Al-Wazifa Al-Karima : Urdu,
[A5] Booklet - 47 pages,
by Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, rahmatullahi a'alayhi.
Published by Dawat e Islami.
Back in Stock Jan 2020
Description :
The acclaimed du'a and wazifa book by the great mujaddid, AlaHadrat al-Shaykh al-Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan.
Contains everyday supplications, du'as for morning and evening, night-time, for hifazat, barkat and wazaif to prevent evil.
The prayers and invocations in this manual have been transmitted by A'l?hadrat Im?m Ahmad Rid? Kh?n al-Q?dir?, May Allah be pleased with him, and collated, with invocations, by Hujjat al-Isl?m Shaykh H?mid Rid? Kh?n, May Allah be pleased with him, al-Mufti al-A'zam Shaykh Mustaf? Rid? Kh?n, May Allah be pleased with him, and al-Mufassir al-A'zam Shaykh Ibr?h?m Rid? Kh?n "J?l?n? Miy?", May Allah be pleased with him. All Du'as and supplications have been taken from the Qur'an, the Sunnah or transmitted from heart to heart from the Awliya.
Urdu Language.
Also available in English.