Al-Qawl as-Sari : Arabic, New,
*[A4] Paperback - 280 pages,
by Abd i-Rabbah bin Sulayman al-Qalyubi [d.1388h],
Published by Dar as-Saleh, Cairo.
Description :
Al-Qawl as-Sarih - This acclaimed work covers the penchant of what has been said in the Qur'an and Sunnah in relation to Sayyidina 'Isa, alayhi salam, and their lifting to the Heavens, without arriving or meeting death, not to mention their safeguarding by Allah the Almighty.
Compiled by Imam 'Abd i-Rabbah bin Sulayman bin Muhammad, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, [b.1314 - d.1388h] referred to as Al-Qalyubi. Imam al-Qalyubi is a renowned scholar from Al-Azhar, Egypt, who had a distinguished reputation as a foremost scholar due to his meticulous research.
This Edition :
This is a decent print, using 2 colour ink. It is a clear and concise presenation with computerised arabic font. Printed by Dar as-Saleh, Egypt.
More Arabic books,
Also see Islamic Studies : Darsi Kitabs.
*Dimensions : 24 x 17cm.