Akhbar al-Akhyar fi Ahwal al-Abrar : New,
Conduct of the Pious, 2 Vol's - English Transl.
Biographies of the Awliya-Allah (Saints).
Hardback - 2 Volume Set, 'Collectors Item' in Box Slipcase,
Vol 1: 408 pages, Vol 2: 608 pages,
Total 1016 pages,
by Shaykh 'Abd al-Haq Muhaddith al-Dihlawi, [d.1052h].
English Transl. by Abdul Hadi Qadri,
Published by 'Sufi Pages'.
' Pay heed! Indeed upon the Friends of Allah, is neither any fear,
nor any grief. ' (The Friends of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, are
the best in creation).
Back in Stock August 2024
Description :Akhbar al-Akhyar fi Ahwal al-Abrar; First Ever English Translation!
Akhbar al-Akhyar [The Conduct of the Pious] is the epic persian encyclopaedia on the biographies of the Friends of Allah; namely the Awliya, Sufiya and Mashaykh of the previous centuries from one of the greatest scholars of his time, Shaykh Abd al-Haq Muhaddith ad-Dehlawi, 'alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan.
Extract from the Introduction : The name of Shaykh 'Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi, may Allah be pleased with him, is so synonymous in the field of Islamic Literature and Hadith that this great Scholar of Islam needs no introduction. He is regarded as one of the greatest Huffaz or Hadith Masters in Islam in his time. When the Shaykh lifted his pen on any subject, he unveiled an ocean of information in that field.
The book in your hand, Akhbar al-Akhyar fi Ahwal al-Abrar, is a perfect example of his mastery in literal sciences. This book is one of his famous works in the field of Tasawwuf and history. The Shaykh has accumulated the life and works of about 276 Awliya in this book. It is indeed a masterpiece of its kind. Although the Shaykh wrote this book originally in the Farsi [Persian] language, numerous Urdu translations of it followed. From my knowledge, this is the first and only English translation undertaken. I hope and pray that Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, guide me to do justice in the translation and more so, that the Muslim Ummah benefits from it. I have included some explanatory words and additional references from other authentic sources and authoritative references where it is necessary so that the reader may fully understand the contents.
This book deals with great and distinguished personalities in the domain of Spiritual Perfection. They were powerful in this mundane world and still remain powerful in Barzakh [in their graves]. Although these Awliya and Masha’ikh passed on from this world, their powerful spiritualism still manifests from their graves with magnificent grandeur as it did while they were physically alive in the Duniya. How true is the wise saying, “Only the pious can understand the state and status of the pious.” There are many events about the lives of the Awliya that cannot be easily understood by an ordinary person of limited knowledge. Therefore, the public should be guarded against rejecting or objecting to the status of the pious Awliya. Due to their ignorance they can invite the Wrath of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The hearts of the Awliya are pure and illuminated with the Noor [Light] of Divine Love while the hearts of the sinners are soiled with the filth of sins and corruption. Therefore, a dark and sick heart cannot comprehend the powers of a pure and luminous heart. This can only be rectified if the heart is properly cleansed and adorned with sincerity and with the Divine Love of the Real Absolute Sublime Lord of Power. If one does not understand a thing, it does not mean that it is incorrect. Most people do not understand how many modern technical devices work or they do not have any knowledge of its technicalities. Yet the user unconditionally and fully approves of it and fully acknowledges it. How sad it is that man-made perishable devices are rated as a reality, and on the contrary, the Divinely Blessed Confidants of the Almighty Allah is questionable and a subject of contention. It is for this reason that the Cardinal Pole of Noble Saints (al-Qutb), Sayyidi Shaykh Junayd al-Baghdadi, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, said: ''The confirmation of our path is also Wilayah (Sainthood).''
With this present state of affairs, we present a spiritual bouquet of 276 fragrant flowers to the reader. This fragrance will certainly reverberate and brighten the mind and soul of the individual in the pursuit of universal love and peace. We hope and pray that this book inculcates succour and tranquillity in the lives of the readers and directs them to the pinnacle of divine perfection. Love is one of the biggest blessings of the Compassionate Lord and one that is entrusted in the hearts of those who have a sincere quest for it. Physical strength can conquer external bodies and kingdoms, but love conquers the hearts and feelings of not only humankind but also of animals. An oppressor can chain a human being and inflict harm to his body but he can never control an individual’s feelings. On the contrary, a Wali of Allah controls the feelings of an individual. He does this without oppression but with a refine conduct saturated in love.
