Fatawa Malik al-Ulema : Urdu

 Fatawa Malik al-Ulema - ''Nafi ul bashar fi Fatawa Zafar '' 
[A4] Hardback - 512 pages- Bi-lingual Urdu and Arabic,
Compiled by: Allama, 'Shah Muhammad Zafar-ud-Din, al-Bihari.
Published by: al-majma al-ridwi, Mahalla Sauda(n) Gara(n), Bareilly Shareef.

Description :

Includes 6 Juristic Treatise of 'Malik ul-Ulema ' :

---[1]. Tanwir ul-Misbah lil-qiyam 'inda Hayya 'al'l-fatah (1330H),
---[2]. 'Id Ka Chand (1370H),
---[3]. Tuhfat 'ul-ahbab fi fath 'il-Kuwati w'al-bab (1336H)
---[4]. I'ilam us-Sajid bi sarfi julud al-adhiyati fi'l-masajid (1325H),
---[5]. Nusrat-ul-ashab bi aqsam Iysal ath-thawab (1354H),
---[6]. Mawahib Arwah al-Qudusi li-Kashfi hukm il-'Urs (1324H).

He was 'Malik al-Ulema,' Shah Muhammad Zafar-ud-Din, al-Qadri, al-Ridawi, al-Ashrafi, al-Bihari 'alayhi al-Rahman, (1303-1382 hijri) was one of the great scholars in the Indian Sub-continent at the turn of the century. He had been given the title 'Malik ul ulama' by his contemporaries meaning they deemed him the king amongst the ulama of his time.

He was not just a great muhaddith and jurist but was also a master of Science and worldly knowledge.  In particular he was renowned for establishing accurate salah times for different areas using his expertise in both fiqh and science.  He was also a prolific writer and debater, and this risāla before you, which is in fact a response to a number of questions, gives a taste of the wealth and depth of his research and understanding.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.895 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Allama Zafar al-Din Bihari

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