Secret of Secrets - [Sirr al-Asrar] :
A Rare Classic on Tasawwuf,
[A4] Hardback with Dustjacket - 240 pages,
by Sayyadina Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani,
Transl. & Notes by Abdul Hadi Qadri,
Published by 'Barkaaturr Raza' Durban.
RRP £19.95
Description :
This book Sirr al-Asrar [Secret of Secrets] contains the words of the Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice, the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints & the Masters of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have reached their spiritual destination, Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala's, Gray Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, [Exalted is He], the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain, Shaykh Muhyi'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husayni [may Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, sanctify his splendid innermost being, and may He illuminate his noble mausoleum].
'' This book contains the very essence of Sufism, giving a Sufi
explanation of the fundamental duties of Islam —
Prayer, Fasting, Alms giving and Pilgrimage.''
Secret of Secrets forms a bridge between Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani’s, May Allah be pleased with him, two famous works, Ghunyat al-talibin (Wealth for Seekers), which is meant to inspire men and women to be good practicing Muslims, and Futuh al-ghayb (Revelation of the Unseen), a late collection of lectures on mystical topics.
'This work, which contains a biographical introduction to one of the author's least-known works, represents a valuable contribution to the field ... the translator's introduction provides an insight into the various personal qualities and divine graces which are recognised in combination as proof of sainthood...It is clearly and elegantly presented, accessible, and has the considerable merit of combining metaphysical doctrine with devotional ethics as encapsulated in the life and work of one of the most endearingly popular Sufis of all time.'--- Journal of Islamic Studies.
Table of Contents :
---Qasida al Ghawthiya : Arabic.
---About the Author,
------1). His Nisba or genealogy,
------2). Some of his titles, beautifully rendered in the prologue of Jala' al-Khawatir,
------3). Concerning Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased with him,
--------The Author's Life in Baghdad,
------4). The Birth of Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir, may Allah be pleased with him,
------5). The Shaykh's physical departure (wisal),
---Concerning the Charismatic Qualities and Exploits of Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir,
-------A Glance from the Shaykh enables a pupil to experience spiritual poverty he seeks,
---How Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir responded to questions on various topics,
-------Concerning Divinely Inspired Receivings [mawarid Ilahiyyah],
-------Concerning love [mahab'hah],
-------Concerning the realisation of Divine Oneness [tawhid],
-------Concerning detachment [tajrid],
-------Concerning direct knowledge [ma'rifah],
-------Concerning spiritual aspiration [himma],
-------Concerning reality [haqiqa],
-------Concerning the highest of all the degrees of Divine Remembrance [dhikr],
-------Concerning ardent yearning [shawq],
-------Concerning absolute trust [tawakkul],
-------Concerning contrition [inaba],
-------Concerning repentance [tawbah],
-------Concerning this world [ad-dunya],
-------Concerning weeping [buka],
-------Concerning Sufism [tasawwuf],
-------Concerning the difference between exultation [ta'azzuz] and arrogance [takabbur],
-------Concerning thankfulness [shukr],
-------Concerning patience [sabr],
-------Concerning goodness of moral character [husn al-khulq],
-------Concerning acceptance [akhdh] and rejection [radd],
-------Concerning truthfulnesss [sidq],
-------Concerning personal extinction [fana'],
-------Concerning survival in perpetuity [baqa'],
-------Concerning fulfillment of duty [wafa'],
-------Concerning contentment [rida'],
-------Concerning self-will [irada],
-------Concerning Divine providence ['inaya],
-------Concerning the state of ecstasy [wajd],
-------Concerning fear [khawf],
-------Concerning hope [raja'],
-------Concerning the sense of shame [haya'],
-------Concerning direct witnessing [mushahada],
-------Concerning nearness [qurb],
-------Concerning spiritual inebriation [sukr],
-------Concerning the meaning of the term ''(spiritual) pauper'' [faqir].
---Introduction to Secrets of Secrets by: Shaykh 'Abd al-Hadi al-Qadiri al-Radawi,
---Khutbah, (sermon),
The Secret of Secrets :
---Chapter [1]. Concerning the Beginning of Creation,
---Chapter [2]. Return of Man to the Original Abode,
---Chapter [3]. Return of Man to the Lowest State,
---Chapter [4]. The Power of the Soul in the Physical Body,
---Chapter [5]. Concerning tawbah and Religious Instructions,
---Chapter [6]. Concerning the Mystics and Sufi's'
---Chapter [7]. Concerning the Remembrance of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---Chapter [8]. Concerning the Ethics of Dhikr,
---Chapter [9]. Concerning the Vision of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---Chapter [10]. Concerning the Veils of Light and Darkness,
---Chapter [11]. Concerning Spirituality, Prosperity and Poverty,
---Chapter [12]. Concerning the Devotees of Spiritualism,
---Chapter [13]. Concerning the Cleanliness of Shari'ah and Tari'qah,
---Chapter [14]. Concerning the Salah of Shari'ah and Tari'qah,
---Chapter [15]. Concerning the Cleanliness of Mari'fah in the World of Solitude,
---Chapter [16]. Concerning the Zakah of Shari'ah and Tari'qah,
---Chapter [17]. Concerning the Fasting of Shari'ah and Tari'qah,
---Chapter [18]. Concerning the Hajj of Shari'ah and Tari'qah,
---Chapter [19]. Concerning the Ecstasy and Spiritual Purity,
---Chapter [20]. Concerning the Life of Seclusion and Retreat,
---Chapter [21]. Concerning the 'Ibadah of Seclusion and Retreat,
---Chapter [22]. Concerning the Condition and experience in the state of sleep and semi-wakefulness,
---Chapter [23]. Concerning the different types of Sufis'
---Chapter [24]. Concerning the End of the physical life and the Return to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.
---The Chart of the Souls: their Litanies, their Colours, their Conditions & their Worlds.
More Qadiriyyah books.
Includes Arabic Text with English translation as well as extremely useful footnotes!
Decent Print Quality by usual Sub-continent standards!
Highly Recommended!