Sharh al-Shifa : 4 Vols Arabic

Sharh al-Shifa : 4 Vols - Arabic, New,
*[A4] Hardback - 2172 pages within Four Volume Set,
Ash Shifa by Al-Qadi Iyadh [d.544h] and,
Sharh ash-Shifa by Mulla Ali al-Qari [d.1014h],
Edited by Shaykh Ibrahim Tahiri al-Hanafi,
Published by Dar al-Nawadir.


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Description :

Kitab Ash-shifa bi ta'rif huquq al-Mustafa, (''Healing by the Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One''), or commonly known as Ash Shifa of Qadi Iyad, alayhi ar-Rahman, is perhaps the most frequently used and most commented upon handbook in which the Beloved Prophets' salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, life, his qualities and miracles are described in every detail.

This book is highly admired throughout the Muslim world and is quick to acquaint the reader with the true stature of the Prophet, salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam. It has seen many commentaries and annotations in the past millennia.

Sharh al-Shifa - This explanation [sharh] by Imam al-Mulla 'Ali al-Qari, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi,  is one of the foremost relied upon commentary of the Shifa. It is quite a substantial and meticulous work detailing the difference of opinions in any given issue.

About Mulla `Ali al-Qari (d. 1014) :

One of the great Hanafi masters of hadith and Imam's of fiqh, Qur'anic commentary, language, history and tasawwuf. He was born in Herat, Iran, where he received his basic Islamic education. Thereafter, he travelled to Makkah al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia, and studied under the celebrated scholar Shaykh Ahmad ibn Hajar Haythami Makki, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.

He authored several great commentaries such as al-Mirqat on Mishkat al-masabih in several volumes, a two-volume commentary on Qadi `Iyad's al-Shifa', and a two-volume commentary on Imam al-Ghazali's abridgment of the Ihya entitled `Ayn al-`ilm wa zayn al-hilm (The spring of knowledge and the adornment of understanding). His book of prophetic invocations, al-Hizb al-a`zam (The supreme daily dhikr) forms the basis of Imam al-Jazuli's celebrated manual of dhikr, Dala'il al-khayrat, which along with the Qur'an is recited daily by many pious Muslims around the world.

Other works by/related to Mullah Ali al-Qari.

About Qadi Iyadh :

He is Abu'l-Qadl Iyad ibn Musa ibn Iyad al-Yahsubi, Qadi of Ceuta during the time of the Murabitun. He travelled to Andalus to study and in Cordoba he learnt from such luminaries as Ibn Rushd, the grandfather of the Qadi and philosopher of the same name. Iyad was already accepted in scholarly circles when he was eighteen and was appointed qadi (judge) when he was 35 becoming first the qadi of Ceuta in 515 AH/ 1121 CE and later Granada in Spain in 531 AH/ 1136 CE. He was exemplary in his knowledge of the sciences of hadith from which ocean he drew his astonishing work ash-Shifa. He also wrote the Foundations of Islam on fiqh, and Tartib al-Madarik on the luminaries of the school of Madina. He opposed Ibn Tumart's claim to be the Mahdi and was exiled to Marrakech where he was martyred.

Other works by/related to Qadi Iyad.

More Arabic books,
Also see Dars e Nizami book range.




*Single Volume Dimensions : 24.8 x 17.8cm.











  • Shipping Weight: 4.395 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mullah Ali al-Qari

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