The Path of Muhammad,
salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyyah :
A Book on Islamic Morals and Ethics -
[A5+] Paperback - 366 pages,
by Imam Muhammad Ali al-Birgivi, [d. 1573 C.E.]
Interpreted by: Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti,
Foreword by Shaykh Abdul Mabud,
Introduction by Vincent J. Cornell.
World Wisdom - 'Spiritual Classics Series'
Description :
Imam Birgivi's, may Allah be pleased with him, work of : al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyyah - The Path Of Muhammad : A Book On Islamic Morals And Ethics is the first complete translation and interpretation today of a manuscript composed in the 16th century. This work is widely used today as an Arabic text in numerous universities throughout the Islamic world.
A classic text of Islamic spirituality that delineates rules for living in accordance with Prophet Muhammad, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam's, teachings. The Path Of Muhammad was meant to serve as an example for all Muslims to follow. It also provides a unique reference for comparing ethical tenets of Islam to that of other religions. Though the passage of centuries, let alone the gulfs between cultures may alter how The Path Of Muhammad is perceived today, it nonetheless stands as a ground-breaking text in successive generation's struggles to codify morality and responsible behaviour.
Also included in this remarkable volume is a copy of "The Last Will and Testament (Vasiyyetname)" of Imam Birgivi, as well as a summary of his life's teachings.
''After the Hajj, it is proper to visit the beatified tomb of our Beloved
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in Madina.
As he was closest of all the creation to Allah Most High, who created
him from His own divine light, we may hope to come close to Allah the
Almighty through him. He is the greatest guide to Him. He is the one
who was honoured with carrying His divine words to us, to bring us the
awareness of truth. He is the one on whom we depend to intercede for
us. Blessed is he who will see his light there, who will feel the presence
of Paradise in the space between his blessed tomb and the minbar
where he preached. ''
Reviews of The Path of Muhammad
The Path Of Muhammad: A Book On Islamic Morals And Ethics is the first complete translation and interpretation of a manuscript composed in the 16th century by Sufi scholar Imam Birgivi, still used today as an Arabic text in numerous universities throughout the Islamic world. A classic text of Islamic spirituality that delineates rules for living in accordance with Muhammad's teachings, The Path Of Muhammad was meant to serve as an example for all Muslims to follow. It also provides a unique reference for comparing ethical tenets of Islam to that of other religions. Though the passage of centuries, let alone the gulfs between cultures may alter how The Path Of Muhammad is perceived today, it nonetheless stands as a ground-breaking text in successive generations’ struggles to codify morality and responsible behavior. Also included in this remarkable volume is a copy of “The Last Will and Testament” (Vasiyyetname) of Imam Birgivi, a summary of his life's teachings.---Midwest Book Review
“This incredible compendium of moral and spiritual topics, all seen through the eyes of a traditional Sufi and scholar, always hearkens back to the earliest sources of the Islamic faith, i.e., the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet. In our day, which is characterized by a great misunderstanding of Islam, this work outlines the ideal of an Islamic society at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.”—Banyen Books and Sound
“This long-awaited classic of Islamic spirituality fulfills important needs in scholarship of the history of Sufism and in the contemporary search for spiritual direction in today’s troubled world…In an era of rampant fundamentalism and simplistic and politicized responses to the world’s problems, this work reminds us that the greater struggle is within ourselves, and that the life of the body cannot be improved without the transformation of the soul. '' —Vincent J. Cornell, University of Arkansas
"Originally written in Arabic under the title of al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyyah (The Path of Muhammad), this book is used as a basic textbook on Islamic moral and ethical teachings at many universities in the Muslim world, but thanks to Shaykh Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti, it is now available in English translation for the first time. It also incorporates Imam Birgivi's Vasiyyetname, or his last will and testament, which summarizes his entire moral and ethical teachings in just over fifty pages.
Imam Birgivi was an orthodox Islamic scholar who emphasized the moral and spiritual teachings of Islam at a time when materialistic values and attitude had gripped the Ottoman State like never before. Following in the footsteps of Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali, who wrote his famous Ihya 'Ulum al-Din (Re-vivification of the Religious Sciences), and Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, who also wrote his Kitab Akhlaq wa'l Siyar (Book of Morality and Behaviour), back in the eleventh century, Imam Birgivi worked tirelessly to revive the moral and spiritual teachings of Islam within the Ottoman State in the sixteenth century. His Vasiyyetname, consisting of pages 1 to 56 of the above book, provides one of the most detailed descriptions of the Prophet, his character, morals and manners I have yet to read.
Today we are living at a very difficult and challenging time, when the political and ideological dimension of Islam is frequently invoked by radicals in many parts of the Muslim world, often at the expense of the moral, ethical, and spiritual teachings of Islam. They seek to justify their crimes and atrocities by twisting the teachings of the Qur'an and Prophet. In this gem of a book, Imam Birgivi however reminds us that Islam, based on the Qur'an and the sunnah, the normative practice of the Prophet, is, first and foremost, a religion of peace and humanity rather than bloodshed and killing.
