Al Haq al-Mubeen, Urdu,
*[A5] Paperback - 131 pages,
by Allama Sayyad Ahmad Saeed Kazmi,
by Dawat e Islami, Pakistan.
Back in Stock June 2023
Description :
Radd-e-Wahabiyyat ma Deobandiyat!
Comprehensive refutation of the misguided sects who have strayed from the aqida of the 'Ahl al-Sunnah w'al-Jama'ah' - written by one of the leading scholars of his time, Allama Shaykh Sayyad Ahmad Saeed al-Kazmi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.
About the Author : Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad Saeed al-Kazmi, rahimahullah:
He is 'Ghazali al-Zaman' Allama wa Mawlana al-Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad Sa'id (Saeed) al-Kazimi, Rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. He was a sufi, a scholar, a renowned speaker, an author and a mufakkir (thinker) and was named 'Ghazali-e-Zaman' [the 'Imam Ghazali' of his time] by Muhaddith-e-Azam-e-Hind, Sayyad Muhammad al-Khicchochawi al-Ashrafi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, such was his standing amongst his contemporaries.
He was born in Amroha (India) on 13 March, 1913, being 4th Rabi al-Thani 1331 After Hijri. His father Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Mukhtar Ahmad Shah al-Kazimi, rahimahullah, passed away when Ahmed Saeed was still an infant. His eldest brother Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Khalil Kazmi brought him up, and his mother gave him his basic education. His uncle gave him Sanad-e-Hadith and his spiritual education which polished his special qualities.The family were well known throughout the region because of their knowledge, piety and nobility. They are the 35th descendent's from Imam Musa Kazim, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu.
Shaykh Ahmad Saeed migrated to Multan in 1935, and started teaching and giving lectures. He also taught Dars e Nizami classes, Dars e Hadith, Bukhari Sharif and Mishkat Sharif. He had married around this time, but was later to remarry after his first wife died after 9 years of marriage. Many of his offspring are renowned scholars of their own right. He founded Madarasa Arabiya Anwar al-Ulum (Multan) in 1943 (1362 After Hijri). This Islamic school provides higher education including Dars e Hadith, Dars e Nizami, Hifz, Tajwid, etc. A hostel is attached where poor and needy students live rent free.
Shaykh Ahmad Saeed also produced Al-Saeed (a regular monthly magazine). He compiled many books, some of them in defence of the Aqa'id of the Ahl al-Sunnat w'al Jama'at. Others being :
---Al-Bayan (al-Quran Urdu tarjuma),
---Al-Tibyan (al-Qur'an Urdu tafsir),
---Miraj al-Nabi,
---Al-Haq al-Mubin,
---Hayat e Nabi,
---Durood e Taj per Aitrazat ke Jawabat,
---Taskeen e Khawatir,
---Milad al-Nabi,
---Khutbat e Kazimi (3 Vols),
---Maqalat al-Kazimi (3/4 Vols).
Such was his standing and reputation that Shaykh Ahmad Saeed was either the founder of the most revered and largest Islamic organisations or was in some way a part of them. Such as Jama’at al-Ahl al-Sunnat (Islahi wing), Jamiyat Ulama al-Pakistan (political wing) Dawat e Islami (Tablighi wing), Anjuman Talaba al-Islam (student wing). On the request of Nawab of Bahawalpur and the Nawab of Kalabagh, Shaykh Ahmad Saeed accepted the post of Shaykh al-Hadith at the Islamiya University of Bahawalpur. He taught there for long time, where he fulfilled the spiritual needs of the people of Bahawalpur, and surrounding region.
The shaykh passed away on the 25th Ramadan 1406 Hijri (being the 4th June 1986). Their mausoleum is at Eid-Gaah, Multan, Pakistan.
More works of the Author.
*Dimensions : 21.2 x 13.5