Manaqib al-Maruf al-Kharqi : Urdu

Manaqib al-Maruf al-Kharqi : Urdu,
*[A5] Hardback - 256 pages,
by Imam Abdur Rahman ibn Jawzi [d.597h],
Urdu tarjuma Muhammad Riaz Ahmed Saeedi,
Published by Ahl Sunnat Publisher.

Description :

Manaqib Maroof al-Kharqi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. Hadrat Maruf al-Kharqi ke halat zindagi par aik nayab kitab ka urdu tarjuma.

About Hadrat Maruf al-Kharqi :

He is Abu Mahfuz Ma‘ruf al-Karkhi ibn Firuz al-Karkhi, rahimahullah [d.200h]. He is the ninth Imam and Shaykh of the spiritual order Aaliyah Qadiriyyah Barakatiyyah Ridawiyyah Nuriyyah. His spiritual title is Abu Mahfuz, but he is better known as Maruf al Karkhi. His parents were Christians who accepted Islam after him. He attained all his knowledge under the watchful eye of Imam Ali Rida, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu.

His predominant position was to such an extent that from him 14 Spiritual Orders branched out which were known as the Marufih Orders (salasil). Numerous instances of Karamat (miracles) have also been attributed to Ma‘ruf Al-Karkhi.

Maruf al-Kharqi was a very pious personality and one of the most distinguished Sufi’s of his time. He would spend lengthy nights in worshipping, asking for forgiveness and weeping in the Court of Allah. Another renowned sufi, Hadrat Sirri al-Saqti, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, said “Whatever I have attained, is through the Sadqa (charity) of Ma‘ruf Al-Karkhi.”

He passed away on a Friday or Saturday, on the 2nd of Muharram, 200 Hijri. His shrine is in Baghdad, Iraq.

About the Author :

Imam `Abd al-Rahman ibn Abu al-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali al-Ash`ari (509/510-597). He was, with Sayyadina Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani, may Allah Almighty sanctify his secret, the Imam of the Hanbalis' and foremost orator of kings and princes in his time whose gatherings reportedly reached one hundred thousand, a hadith master, philologist, commentator of Qur'an, expert jurist, physician, and historian of superb character and exquisite manners.

Orphaned of his father at age three, Ibn al-Jawzi was raised by his aunt who later brought him to the hadith scholar Ibn Nasir, his first shaykh. He took hadith from him as well as over eighty shaykhs and was teacher to his grandson Shams al-Din Yusuf ibn Qazghali al-Hanafi - Sibt al-Jawzi - as well as some of the greatest Hanbali hadith masters and jurists such as Muwaffaq al-Din Ibn Qudama, Ibn al-Najjar, and Diya' al-Din al-Maqdisi, may Allah have mercy upon them all.

Ibn al-Jawzi took a staunch Ash`ari stance in doctrine and courageously denounced the anthropomorphism of his school in the interpretation of the divine Attributes in his landmark work Daf` Shubah al-Tashbih bi Akuff al-Tanzih ("Rebuttal of the Insinuations of Anthropomorphism at the Hands of Divine Transcendence"), also known as al-Baz al-Ashhab al-Munqadd `ala Mukhalifi al-Madhhab ("The Flaming Falcon Swooping Down on the Dissenters of the [Hanbali] School").

Other works of Ibn al-Jawzi.
More Urdu books.

*Dimensions : 22.2 x 14.5cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.475 kgs
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  • Written by: Imam ibn al-Jawzi

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