Al-Manhaj al-Mutahhir :
Lil Jism wa'l Fu'ad, Arabic, New,
2 Volume Set,
[A4] Hardback - 1607 pages,
by Shaykh Abd al-Wahab al-Sharani [d.973h],
Tahqiq by Muhammad Mursi Hasan,
Preface by Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Nassar,
Published by Dar al-Ihsan, Cairo.
Now in Stock February 2025
Description :
Al-Manhaj al-Mutahhir lil Jism wa'l Fu'ad - 'The Clean Way for the Body and Heart' is a notable work by Imam Abd al-Wahhab al-Sharani, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, on the topic of purifiation of the heart, mind, body and soul.
Imam al-Sharani goes into detail relating to the etiquette of cleanliness of the physical body and inner self, as well as the protection from the evils of bad thoughts, plus many other related subjects.
Imam ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha’rani (b. 898/1493) was one of the scholarly saints and revivers of Islam in the sixteenth century. He is generally hailed as a reviver (mujaddid) of Islam and is considered one of the most prolific writers in the early Egyptian-Ottoman period, composing legal, spiritual, and theological works that continue to enjoy wide circulation throughout the Muslim world. One of his ancestors, Musa b. ‘Imran was the son the Sultan of Tlemcem, Algeria and a student of the famous Algerian spiritual master Abu Madyan (d. 594/1197). Musa b. ‘Imran’s grandson Ahmad moved to a village in Upper Egypt called Saqiyat Abu al-Sha’ra, whence the ascription “al-Sha’rani”.
Imam ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha’rani went on to study the Islamic sciences in al-Azhar University, and was a student of Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari. His spiritual teachers include Shaykh Ibrahim al-Matbuli (d. ca. 877/1492) and ‘Ali al-Khawwas, both of whom were illiterate, albeit spiritually illumined masters. His greatest contributions to Islamic spirituality and scholarship are his over three hundred books, the most famous of which include his al-Mizan al-kubra (The Supreme Scale), Lata’if al-minan wa al-akhlaq (Subtle Blessings and Qualities of Character), and al-Uhud al-Muhammadiyya (The Muhammadan Covenants),
Other published works of Imam al-Sharani.
Good quality paper and print.
Single Volume Dimensions : 24.5 x 17.5cm.
Total 1067 pages within 2 separate volumes.