What is the Origin of Man?

What is the Origin of Man? 5th Edition Revised,
The Answers of Science & the Holy Scriptures,
*[A5] Paperback - 221 pages,
by Dr Maurice Bucaille,
Transl. from French by Alastair D. Pannell,
Published by Al-Falah Islamic Books.


Now in Stock - December 2022

Description :

What is the Origin of Man ? This book is a work of  mature reflection written with the aim of exposing outmoded antagonisms between science and religion, and showing that far from standing in opposition, the two are perfectly compatible. Whatever the reader’s personal beliefs, he will find here many concrete facts that are all too often overlooked when the subject of man’s origins is raised. Thus, the reader will be better equipped to take a fresh look at the contribution made by genuine scientific discoveries – free from all ideology – and by the new light that has been cast on the Holy Scriptures.

Since the publication of The Bible, The Qur'an and Science, By Dr. Maurice Bucaille  in 1976 (now a best-seller in France and the Muslim world ), Doctor Bucaille has become a respected commentator on the Holy Scriptures, particularly the Qur'an, to which he introduces the benefits of his wide ranging scientific knowledge. Man has pondered his origins for thousands of years, but until recently, his only source of ideas consisted of notions drawn from religious teachings and various philosophical systems. Not until modern times, and the arrival of data of a different kind, has he been able to approach the problem of his origins from a new angle.

In Maurice Bucaille, we have a rare example of a medical practitioner who has closely studied the Scriptures of the monotheistic religions. At age fifty, he learned Arabic in order to thoroughly understand the original text of the Qur’an.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Evolution in the animal kingdom established facts and gaps in our knowledge,
---The origins of life and the diversity of living beings,
---The concept of evolution in the animal kingdom. The difficulty of solving the problem,
---Lamarck and transformism,
---Darwin and natural selection, or a hypothesis survives through ideology,
---Essential features of evolution that should not be overlooked,
---The role of chance and necessity,
---The complexity of cellular organization and the genes
---The genes: Their role in evolution and other processes,
---Creative evolution.  

Chapter 2. The evolution of man compared with that of other living beings similarities
    and differences,
---The successive waves of human types: From primitive man to homo sapiens,
---Evolution in the various human groups,
---The most debated origin: The apes or their ancestors,
---Innate and acquired behaviour: A comparison between man and the animals
---The influence of creative evolution in man’s development.   

Chapter 3. The first answer of the holy scriptures: The bible,
---The need to know the origin and history of the texts,
---Modern approaches to the books of the bible,
---The creation of man according to the bible: The narratives and their context.   

---Chapter 4. The origin, transformations and reproduction of man according to the Qur'an,
---Preliminary notions on the Qur'anic text, Its history and contents,
---The origin and perpetuation of life,
---The origin of man and transformations of the human form over the ages,
---Human reproduction: Its effects upon transformations in the species.   

Chapter 5. The compatibility between religion and science,
---The many approaches to the question,
---The difficulties encountered,
---The concept of creation and science,
---Evolution in the animal kingdom and the transformations of the human form,
---Cellular organization and the origin of the genetic code a scientific enigma,
---The evolution of living beings, a special case within the general evolution of the universe,
---The compatibility between religion and science.

---Index of Quotations from the Qur'an.

Dr Maurice Bucaille is an eminent French surgeon, scientist, scholar and author of 'The Bible, The Qur'an and Science which contains the result of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Qur'an. It is a unique contribution in the field of religion and science.

Being an outstanding Scientist, he was elected to treat the mummy of Merneptah (Pharaoh) which he did. During his visit to Saudi Arabia he was shown the verses of the Holy Quran in which Allah says that the dead body of the Pharaoh will be preserved as a ''Sign'' for posterity. An impartial scientist like Dr. Bucaille, who (being also a Christian) was converstant with the Biblical version of Pharaoh's story as being drowned in pursuit of Prophet Moses, peace be upon him. He was pleasantly surprised to learn that unknown to the world till only of late, the Holy Qur'an made definite prediction about the preservation of the body of that same Pharaoh of Moses time. This led Dr. Bucaille to study the Holy Qur'an thoroughly after learning the Arabic language. The final conclusion of his comparative study of Qur'an and the Bible is that the statements about scientific phenomena in the Holy Qur'an are perfectly in conformity with the modern sciences whereas the Biblical narrations on the same subjects are scientifically entirely unacceptable.





Also see Inter-faith,

Also see Dawah,
Also see Science.

*Dimensions : 21.7 x 14.2cm.



  • Shipping Weight: 0.445 kgs
  • 6 Units in Stock

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