the worship,
------h) Ahmad ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi [742h],
------i)  As-Subki [771h], if the interest is achieved, liability is absolved as an authorisation and alleviation from God,
------j) Ash-Shatibi [795h],
------k) Az-Zarkashi, badr ad-Din [795h],
------l) Modern Understanding,
---[4] Sunnah : Individual or Societal,
---[5] Commanding Right & Forbidding Wrong (al-Amr bil maruf wa an-nahy 'an al-munkar),
---[6] Societal Obligation : A Principle or a Theory ?
---[7] The Legal Person (ash-Shakshsiya al-I'tibariya),

Chapter [III] Modern Vision of Societal Obligation and Fields of Revitalisation,
---Modern Implementations,
---[1] Muhammad 'Abdu [1323h],
---[2] 'Abd ar-Razzaq as-Sanhuri [1389h],
---[3] The fields in which Societal Obligation should be revitalised.

---Conclusion: The Philosophy of Individual and Societal Obligations and Social Solidarity.











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