Shaykh 'Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi, may Allah be pleased with him, states that since there are many books on the life and works of the Awliya and the Swalihin of the Arab world or Persia, very little is known about the august personalities of the Indo-Pak sub-continent. Therefore, he found the need to write this book which covers 276 Awliya of this region. Though Sultan al-Awliya, Ghawth al-A'zam, Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abdul-Qadir Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, was from Iraq, Shaykh 'Abdul Haqq begins his book with Shaykh 'Abdul-Qadir Jilani’s, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, life history for two reasons:-
1) Shaykh 'Abdul-Haqq took his Bay'ah (spiritual oath) in the sacred Qadiriyyah
Spiritual Order on the hands of 'Arife-Billah, Sayyidi Musa Paak Shahid Jilani
al-Qadiri, who was a direct descendant of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam, radi
Allahu ta'ala anhu.
2) Since Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam, Shaykh 'Abdul-Qadir Jilani, is the King of
Saints [Sultan al-Awliya] hence, he opted to begin his book with the discussion of
the King.
This book consists of three groups of Awliya that lived in three different eras.
* [1]. The First Group begins with the biography of the undisputed King of the Awliya in the Indo-Pak sub-continent, Khawaja-e-Khawajigan, Hadrat Sayyid Mu'in al-Din Hasan Gharib Nawaz Chishti Sanjari Ajmeri, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, and his contemporaries.
** [2]. The Second Group deals with Khawaja-e-Khawajigan, Hadrat Shaykh Faridudin Mas'ud Ganje-Shakar, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, and his contemporaries.
*** [3]. The Third Group begins with Khawja-e-Khawajigan, Shaykh Nasir al-Din Mehmud Chiragh Dehlawi, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, his contemporaries and later day Awliya.
Important Note :
It is important to note that in his original works, Shaykh 'Abdul Haqq g has written very brief biographies of 276 Awliya. I have decided to add a little more detail for the readers so that they may know more about the Awliya. These additional facts are cited from authentic books and important for the benefit of the reader. I have highlighted the additions with the symbol [§] so that the reader may differentiate them from the original text of the author.
May the Merciful Lord grant us the courage of sincere devotion, illuminate our hearts with Divine Love and accord us the conscience to love and respect the Awliya and Swalihin. Amin. ---Shaykh Abu Muhammad 'Abd al-Hadi al-Qadiri an-Nuri al-Radawi.
Table of Contents :
---Chart of Special Symbols,
---About the Author,
---Ghawth al-A'zam Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Jilani.
Category [1]* Volume One :
---1. Hadrat Khawaja Mo'in al-Din Gharib Nawaz Chishti,
---2. Hadrat Khawaja Qutb al-Din Bakhtiyar Kaki Awshi,
---3. Hadrat Shaykh Baha al-Din Zakariyyah Sohrawardi,
---4. Shaykh Sayyid Nur al-Din Mubarak Ghaznawi,
---5. Hadrat Sufi Hamid al-Din Chishti Nagori,
---6. Hadrat Qadi Muhammad 'Ata Hamid al-Din Sohrawardi Nagori,
---7. Shaykh Jalal al-Din Sohrawardi Tabrezi,
---8. Shaykh Nizam al-Din Abu Muayyad,
---9. Shaykh Burhan al-Din Mehmud,
---10. Shaykh Ahmad Naharwani,
---11. Shaykh Muhammad Turk Chishti Narnoulwi,
---12. Shaykh Turk Bayabani,
---13. Shaykh Sayyid Hasan Shahi Mo'e Taab Sohrawardi,
---14. Shaykh Shah Wilayat Sayyid Abu-Bakr Sohrawardi,
---15. Khawaja Shaykh Mehmud Moina Dooz,
---16. Mawlana Majd al-Din Haji,
---17. Sha Khidar,
---18. Shaykh Badr al-Din Ghaznawi,
---19. Khawaja Bast,
---20. Mawlana Nasih al-Din Sohrawardi,
---21. Khawaja Sayyid Fakr al-Din Chishti.
