Dimensions of Islam [HB]

Dimensions of Islam :
*[A4] Hardback - 272 pages,
by Mawlana Abdul Aleem al-Siddiqui al-Qadiri,
Transl. & Edited by Abdul Hadi Qadri,
Published by Imam Ahmad Raza Academy, South Africa.





Description :

This large book consists of 11 treatises delivered by the 'Roving Ambassador of Islam,' the highly intellectual sufi scholar and master, Hadrat Mawlana as-Shaykh as-Shah 'Abdul Aleem al-Siddiqui al-Qadiri, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. These treatises were administered in various parts of the world.

Shaykh Abdul Aleem was an eminent khalifa of the venerated Reviver & Reformer of Islam, AlaHadrat Shaykh Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan. These lectures inspired thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Many non-Muslims embraced Islam on his hands after listening to his inspiring talks. Let this book be a source of guidance to Mankind.

       *includes extensive footnotes and Qur'anic references.
       **includes Blessed Sandal (Nalayn Shareef) Bookmark! 

This New (Hardback Edition) version of 'Dimensions of Islam' includes the following books (see Contents below) all in one single volume.


Table of Contents :

--- About the Author, Brief Biography,

Chapter [1]. A Shavian and a Theologian,
---An Illuminating Conversation between His Eminence Mawlana Abd al-Alim Siddiqui and George Bernard Shaw, [a must read],

Chapter [2]. Quest for True Happiness, Lecture delivered in Washington, USA (1950),
---Mans Limitation,
---The Physical World - A World of Limitations,
---True Happiness Through Religion,
---What do we mean by Religion?
---Which Religion should be our guide today ?
---The Qur'anic Guidance on True Happiness.

Chapter [3]. Cultivation of Science by the Muslims,
Lecture delivered in Tokyo by Mawlana Abd al-Alim Siddiqui.
---Geology and Geography,

Chapter [4]. The Universal Religion,
---[i] Necessity of Religion,
------Status of Man,
------The Concept of Loss and Gain,
------The Working of the Universe,
------Experiments are not permananently true,
------Human urge,
------How to satisfy the human urge,
---[ii] Everything presupposes a Manufacturer or a Maker,
------In light of Philiosphy,
------Concept of God in Religion,
------God's Knowledge is Eternal and His Knowledge All-Encompassing,
------Difference between human and divine laws,
------Every artist loves his art.
---[iii] Reality about the Revelation, i.e How can Prophets & Apostles Commune with God?
------Hearing Immaterial messages from Immaterial Sources and Knowledge of Unseen things and through Unseen Ways,

Chapter [5]. Spiritual Culture in Islam,
---Vedic Religion,

Chapter [6]. The Clarion Call, Lecture delivered in South Africa,
---Decisive Community Programme of Action for the Sake of the wider Muslim Community,
-----Central Body Missionary Centre, Location, Branches, Libraries, Translation of the Holy Qur'an and other Islamic Books, Presence of Qualified men at offices at stated times, Propaganda and Pamphlets, Free Distribution, Shops in the Jungle, Education Committee, Registration of Schools, Curriculum, Supervision, Changes and Reforms in the Schools, Increase of Teacher Staff, Subsidies, School of Theology, Training of 'Ulama, Missionaries, Scholarship, Religious Instructions for Boys at English Schools, Collection of Funds, Budget, Contribution from the Branches, Fees, Head Office, and General Policy.

Chapter [7]. The Forgotten Path of Knowledge,
---Knowledge is not an 'end' but a means to an 'end,'

Chapter [8]. The History of the Codification of Islamic Law, Lecture delivered in Trinidad,
---[i] Some Basic Observations,
---[ii] Arrangement and Compilation of the Holy Qur'an,
---[iii] Compilation of Prophetic Traditions and Biographies of Reporters,
---[iv] Preservers of Hadith and Scholars of Law among the Companions,
---[v] The Codification of Law,
---[vi] Ijtihad and Mujtahid,

Chapter [9].  Women and their Status in Islam, Lecture delivered in Tokyo, 27th July 1936,
---Status of a Daughter,
---Status of a Wife,
---Psychology of the Veil.

Chapter [10]. The Principles of Islam,
---Fundamental Belief,
---What the Qur'an Reveals.

