Back in Stock December 2023
Description :
Rasa'il al-Arabiyya min al-Fatawa al-Ridawiyya : Is a compendium of important rasail from al-Fatawa al-Razawiyya authored by the great Imam of the Ahl al-Sunnah, Shaykh Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Muhaddith al-Bareilly, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan. This is a perfect collection for those scholars and students who are unable to purchase the entire Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah. This assorted collection consists of the original Arabic works penned by AlaHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida, alayhi ar-Rahman. This collection includes one new work by AlaHadrat on classical theology which has been published after 100 years for the very first time.
The Rasail al-Arabiyya is presented here in 3 volumes containing mutlifarious topics relating to fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Kalam (Islamic Theology). Here is a brief glimpse of the twelve treatises :
*** Volume 1 (522 pages) : Contains 5 Treatises including; Ajall al-I'lam ana al-Fatawa Mutlaqan 'ala Qawl al-Imam translates as ''An Important Declaration that Fatawa should Always be Given According to the Imam." (Imam Abu Hanifah’s, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, Opinion).
*** Volume 2 (529 pages) : Contains 2 Treatises including Shama'im al-Ambar fi Adaban nida Imam al-Mimbar ; The Second Call to Prayer issued on the Day of Jum'ah.
*** Volume 3 (462 pages) : Contains 5 Treatises including Al-Zulaal al-Anqa min Bahr Sabqat al-Anqa ; The Cool Water that is Pure from the Sea - regarding the superiority of the first Khalifah of Islam.
This Edition : First print is decent by usual subcontinent standards using high grade cream paper with two colour ink. See images below for sample pages. Decent binding and covers but does have the usual bumps and bruises in the corners.
Imam Ahmad Rida Khan [d.1340h] :
He is Al-Imām Al-Shaykh Abu'l Mustafa Ahmad Ridā Khān al-Qadiri (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan. Imam Ahmad Rida (Raza) was a renowned Hanafī jurist, hadīth expert and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver [mujaddid] of his era.
He was a prolific writer whose legal edicts were gathered into twelve encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day.
Other works related to
Imam Ahmad Rida Khan,
*Single Volume Dimensions : 24.8 x 18.8cm.