Category [2]** Volume One :
---22. Hadrat Khawaja Farid al-Din Mus'ud Ganje-Shakr,
---23. Shaykh Sayyid 'Ala al-Din Ahmad Sabir Kalyari,
---24. Hadrat Khawaja Nizam al-Din Awliya,
---25. Khawaja Shaykh Najib al-Din Mutawakkil,
---26. Hadrat Sayyid Jalal al-Din Bukhari,
---27. Shah Sayyid Yusuf Gurdezi,
---28. Hadrat Shaykh Sadr al-Din 'Arif Sohrawardi Multani,
---29. Hadrat Shaykh Rukn al-Din Abul-Fatah Sohrawardi Multani,
---30. Shaykh Salah al-Din Durwesh,
---31. Mawlana Badr al-Din Ishaq Chishti,
---32. Shaykh Jamal al-Din Ahmad Hasawi,
---33. Shaykh Burhan al-Din Sufi,
---34. Shaykh 'Arif,
---35. Shaykh Sabir,
---36. Khawaja Nasir al-Din,
---37. Mawlana Shahab al-Din,
---38. Khawaja Shaykh Badr al-Din Sulayman,
---39. Shaykh Nizam al-Din,
---40. Khawaja Shaykh Ya'qub,
---41. Mawlana Da'ud Pahili,
---42. Mawlana Radi al-Din Manthur,
---43. Mawlana Kamal al-Din Zahid,
---44. Shaykh Nur al-Din,
---45. Shaykh Diya al-Din Rumi,
---46. Shaykh Sharf al-Din Kirmani,
---47. Sayyidi Mou’lah,
---48. Shaykh Abu-Bakr Tusi Haydari Matka Shah,
---49. Shaykh Farid al-Din Nagori,
---50. Shaykh 'Abdul-'Aziz,
---51. Shaykh 'Ali Kurd,
---52. Mawlana Nur Turk,
---53. Mawlana Mukhlis al-Din,
---54. Khawaja 'Ali,
---55. Khawaja Hasan Afghan Sohrawardi,
---56. Shaykh Taqi al-Din Muhammad,
---57. Mawlana Buhan al-Din Nasafi,
---58. Mawlana 'Ala al-Din Osuli Badayuni,
---59. Shams al-Mulk,
---60. Qadi Jamal Badayuni Multani,
---61. Shaykh Sufi Badhani,
---62. Shaykh Shahab al-Din Hasawi,
---63. Shaykh Ahmad Badayuni,
---64. Shaykh Qadi Minhaj Jurjani,
---65. Mawlana Ahmad Hafiz.
Category [3] *** Volume 2 :
---66. Shaykh Nasir al-Din Mehmud Chiragh Dehlawi,
---67. Shaykh Akhi Siraj al Din 'Uthmani,
---68. Shaykh Qutb al-Din Munawwar,
---69. Shaykh Nur al-Din,
---70. Shaykh Hisam al-Din Multani,
---71. Mawlana Fakr al-Din Zarradi,
---72. Mawlana Fakr al-Din Maruzi,
---73. Mawlana 'Ala al-Din Nili,
---74. Shaykh Burhan al-Din Gharib,
---75. Mawlana Ali Shah Jandad,
---76. Shaykh 'Ala al-Din,
---77. Khawaja Muhammad Imam Chishti Nizami,
---78. Khawaja 'Aziz al-Din Sufi,
---79. Khawaja Tai al-Din Nuh,
---80. Sayyid Muhammad b. Sayyid Mehmud Kirmani,
---81. Sayyid Muhammad b. Sayyid Mubarak Kirmani,
---82. Mawlana Shams al-Din Yahyah,
---83. Qadi Muhiyy al-Din Kashani,
---84. Mawlana Wujuh al-Din Yusuf Chishti Nizami,
---85. Mawlana Wujuh al-Din Pa’ili,
---86. Hadrat Amir Khusri Dehlawi,
---87. Amir Hasan b. 'Ula Sanjari Dehlawi,
---88. Khawaja Shams al-Din,
---89. Khawaja Diya al-Din Barni,
---90. Khawaja Diya al-Din Nakhshabi,
---91. Khawaja Diya al-Din Sanami,
---92. Mawlana Jalal al-Din Oudhi,
---93. Khawaja Mu’ayyad al-Din Kar’i,
---94. Shaykh Nizam al-Din Shirazi,
---95. Khawaja Shams al-Din Dhari,
---96. Khawaja Ahmad Badayuni,
---97. Mawlana Hamid
---98. Shaykh Hisam al-Din,
---99. Shaykh Hisam al-Din Sokhta,
---100. Khawaja Mo'in al-Din Khurd,
---101. Khawaja Ahmad,
---102. Khawaja Wahid,
---103. Shaykh Badr al-Din Samarandi,
---104. Shaykh Rukn al-Din Firdousi,
