Shifa' al-Gharam
bi-Akhbar al-Balad al-Haram :
*[A4] Hardback - 1340 pages, 2 Volume Set,
by Imam Muhammad ibn Adam al-Fasi [d.832h],
Published in Beirut.
Back in Stock November 2019
Description :
Shifa' al-Gharam bi-Akhbar al-Balad al-Haram - the author has provided this rare work in two volumes of the history of Makkah tul Mukkaramah from the earliest recorded times to the more recent history. Also included in both volumes are many old black and white photographs.
This presentation is in two separate volumes. It is a two colour print on cream paper, accompanied with extensive references and notes. See images below for sample page.
About the Author :
He is Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Fasi al-Maliki. He was born 8 September 1373 Makkah, Hejaz– 6 July 1429 Mecca, Hejaz). He was scholar, hafidh, faqih, historian, as well as a qadi (judge) in Makkah.
He is best known for his works on the history of Makkah and its rulers and notable natives, which reached around 18 works in total. He also wrote on the ancestories and genealogies of some Arab tribes of Tihamah.
His known works :
---Al-ʻIqd al-thamīn fī tārīkh al-Balad al-Amīn : His largest work in the field of Makkan history.
---Shifāʼ al-gharām bi-akhbār al-Balad al-Ḥarām,
---Al-Muqniʻ min akhbār al-mulūk wa-al-khulafāʼ wa-wulāt Makkah al-shurafā,
---Al-Zuhūr al-muqtaṭafah min tārīkh Makkah al-Musharrafah,
---Dhayl al-taqīīd fī rūāh al-sunan wa al-masānīd.
*Single Volume Dimensions : 24.5 x 17.8cm.