Anwar al-Hadith : Urdu,
[A5] Hardback - 539 pages,
by Mufti Jalal al-Din Amjadi [d.1421h],
Published by Kutub Khana Amjadia, India.
Description :
'' The necessity for such a book was greatly felt by Faqih ul-Millah, Allama Mufti Jalal al-Din Ahmad al-Qadiri al-Amjadi, May Allah be pleased with him, and thus he compiled this book.
The language used in 'Anwar al Hadith' is simple and easy to understand. Islamic rulings have been mentioned in quite an extraordinary style by laying the Ahadith in the sequence of Fiqh chapters. Ahadith have been collected from Sunan, Musannafat, Jawami' and Athar and frequently we see the Ahadith being commented upon by the sayings of our pious scholars.
Such a great book is clear evidence of the author (Faqih-e-Millat) being a Master in the the fields of scared knowledge; more specifically Fiqh and Hadith. There are many books written on various topics and different subjects all relating to Islam, however there is scarcity of such literature, which correctly propagate the true teachings of Islam.''---Shaykh Manzar ul Islam al-Azhari, North Carolina, USA.
Shaykh Jalal al-Din Ahmad Amjadi :
He is Faqih al-Millah, al-Shaykh Mufti Jalal al-Din Ahmad al-Amjadi al-Hanafi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. He was born in Uttar Pradesh, India in 1933/1352AH into a religious family. Faqih al-Millah memorised the Holy Qur'an at the tender age of 10 and subsequently studied the Islamic sciences and disciplines under numerous scholars, specifically Persian literature and other elementary books on Islam under Shaykh 'Abd al-Ra'uf and Shaykh 'Abd al-Bari in Iltifatganj. He then went onto study the Dars al-Nizami curriculum in Nagpur under Shaykh Arshad al-Qadiri, rahimahullah, and graduated at the age of 19 years.
Fiqh al-Millah despite hardships continued his education and striving for further knowledge until he became one of the greatest scholars of his generation. He taught at many seminaries across India, including Madrasa Fayd al-Ulum, Madrasa Qadriyya al-Ridawiyya in Bhawapur, Basti as well as Dar al-Ulum Fayd al-Rasul. He started issuing Fatawa at the age of 24, and continued to do so for 25 years until his health deteriorated. He also established a seminary for graduate scholars to train to become a Mufti. Faqih al-Millah gives the credit for his skills and proficiency in fatawa writing to his spiritual mentor, Sadr al-Shari'ah Shaykh Amjad 'Ali A'zami' rahmatullahi ta'ala alayhi.
Despite being dedicated to teaching his students sacred knowledge and issuing fatawa, Faqih al-Millat also authored numerous books with the aim of propagating and spreading the teachings and dotrine of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah; as preached and upheld by the great Gnostic, mufassir, muhaddith, mujaddid - Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri, alayhi ar-rahman. Some of his works being :
---Guldasta e Mathnawi,
---Ma'arif al-Qur'an,
---Anwar al-Shariat,
---Hajj o Ziyarat,
---Muhaqqiqanah Faysalah,
---Daruri Masa'il,
---Anwar al-Hadith,
---Ahkam e Niyyat,
---'Ilm al-Qur'an,
---Ta'zim al-Nabi, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---Bad Madhhabon se Rishtay,
---Ojhdi ka Masala,
---Bagh e Fadak awr Hadith e Qirtas,
---Ghayr Muqallideen ka Farayb,
---Fiqhi Pahayliyan (Aja'ib al-Fiqh),
---Nurani Ta'lim (in 6 parts),
---Khutbat e Muharram (Transl. as Madina to Karbala),
---Sayyid al-Awliya (a concise biography of Shaykh Ahmad Kabir al-Rifa'i, rahimahullah),
---Fatawa Fayd al-Rasul (in 2 Volumes),
---Al-Fatawa al-Barkatiyyah,
---Fatawa Faqih al-Millat (in 2 Volumes),
---Fatawa Markaz Taribiyat e Ifta (in 2 Volumes).
Besides teaching and writing Faqih al-Millah also travelled to different parts of the country to deliver sermons and speeches in order to promulgate the doctrine of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah. Ahsan al-Ulema, Shaykh Hasan al-Qadiri al-Barkati [d.1416h] rahimahullah, conferred Faqih al-Millah with Khilafah in the Qadiri, Barkati silsila (order). Faqih al-Millat departed from this world on the 3rd of Jumadi al-Ukhra 1421 AH / 23 August 2001.