---105. Shaykh Najib al-Din Firdousi,
---106. Shaykh Sharf al-Din Ahmad Maniri,
---107. Shaykh Husain,
---108. Shaykh Sharf al-Din Bu-'Ali Shah Qalandar,
---109. Shaykh 'Uthman Say’yah,
---110. Shaykh Abu-Bakr Mu’e-Tab,
---111. Shaykh Shahab al-Din,
---112. Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Geso-Daraz,
---113. Shaykh Muhammad b. Ja'afar,
---114. Shaykh Jalal al-Din Jahaniya Jaha Gasht,
---115. Shaykh 'Ala al-Din b. Asad,
---116. Mawlana Khawajagi,
---117. Mawlana Mo'in al-Din 'Imrani,
---118. Mawlana Ahmad,
---119. Shaykh Sadr al-Din Hakim,
---120. Shaykh Siraj al-Din b. 'Alim b. Qawam al-Din,
---121. Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din Sher Sa’war Chishti NizamÌ,
---122. Qadi Shams al-Din Shaybani,
---123. Sayyid Yusuf b. Sayyid Jamal al-Husaini,
---124. Qadi 'Abdul Mutadir,
---125. Shaykh Zayn al-Din
---126. Shaykh Nur al-Haqq wad-Din
---127. Sayyid Sadr al-Din Raju Qat’tal Bukhari,
---128. Khawaja Ikhtiyar al-Din 'Umar,
---129. Shaykh Yusuf,
---130. Shaykh Qawam al-Din,
---131. Shaykh Sarang,
---132. Shaykh Shah Muhammad Mina,
---133. Shaykh Ahmad Khattu,
---134. Hadrat Qutb-e-'Alam,
---135. Hadrat Shah 'Alam,
---136. Hadrat Dawar al-Mulk,
---137. Qadi Mehmud,
---138. Shaykh Wujuh al-Din,
---139. Shaykh 'Ala al-Din,
---140. Shaykh Abul-Fatah 'Ala’i Qarashi,
---141. Shaykh Siraj Sokhta,
---142. Shah Badi' al-Din Madar,
---143. Shaykh Sakha’i,
---144. Mawlana Nai al-Din Oudhi,
---145. Shaykh Rifat al-Din,
---146. Shaykh Anwar,
---147. Meer Sayyid Makhdum Ashraf Jahangir Simnani,
---148. Shaykh Fathullah Oudhi,
---149. Khawaja Mas'ud Bak,
---150. Shaykh Sadidullah,
---151. Shaykh Piyare,
---152. Shah Jalal,
---153. Shaykh Muhammad Malawa,
---154. Shaykh Sa'adullah,
---155. Shaykh Rizullah,
---156. Shaykh Abul-Fatah Jaunpuri,
---157. Shaykh Taqi,
---158. Sayyid Shams al-Din Tahir,
---159. Shaykh 'Abdullah Shat’tari,
---160. Shaykh Hisam al-Din Manakpuri,
---161. Moulana Jalal al-Din Manakpuri,
---162. Mawlana Khawaja,
---163. Shaykh Kalu,
---164. Mawlana Shaykhan,
---165. Shaykh 'Ali Piru,
---166. Shaykh Muhammad 'Isa,
---167. Qadi Shahab al-Din Daulatabadi,
---168. Qadi Nasir al-Din Gumbadi,
---169. Shah Mia Ji’o,
---170. Shaykh Kabir,
---171. Khawaja Husain Nagori,
---172. Shaykh Ahmad Majd Shaybani,
---173. Shaykh Hamza Daharsuri,
---174. Shaykh Ahmad 'Abdul Haqq,
---175. Shaykh Salah Durwesh,
---176. Shaykh Jamal Gojri,
---177. Shaykh Bakhtiyar,
---178. Shaykh 'Arif,
---179. Shah Da'ud,
---180. Shah Nur,
---181. Shaykh Sa'ad al-Din Khayrabadi,
---182. Shah Saydu,
---183. Raji Hamid Shah,
---184. Raji Sayyid Nur,
---185. Shaykh Hasan Tahir,
---186. Mawlana Ilah-Dad,
---187. Shaykh Ma'ruf,
---188. Shaykh Baha al-Din Jaunpuri,
---189. Shaykh Baha al-Din Shat’tari,
---190. Shaykh Buddhan Shat’tari,
---191. Makhdum Mawlana 'Imad al-Din Ghori,
---192. Shaykh 'Ilm al-Din Haji,
---193. Makhdum Shaykh Muhammad Hasani al-Jilani,
---194. Makhdum Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir,
