Fatawa ibn Taymiyyah fil Mizan : Arabic, New,
فتـاوى ابن تيمية في الميـزان
*[A4] Hardback - 520 pages,
by Muhammad ibn Ahmad Miskah al-Ya'qubi al-Barki,
Published by Dar as-Salih.
Description :
Fatawa ibn Taymiyyah fi al Meezan - 'Fatawa ibn Taymiyyah f'il Meezan' - An evaluation of Ibn Taymiyyah on a scholarly scale from the righteous scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah.
In this voluminous work the author dissects through each of ibn Taymiyyah corrupted beliefs and proves the docrine of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah is correct and just.
This is an original work and a thorough refutation of the controversial scholar Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah compiled by the renowned scholar : The Muslih of the Ummah, the Muballigh of the Din, Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad Miskah ibn Ateeq al-Yaqubi al-Barki, al-Ash'ari al-Maliki al-Muridi.
About the Print :
This is a decent Egypt print. It is printed by Dar as Saleh, Cairo and is printed on cream graded paper with some harakat.
More Arabic Books.
*Dimensions : 24.6 x 18cm.
Hardback - 520 pages.