Imaam Ahmad Ridaa Khan:
A Versatile Personality,
[A5] Paperback - 34 Pages, Bi-lingual (English & Urdu),
by Mawlaana Kawsar Niazi,
Foreword by M.Bana.
Out of Stock & Out of Print
Description :
'' This treatise was presented as a paper by the Late Mawlaana Kawsar Niazi, ex.Member of the Senate and Federal Minister of Pakistan at a conference in Karachi. The conference was convened by Idaarah Tahqeeqat-e-Imaam Ahmad Ridaa of Karachi to honour and render tribute to the greatest Islamic Scholar ever to emerge in the Indo-Pak Sub-continent - the Mujaddid of Islaam Aa'laa Hadrat Imaam Ahmad Ridaa Khaan, 'alayhi ar-Rahmah wa 'al Ridwaan.
It must be borne in mind that Mawlaana Kawsar Niazi is in no way connected to the school of thought of A'laa Hadrat Imaam Ahmad Ridaa 'alayhi ar-Rahman, on the contrary some of his tutors were Mawlavi Mawdoodi of Jamaat Islami, Mawlavi Idrees Kaandhaylawee Deobandi, Mawlavi Ubaydul Haq Nadwi and others. Therefore, the Mawlaana's treatise replete with praises, glorification and appreciation for Aa'laa Hadrat 'alayhi ar-Rahman, certainly cannot be discounted as bias or partisan. He has presented his subject as he saw it, independently, objectively and devoid of any prejudice or jealousy. ''
This 'must have' book is split into two sections English and Urdu.
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