Pukaaro Ya RasoolAllah : Urdu

 Pukaro Ya Rasoolullah : Urdu,
*[A5] Hardback - 256 pages,
by Imam Muhammad bin Musa al-Mazaali al-Maraakshi [d.682h],
Transl. by: Allama Abd 'al-Hakim Sharf al-Qadri [d.1428h],
Published by Kutub Khana Amjadia, Delhi.
& by Razvi Kitab Ghar, Delhi.

Back in Stock November 2019

Description :

Pukaro Ya Rasoolullah is an emphatic refutation of the deniers of the term '' Yaa RasoolAllah .... '' . 

Provides evidence using primary sources as well as many historical chains of narration. Also included is literary evidence from the misguided scholars who opposed ijma.

About the Author :

Imam al-Faqih al-Muhaddith Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Mazali, rahmatullahi 'alayhi,  was born in Morroco in 607 after hijri and passed away [d.682h].

Allama Abd 'al-Hakim Sharaf Qadiri, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, was born in the town of Mirzapur in the home of Mawlana Allah Ditta on 24th Sha’ban 1363h (13th August 1944). His family migrated to Lahore whilst he was a child and he started his primary education there. He thereafter studied under the leading Ulama of his era among them were Muhaddith-e-Azam Pakistan Mawlana Sardar Ahmad Qadiri, the spiritual mentor of his mother, `Allamah Gulam Rasool Rizwi commentator of Sahih Bukhari, Mufti-e-Azam Pakistan Sayyid Abul Barakat Ahmad Qadiri son of Sayyid Deedar `Ali Shah Alwari, Mufti `Abdul Qayyum Hazarawi ex-President of Jamia Nizamiya, and `Allama `Ata Muhammad Bandyalawi, senior teacher at Jamia Mazhariya Bandyal.

Sayyid Abul Barakat Ahmad became the Spiritual Mentor (Murshid) of Allama Sharaf and many other Shuyukh also gave him khilafat in various Sufi pathways. Allama Sharf Qadiri was a renowned scholar, a muhaddith and a prolific author. He passed away on the 19th of Shaban 1428 Hijri in the city of Lahore.

More Urdu books.

**Cover may vary to image shown.

*Dimensions : 21.7 x 14.5cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.455 kgs
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