Chapter [11]. The Universal Teaching, Lecture delivered at the Milad Conference, Bombay, in 1935.
---The important function of Celebrating the Prophet's Birthday,
---[i] Islam:  A Universal Religion,
---[ii] Necessity of Qur'anic Revelation,
---[iii] The Finality of Islam,
---[iv] The Holy Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, as a Model,
[I] Relations with fellow-beings,
---[a] Duty to Parents,
---[b] Duty to Children,
---[c] Relations between Wives and Husband,
---[d] Treatment of Friends and Acquaintances,
---[e] Attitude towards Enemies,
[II] Relation with Allah Almighty.

About the Author : Mawlana Shaykh Abd al-Alim Siddiqui, al-Qadiri, rahmatullahi 'alayh, was born on 15th Ramadan 1310 hijri in Meerut, India. He hails from the noble Siddiqui family who are direct descendants of 'Amir al-Mominin' Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr al-Siddique, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, in the 37th generation. His father, Hadrat Mawlana 'Abd al-Hakim Siddiqui al-Qadiri, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, was a distinguished scholar and a high ranking 'Alim of Din. He was also devout Sufi Master of the Qadiriyyah Spiritual Order.

Mawlana Abdul Alim al-Siddiqui learned Arabic and Persian at an early age, until his elder brother, Mawlana Shah Ahmad Mukhtar Siddiqui, rahimullah, who was also a respected scholar in his own right, took him to Bareilly Shareef and handed him over to the great Mujaddid, Arif e Billah A'laHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, Muhaddith al-Barelwi, may Allah sanctify his secret. Here he was groomed in many Islamic sciences including strenuous spiritual training in tasawwuf under the supervision of the Shaykh al-Akbar [A'laHadrat] of his time. He was an influential orator and addressed a huge crowd at a Mawlid Celebration at the tender age of nine years. This was his first public speech and he spoke on the Excellence of Sayyiduna Rasulullah, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam. After spiritual perfection, A'laHadrat bestowed on him the Khilafah of the Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah Silsilah. It was here that the ardent love of the Beloved Habib, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, was injected into his heart that transformed him into a perfect human (Insan al-Kamil). Besides his noble father and AalaHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman, some of his other notable teachers were :

  a] Mawlana 'Abd al-Hayy Farangi Mahalli,
  b] 'Arif Billah Shaykh Ahmad al-Shams Shamil of Morocco,
  c] Shaykh al-Sanusi of Libya,
  d] Hakim Ah'tasham al-Din [taught him Tibb :Unani Medicine].

In Madinah al-Munawwarah he was lovingly called 'Tabib al-Hindi'  (The Indian Physician).Mawlana was also a celebrated poet and used 'Alim as his poetic pen name.   He also studied at the Punjab University where he obtained a degree in Oriental languages. Mawlana was fluent in many languages, namely urdu, Arabic, Persian, German, Japanese and Suhaili.

Till this day, Hadrat Mawlana is recognised and accepted as the 'Roving Ambassador of Islam' for his invaluable services to Islam and Muslims Internationally. He travelled extensively to the four corners of the globe and preached Islam. Numerous pesons embraced Islam on his hands and millions benefited from his services of Din. In his tours, he met with leaders of every religion and faith exchanging views not only on Religion but also on political and social dimensions. His approach and presentation of Islam won the hearts of many intellectuals and statesmen, who reverted to Islam on his hands. He not only propagated Islam wherever he went, but he also established socio-religious centres that to this day are rendering invaluable services to the masses.

Hadrat Mawlana was an ardent Lover of of the Beloved Habib, Sayyiduna Muhammad, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, and always prayed to die and be buried in the sacred city of Madina al-Munawwarah, his wish was granted when he departed at the age of 63 years in 1373 Hijri and was laid to rest at the feet of Umm al-Mominin Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah, radi Allahu ta'ala anha, in Jannat al-Baqi.

Highly Recommended!

When this book was first written it was deemed to be way ahead of it's time. There are numerous points of interest as well as insightful knowledge for the seeker.




*Hardback : Size: 25 x 19cm.



NB Dimensions' will have traces of white paper stuck on inner covers due to dustjacket removal.










Current Reviews: 1

  • Shipping Weight: 1.115 kgs
  • 204 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Sh. Abdul Alim al-Siddiqui

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