Al-Lubab fi sharh al-Kitab : Arabic, 2 Vols

Al-Lubab fi sharh al-Kitab : 2 Vols, Arabic,
(al-Quduri) : New, 2 Volume Set,
[A4] Hardback - 785 pages,
Al-Quduri by Imam Ahmad al-Quduri al-Hanafi [d.428],
Sharh by Imam al-Ghunaymi al-Maydani,
Published by Dar Ehia al-Tourath al-Arabi, Beirut.




Description :

Al-Lubab fi sharh al-Kitab 'ala al-Mukhtasar al-Mushtahir bi-Ism is a sharh of the most famous work of Islamic legal law (jurisprudence) according to the Hanafi Maddhab

This Mukhtasar in 2 volumes is considered to be one of the reliable books within the Hanafi school, used by adherents of the school into the present day. For this reason Imam al-Maydani undertook the task of writing a commentary on it and elucidating its contents. He sought to relate the chosen and established legal positions. This book was widely accepted during his lifetime and also after his death.

Imam al-Quduri. He is Abu’l-Hasan Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ja`far ibn Hamdan al-Quduri al-Baghdadi, the Hanafi jurist, born 362 AH. Al-Quduri is an ascription to the selling of pots (qudur).

Abu’l-Hasan al-Quduri took his knowledge of fiqh from Abu `Abdillah Muhammad ibn al-Jurjani, from Abu Bakr al-Razi, from Abu’l-Hasan al-Karkhi, from Abu Sa`id al-Barda`i from `Ali al-Daqqaq, from Abu Sahl Musa ibn Nasr al-Razi, from Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani, from Abu Hanifah, from Hammad ibn Abi Sulayman, from Ibrahim al-Nakha`i, from `Alqamah, from `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud, may Allah be pleased with him, from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his Household and grant them all peace. Al-Quduri was one of the ashab al-tarjih (jurists who weighed and analyzed the strengths of differing verdicts in the madhhab). The leadership of the Hanafis in `Iraq came to rest with him, and his renown rose. His mention recurs in the well-known Hanafi books al-Hidayah and al-Khulasah. He died on 15th Rajab 428 AH in Baghdad, and was buried in his home, but was later transported and buried beside Abu Bakr al-Khawarizmi, another Hanafi jurist.


Imam 'Abd al-Ghani al-Ghunaymi al-Maydani : He is ?Abd al-Ghani ibn Talib bin Hamada ibn Ibrahim al-Ghunaymi al-Dimashqi al-Maydani : was a jurist and legal theorist (usuli) in the Hanafi school as well as a traditionalist (muhaddith) and grammarian (nahwi). Born in 1222 AH in the Maydan neighbourhood in southern Damascus, he was known for his vast knowledge and his eagerness to apply it. After memorising the Qur??n, he studied with the greatest of the scholars in Damascus during that era. These included: Shaykh ?Umar al-Mujtahid al-Dimashq?, the Hanafi jurist Sa?id al-Halabi (subsequently al-Dimashqi), the traditionalist and best known jurist of the Levant Shaykh Im?m ?Al? al-D?n Ibn ?Abid?n, Shafi?? jurist ?Abd al-Ghan? al-Saqa??, Hanafi jurist and author of Radd al-Mukhtar Sayyid Muhammad Am?n Ibn Abidin, ?Abd al-Rahm?n bin Muhammad al-Kuzbar? al-Shafi??, author of al-Thabat, Ahmad Bibars, Hasan ibn Ibr?h?m al-Bay??r, the Shafi?? jurist of his era. 

Shaykh al-Maydani was of the highest calibre in terms of his knowledge, dignity, scrupulousness (war?), abstention from the material world, mental acuity and tremendous insight. He gained an acceptance in the hearts of the masses and was likewise respected and revered by the community of Damascus. When riots between Muslims and Christians in 1277 AH/1860 CE broke out, he played a significant role in extinguishing the chaos and restoring order. He was described as being far from antagonism and tribalism due to his distance from the material world and his piety.

Many from the region of Sham and beyond studied with him, including 'Allama Imam Shaykh ??hir al-Jaza'ri and Ustadh Sa??d al-Shartini al-Lubnani al-Nasrani. Shaykh al-Maydani was not prolific in his writings, but he was certainly amongst the best in the works he did author. These include:

--- al-Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab in Hanafi fiqh - When al-Kitab is mentioned amongst the Hanafis, the Mukhtasar al-Quduri is intended.

Shaykh ?Abdul Fattah notes that he spent time in Damascus on 20 Muharram 1378 to review all of the manuscripts of Shaykh al-Maydani. These included:

--- Sharh al-Mara fi al-?arf, 133 pgs min al-qa??i al-wasa?
--- Sharh 'Aqida al-Imam al-Tahawi, 100 pgs
--- Kashf al-Iltibas ?amma awradahu al-Imam al-Bukhari ?ala Ba?? al-Nas, 35 pgs. Edited and published by Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda.

Shaykh al-Maydani passed away in the year 1298 of the Hijra.



More Dars e Nizami Texts.


Single Volume Dimensions : 24.5 x 17.5cm.



  • Shipping Weight: 1.395 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam 'Abd al-Ghani al-Maydani

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