Islam in the School of Madina: PB

 Islam in the School of Madina,
A Commentary on Ibn 'Ashir's Murshid al-Mu'in,
Paperback - 1006 pages,
by Ahmad ibn al-Bashir al-Qalawi ash-Shinqiti,
Translated by Dr. Asadullah Yate.

Description :

A Commentary on the Murshid al-Mu'in :  The Helping Guide to the Necessary Knowledge of the Deen.

Mufeed al-‘Ibad, of which this book is a translation, is a summation of all the previous commentaries on the work of Ibn ‘Ashir on Ash‘ari ‘aqida, Maliki fiqh and Junaydi tasawwuf and is augmented not infrequently by the author’s own subtle understanding of the finer aspects of the ‘amal of the people of Madina.

Table of Contents:

---'Abd al-Wahid ibn 'Ashir,
---Hamd - Praise,
---Salat an-Nabi - Asking for Blessings on the Prophet,
---The Name ''Muhammad,''
---His Family,
---The Poem's Subject Matter,

Iman -Aqida,
---Introduction to the Book of Aqida,
---The Necessarily True, The Inconceivable and the Conceivable,
---Taqlid in the matters of 'Aqida,

The Book of basic principles regarding 'Aqida,
---Wujud - Existence,
---Qidam - Existence from before time,
---Baqa - Going on,
---Ghina' mutlaq - Absolute Independence,
---Mukhalfa - His being different from His Creation,
---Wahda - Oneness,
---Qudra - Power,
---Irada - Will,
---'Ilm - Knowledge,
---As-Sam' wa'l-Basar - Hearing and Sight,
---Kalam - Speech,
---What attributes are impossible for Allah,
---What is conceivable for Allah.

The Proofs
---Wujud - Existence,
---Baqa' - Going On,
---Ghina - Independence,
---Wahda - Oneness,
---Hayat - Life,
---Unwavering Trust,
---The Books,
---The Messengers,
---The Angels,
---The Raising Up,
---The Decree,
---The Sirat,
---The Balance,
---The Basin of the Prophet,
---The Garden,
---The Fire,

Islam -Fiqh,
Introductory Matters
---From the Roots, whose branches are an aid to arrival,
---Wajib - Incumbent,
---Mandub - Recommended Actions,
---Ja'iz - Permissible,
---Makruh - Reprehensible actions,
---Haram - Forbidden,

The Book of Purification,

The Book of Salat,

Laws Governing the Juma'ah,

The Book of Zakat,

Zakat al-Fitr,

Book of Fasting,

The Book of Hajj,

Appendix consisting of Forty Hadith Regarding the Hajj,

Ihsan - Tasawwuf,

The Principles of Tasawwuf and the Guides to Realisation,


Shaykh Ahmad bin al-Bashir al-Qalaawi ash-Shinqeeti (1216 AH/1802 CE – 1276 AH/1853 CE), whose lineage can be traced to Abu Bakr as- Siddeeq, may Allah be pleased with him, came from a family and tribe in present day Mauritania renowned for its knowledge and active implementation of the deen. Although he himself refrained from any sufic commentary on Ibn Ashir’s work, he was recognised as a wali (saint) by the men of this science around him.

Dr Yate (Cantab.) has translated works from Arabic, Persian, German and French, and, in collaboration with others, from Turkish. He teaches Arabic and Fiqh at the Weimar Institute, is a Founding fellow of The Muslim Faculty of Advanced Studies, and is active on the shari'at board of the World Islamic Mint.

Also see Islamic History,
More Maliki related works.

Quality Publication, in excess of 1000 pages.

  • Shipping Weight: 1.495 kgs
  • 3 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Ibn 'Ashir

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