Sayf al-Jabbar : Urdu

Sayf al-Jabbar : Urdu, New,
*[A5] Hardback - 268 pages,
by Mawlana Fazl al-Rasul Qadiri Badayuni [d.1289h],
Tahqiq wa Takhreej by Mawlana Ateeq Badayuni,
Published by Tajul Fuhool Academy,
Badayun, India.

Back in Stock December 2023
Description :
Sayf al-Jabbar is the famous work of Shaykh Fazl al-Rasul al-Qadiri al-Badayuni, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, [d.1289 after hijri] in refuting the misguided sects. It is an authoritative work, and is considered amongst the first and possibly one of the best works on the deviated wahhabis/deobandi sects.
This edition : A very good quality recent print with added footnotes. It is perfectly bound, complete with dustjacket, and also has the use of high graded (off-white) paper. It is published by the Taj ul Fuhool Academy, of Badayun, India. See image below for sample page.
Mawlana Fazl al-Rasul Qadiri Badayuni :
He is al-Shaykh Mawlana as-Shah Fazl e Rasool Muin al-Haq al-Qadiri al-Badayuni, alayhi ar-Rahman. His lineage is as follows: “Shah Fazl-e-Rasool Badayuni son of Ain ul Haq Shah Abd al-Majid Badayuni son of Shah Abd al-Hamid Badayuni.”  He was born in the month of Safar 1213 AH/ 1797 Common Era.

He learnt Arabic grammar from his respected father & grandfather. He travelled to Lucknow on foot to get further education and went to Mawlana Noor al-Haq [d.1338h], who himself was a student of Bahr al-Ulum, Farangi Mahalli, Lucknow. He completed all the Islamic Sciences including medicine within four years of study.
His father bestowed him khilafat in the Qadiriyah tariqah as well as in the Chishtiyyah, Naqshbandiyyah, Suhrawardiyyah and Abul ‘Ulaa'iyyah spiritual orders. He was a renowned scholar who was strict on Shari'at and Tariq'at. Thousands of people benefited from his knowledge and wisdom, through his lectures and through his works covering many different sciences.

From amongst his works :
--- Tahqeeq Rafadayn —This was written when the wahabbis attacked Hanafis stating rafadyan is a “must” and hanafis have no evidence for not doing raf al Yadayn.
--- Mawlid - Work extolling the virtues of Mawlid al-Nabi,
--- Sharah Fusus al-Hikam : Sharh of Ibn al-Arabi's work on Tasawwuf,
--- Tasawwuf : Written in Makkah al-Mukarramah upon the request of Shaykh Abdul Aziz Makki,
--- Wahdat al-Wujood : An explanation of this term,
--- Al-Mutaqad al Muntaqad : Aqaid Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah,
--- Al-Qadiriiyah : Small work containing the biographies of the scholars of the Qadiriyyah tariqah,
--- Ya Rasul Allah : On the permissibility of saying “ Ya Rasul Allah” .
--- Ismail Ishaq Dehlawi : A refutation of Dehalwi ( & his attack on mawlid & tasawwuf),
--- Al-Bawariq al-Muhammadiyya : Refutation of Wahhabi fitna,
--- Shafaat : Provides evidence for intercession,
--- Haider Ali Tonki : A refutation of a wahabbi molvi,
--- Faza'il e Tabarrukaat : Virtues of sacred relics,
--- Sayf al Jabbar : Perhaps one of the best refutation of the wahabbiyyah sect.
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*Dimensions : 22.3 x 14.5cm.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.695 kgs
  • 5 Units in Stock

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