The Four Donkeys of Satan,
Booklet - 36 pages,
by Mawlana Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri.
Description :
Beware of the merchandise of the 'Four Donkeys of the Devil, (shaytan)' :
It is said that Sayyiduna Isa, 'alayhi Salaam, once saw Satan with four loaded donkeys. He asked him what they were carrying.
Satan replied, “They are carrying my merchandise, one of them is carrying cruelty, another is carrying dishonesty, the third is carrying treachery, and the last one is carrying jealousy!”
He asked, “Who will buy this merchandise?” Satan replied, “Rulers will buy cruelty, traders will buy dishonesty, women will buy my treachery, and as far as the jealousy is
concerned, scholars will buy that.”
Ref: (Nuzha-tul-Majalis, V2, P53, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut).
Published by Dawate Islami.