Fadd al-Nizaa' bayn al-Khusum :
[-A5] Paperback - 83 pages, Arabic, New,
by Abu Jafar Bilal Faizal Bahr,
Talif: Hafiz Muhammad Abid Sandhi Hanafi [d.1407h],
Published by Dar al-Ihsan, Egypt.
Description :
Fazz an-Nizaa' bayn al-Khusum fi Ikhraj Zakat al-Fitr, by Abu Jafar Bilal Faisal Bahr.
This work looks at the sensitive masala of 'timing' regarding the donated Sadaqat al-Fitr. Even though it is obligatory upon each household to pay this small sum of money - most people only pay the fitrana on the morning of the Eid Salah, which does not really benefit the people most in need of it, that is for Eid day.
This work also includes a supplementary text in the form of a related Question on this issue, which is answered by Allama Hafiz Muhammad Abid Sandhi al-Hanafi, rahimahullah.
More Arabic Books.
Also see Darsi Books.
Dimensions : 24 x 17cm.