The Return of the Islamic Gold Dinar,
*[A5] Paperback - 160 pages, New Edition,
by Rais 'Umar Ibrahim Vadillo,
Published by Madinah Press.
Description :
This book ends the deception of Islamic banking and opens the discourse
to recover the broken pillar of Zakat. This book is very important.
Extract from the Preface :
''There is no doubt that this work puts behind it a century of
suffering and defeat for the Muslims and opens the coming age to a
powerful and revived Islam. All Islamic issues for one hundred
years have been presented within a dialectic of tradition and modernity.
To support tradition was to be accused of obscurantism, rejecting
technology, and dragging the Muslim world 'into the Middle Ages'.
support modernity implied acceptance of representative party political
assembly, all technical invention, nation states, and supra-national
institutions. Problems were posited as political, and solutions as
copying the 'West'. Egyptian activists fought Sadat, Syrians Assad and
so on. Kashmir wanted independence. So did Bosnia, Palestine, Algeria.
When Iran expelled the Shah it declared itself a Republic, invented
assembly government, changed the name of the secret police, printed
paper money, continued torture, and sent ambassadors to the United
The ills of the Islamic community can be listed:
nationalism, fixed surname census for taxation, conscription, and dismal
government. Yet all the attempts to liberate the enslaved Muslims have
not only ended in failure, they have met the cynical disinterest of
world media. Israeli soldiers, using rubber bullets, had deliberately
targeted and blinded in one eye over two hundred children between the
ages of six months and fifteen years. Hospitals ran out of glass eyes.
Yet, worse than that was the fact that Palestinian men sent their
children to fight for them. What more shameful bid'a is there than that?
Let us suppose however that Palestine becomes a state, or that Algeria
and Chechnya gain independence. They will open a national bank, print a
currency, and then turn to one of the super-banks like the IMF and beg
for a loan. It will be granted. Apart from the crippling interest, and
assurance that the 'Free Market' will pass its commodities and land to
foreign investors, it will be obliged to dump the very Islamic legal
framework it fought for. There are no political solutions. There are no
personality politics.
The banking system commands the
inter-nationalist institutions of the world today. Political
independence and social reformation are governed by the categorical
imperatives of the stock exchanges and currency manipulation. The
end to the enslavement of the Muslim masses does not require a jihad in
the traditional sense but a struggle to obey Allah, restore Zakat, the
fallen pillar of Islam - an empowered tax collection not a charity gift-
and abolish usury. It is this author's achievement to indicate the
necessary method for such a program.
The subject matter of this
important work has already entered into the political discourse of the
Muslims. This text and minted gold Dinars and silver Dirhams were
presented by its author to Dr. Erbakan, Leader of the Rifah Party,
Turkey's National Islamic Party. Dr. Erbakan then declared that on being
elected the gold Dinar would become the national currency. It created a
sensation. Much more than any phantasm of terrorist activity, the usual
instrument of the media to alienate the public, the possibility of gold
coins replacing the disastrously inflated paper lire, created panic. If
any proof were needed that finally the real issue had been identified,
the fear of the secular political parties certainly provided it.
an Islamic Conference hosted by the City of Istanbul and its Mayor,
Ayyub Erdogan, Dr. Erbakan called me onto the platform to hold up the
Dinars to the Istanbul citizens. The vast hall erupted in thunderous
applause and shouted takbirs. It was a historic moment and one that will
inevitably lead to implementation of the program proposed in this book.
speaking this book marks the end of fundamentalist political Islam and
opens the way to that Islam whose pure source is Madinah, and which has
not changed since the creation of that city, place of the deen, by our
Master, may Allah bless him and give him peace. This path will restore
the Ummah to its unified form and governance. Reading this book I hear
the gates of Madinah swing open.'' ---Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi Al-Murabit.
*Dimensions : 21.6 x 14cm.