---195. Shaykh 'Abdul Razzaq,
---196. Sayyid Zayn al-'Abidin,
---197. Makhdum Shaykh Hamid,
---198. Shaykh Da'ud,
---199. Mir Sayyid Ism'il,
---200. Shah Qamis,
---201. Mawlana Sama al-Din,
---202. Shaykh 'Abdullah Bayabani,
---203. Sayyid Kabir al-Din Hasan,
---204. Shaykh Hisam al-Din Mut’tai,
---205. Shah 'Abdullah Qurayshi,
---206. Shaykh Haji 'Abdul Wah’hab Bukhari,
---207. Shah Jalal Shirazi,
---208. Shah Ahmad Shar'i,
---209. Shaykh Sulayman,
---210. Shaykh 'Abdul Quddus,
---211. Shaykh Amjad Dehlawi,
---212. Shaykh Adhan Dehlawi,
---213. Shaykh Yusuf Qat’tal,
---214. Mawlana Shu'iayb,
---215. Malik Zayn al-Din and Wazir al-Din,
---216. Shaykh Jamali,
---217. Sayyid Husain Pa’e-Minari,
---218. Shaykh Yusuf Chiryakoti,
---219. Shaykh Khanu Gawalyari,
---220. Shaykh 'Ala al-Din,
---221. Sayyid Sultan Barahichi,
---222. Sayyid 'Ala al-Din,
---223. Sayyid 'Ali,
---224. Shaykh Adhan Jaunpuri,
---225. Mia Qadi Khan Zafarabadi,
---226. Shaykh Muhammad Moudud Lari,
---227. Shaykh Muhammad Hasan,
---228. Shah 'Abdur Razzaq Jhanjana,
---229. Shaykh Amanullah Panipati,
---230. Shaykh Sayf al-Din,
---231. Sultan Jalal al-Din Qurayshi,
---232. Meer Sayyid Ibrahim Iraji al-Qadiri,
---233. Sayyid Raf'i al-Din Safawi,
---234. Shaykh Baha al-Din Mufti Agra,
---235. Shaykh Haji Hamid,
---236. Meer Sayyid 'Abdul Wah’hab,
---237. Meer Sayyid 'Abdul Aw’wal,
---238. Shaykh 'Ali b. Hisam al-Din,
---239. Shaykh 'Abdul Wah’hab Mut’tai,
---240. Shaykh 'Azizullah Mutawakkil,
---241. Makhdum Ji’o Qadiri,
---242. Mia Ghiyath,
---243. Mia Muhammad Tahir,
---244. Shaykh 'Abdullah,
---245. Shaykh Rahmatullah,
---246. Shaykh Husain,
---247. Shaykh 'Abdul 'Aziz b. Hasan Tahir,
---248. Shaykh Junayd Hisari,
---249. Mia Najm al-Din Mandawi,
---250. Shaykh Burhan Kalpawi,
---251. Shaykh Salim Chishti,
---252. Shaykh Nizam al-Din Amethawi,
---253. Shaykh Jalal Qanouchi Qurayshi,
---254. Shaykh Jalal al-Din Thansiri,
---255. Shaykh Isha,
---256. Shaykh 'Abdul Ghafur Manur,
---257. Mawlana Muhammad Durwesh Wa'iz,
---258. Mawlana Bah’thi.
The Majzub Category :
---259. Shah Abul-Ghayb Bukhari,
---260. Mia Ma'ruf,
---261. Shaykh Ala al-Din Majzub,
---262. Shaykh Mas'ud Nakhasi,
---263. Shaykh Hasan Majzub,
---264. Shaykh Hasan Budlah Dehlawi,
---265. Shaykh 'Abdullah Abdal Dehlawi,
---266. Mia Moung’ger,
---267. Baba Kapur Majzub,
---268. Ba’yan Majzub,
---269. Ilah-Deen Majzub,
---270. Shah Manthur,
---271. Shaykh Yusuf,
---272. Subhan Majzub.
The Female Awliya Category :
---273. Bibi Sarah,
---274. Bibi Fatima Saam,
---275. Bibi Khursum, (mother of Hadrat Baba Farid),
---276. Bibi Zulayka,
---277. Bibi Awliya.
The Conclusion :
---278. Short biography of the elders of the author,
The Epilogue :
---279. Condition of the early days of the author,
---280. Qadiri Supplication,
---281. Supplication in the court of Qadi al-Hajat [Supplier of Needs],
---282. Qasidah Na'atiyyah.
This is a unique Collectors Edition!!!
Dimensions : Slipcase Box: 28 x 18 x 8cm
Two separate Volumes in a boxed slipcase.