Al-Junayd : Life & Personality [M]

 The Life, Personality & Writings of al-Junayd,
*[A5] Paperback - 212 pages, [New Edition],
by Dr. Ali Hassan Abdel Kader,
Published by Islamic Book Trust, Malaysia.

Back in Stock January 2019

Description :

A Study of a ninth century (Common Era) Mystic with an Edition and Translation of his Writings.

Imam al-Junayd al-Baghdadi (d. 910), may Allah be pleased with him, was one of the most significant figures of the formative period of Islamic mystical thought and practice in the third to ninth century at the Abbasid capital, Baghdad. He was seen as playing the key role in establishing the 'sober' school of tasawwuf (Sufism) which was to become dominant later. 

     ***In Part [I] Dr Abdel-Kader reviews al-Junayd's, Allah be pleased
           with him
, life and the milieu in which he lived, and lists his works. 

     ***Part [II] is concerned with his doctrines, including that of Oblivion
           (fana'), & also discusses the extent to which he was influenced by the
           theories of Plotinus. 

     ***Part [III] consists of the edition and translation of the small body of
           surviving works, known collectively as the Rasa'il.

Table of Contents :


---Baghdad in the 3rd Century,
---Survey of Sources,
-----Ibn al-Arabi,
-----Abu Nu'aym,
-----Al-Qushayri, Al-Hujwiri,
-----Rasa'il al-Junayd.

---Chapter [1]. The Life, Personality & Writings of al-Junayd,
---1. Al-Junayd's Early Life and Education,
---2. Junayd's Mystical Sources,
------Al-Junayd's Teachers in Sufism,
--------Sari as-Saqati,
--------Ma'ruf al-Karkhi,
--------Muhammad al-Qassab,
--------Ibn al-Karanbi,
--------Abu Hafs al-Haddad,
--------Yahya ibn Mu'adh and Abu Yazid al-Bustami,
--------Yusuf b. Al-Husayn.
--------Junayd's travels,
---3. The Mystical School of Baghdad,
-------The Esoteric Character of the School,
-------Members of the School,
-------Junayd's Pupils,
---------Ahmad al-Jurayri,
---------Abu Bakr as-Shibli,
---------Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj,
---4. The Personality of al-Junayd,
---5. The Writings of al-Junayd,
-------Junayd's Mode of Expression,
-------The Style of al-Junayd,
-------Extant Works,
-------Lost Works,
--------Works wrongly attributed al Al-Junayd.
---Chapter [2]. The Doctrine of al-Junayd,
----1. The Doctrine of Unification,
----2. The Theory of Mithaq (covenant),
----3. The Theory of Fana (oblivion),
----4. The Doctrine of Sobriety, Sahw,
----5. The Knowledge of God (Ma'rifa),
----6. Al-Junayd and Plotinus,
-------Summary of Plotinus' General Philosophy,
-------Plotinus' Mystical Approach,
-------Comparison between Plotinus' and Al-Junayd's Mystical Teachings,

---Chapter [3]. The Rasa'il of al-Junayd,
----Letter by Abu'l Qasim al-Junayd to One of His Fellow Mystics,
----The Letter by Abu'l Qasim al-Junayd ibn Muhammad to Yahya ibn Ma'adh of Rayy,
----Another Letter by Abu'l Qasim al-Junayd to One of His Fellow Mystics,
----Kitab by al-Junayd to 'Amr ibn 'Uthman al-Makki,
----A Letter by Abu'l Qasim al-Junayd to Abu Yaqub Yusuf ibn al-Husayn ar-Razi,
----Kitab al-Fana,
----Kitab al-Mithaq,
----On Divinity,
----Kitab fi'l Farq bain al-Ikhlas was-Sidq,
----Another Chapter which deals with Tawhid,
----Another Question (on Tawhid),
----A Further Five Question's (on Tawhid),
----The Last Question (on Tawhid),
----Rules of Conduct for One who is Dependent upon God.


Decent quality Malaysian Print.

More Sufism books.

*Dimensions : 21.6 x 14.8cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.385 kgs
  • -1 Units in Stock

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