The Prophet Muhammad, who exemplified both the exoteric and esoteric dimensions of Islam at its best, never failed to emphasise the importance of being patient and steadfast in the face of hardship, suffering and adversity. He also reminded us that God will put each and everyone one of us through tests, trials and tribulation at different times, and that those who patiently persevere will ultimately prevail. At times of happiness and joy, the Prophet used to praise and glorify God most profusely, and he advised all Muslims to do likewise, for only those who are grateful will attain Divine pleasure, here and in the hereafter.
Consisting of twenty-seven short chapters, in this remarkable book, Imam Birgivi has summarized the beauty and essence of the Prophet's teachings for everyone to learn and follow. Many years ago, I read a small book, entitled The Lantern of the Path (Dorset, 1989) by Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, the great Muslim scholar and sage who lived in the eighth century in Madinah, which I found to be a powerful exposition of Islamic moral, ethical and spiritual teachings. Imam Birgivi's book reads almost like a commentary on that book.
I recommend this book to all Muslims, especially the younger generation, who today find themselves at a crossroad. This book provides a powerful and compelling insight into the life and teachings of the Prophet who showed us how to live in peace with God's creation and spread goodness on earth, and in so doing he became, in the words of the Qur'an, a `mercy for the universe'." —Muhammad Khan, for The Muslim News
"This influential text…has appeal for a wide-ranging audience: ethicists, students of religion and spirituality, and those who are interested in learning about the ethical and moral ideals of Islam, an issue perhaps never as pertinent as today.…This text carries a strong appeal for a modern reader. More importantly, the readers whose interest in ethics goes beyond intellectual and academic deliberations alone will find this text equally rewarding, and even much more. For the richness and the diversity of the moral issues considered, the conceptual nuances displayed throughout, and the practicality of the advice offered, this text seems to have few equals. Highly recommended." —Virginia Quarterly Review
"On the whole this is a good book for the preachers of Islam to acquire. Shaykh Tosun Bayrak has rendered it great service by translating this book into English." —Muslim Education Quarterly
Table of Contents :
---List of Illustrations,
------English translations of Arabic Calligraphy,
---Note on Abbreviations,
---Foreword by Shaykh Abdul Mabud,
---Introduction by Vincent J. Cornell.
The Last Will and Testament :
---The Vasiyyetname of Imam Birgivi,
------On Allah, May He be Glorified and Exalted,
------On the Angels,
------On the Revealed Scriptures,
------On the Prophets, peace be upon them all,
------On the Prophet Adam, alayhi as-Salam,
------On the Holy Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---------His Miracles,
---------His Birth,
---------His Spiritual State,
---------His Nature,
---------His Physical Appearance,
---------His Manner,
---------His Displeasure,
---------His Dressing,
---------His Eating and Drinking,
---------His Sleeping,
---------His Family Relations,
---------His Possessions,
---------His Devotions,
---------His Acts of Remembrance,
---------His Passing,
------On the Rightly Guided Caliphs,
------On the End of the World and the Day of Judgement,
------On Destiny,
------The Pillars of Faith,
---------On Profession of Faith,
---------On Praying,
---------On Fasting,
---------On Poor Rate (Zakat),
---------On Pilgrimage.
Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyyah :
The Path of Muhammad, may Allah Bless him & Grant him peace,
---[1]. On Holding Firm to the Holy Book and The Traditions of the Prophet,
---[2]. On Pernicious Innovations,
---[3]. On Economy in Deeds,
---[4]. Elements of Belief,
---[5]. On Knowledge,
---[6]. On Righteousness,
---[7]. On the Denial of God,
---[8]. On Self-Indulgence,
-------and Blind Imitation,
---[9]. On Sanctimony and Hypocrisy,
---[10]. On Ambition,
---[11]. On Identifying Evil,
---[12]. On Arrogance,
-------- and on Humility,
---[13]. On Envy,
---[14]. On Anger,
---[15]. On Forbearance,
---[16]. Relating to the goods of this world,
---[17]. On Money: How to use it and Not to waste it,
---[18]. On Careless Haste,
---[19]. On Hopelessness,
---[20]. The Use of the Tongue,
---[21]. On Listening,
---[22]. On Looking,
---[23]. On Touching,
---[24]. On Eating and Drinking,
---[25]. On Sex,
---[26]. On Coming and Going,
---[27]. Other Private and Social Offences to be Avoided.
---Afterword by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak,
---Biographical Notes.
More info :
"The Path of Muhammad" has been translated for the first time into English by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak, who has also "interpreted" the text. The Path of Muhammad is accompanied by another, shorter text, The Last Will and Testament by Imam Birgivi. Together, these two texts range through traditional Islamic views on the nature of God, revelation, angels, prophethood, religious duties, virtue, faith, mysticism, the nature of knowledge, and many more topics.
From lofty considerations on, for example, the nature of evil, to earth-bound considerations on, as another example, how to spend money, Imam Birgivi's texts always show readers how they can purify their minds, hearts, and bodies. This incredible compendium of moral and spiritual topics, all seen through the eyes of a traditional Sufi and scholar, always hearkens back to the earliest sources of the Islamic faith (i.e., the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet) in order to "remind you of your own departure from this world, and help in your salvation."
Highly Recommended!
Dimensions: 15.2 x 2.7 x 22.9 cm.