by Al-Shaykh Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri [d.1340],
Published by Markaz e Ahle Sunnat Barkat e Raza,
Porbander, Gujarat.
Description :
Qahr ud-Dayyan 'ala Murtad bi Qadiyan is another refutation of the controversial sect (Qadiyani, Ahmadi, Miraza'i) authored by the great Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (A'laHadrat) '
alayhi ar-Rahman. This treatise which originates from the classical work
Fatawa Ridawiyya of AlaHadrat (
may Allah sanctify his secret) outlines the derogatory remarks made by the false claimant to Prophethood, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani.
Imam Ahmad Rida Khan,
alayhi ar-rahman, categorcially refutes all the claims by way of the Noble Qur'an and
Sunnah and other primary sources.
About the Author :
Al-Shaykh al-Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān al-Qadiri (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE),
alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned
Hanafī jurist,
hadīth expert (
muhaddith) and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars
from the Islamic world to be a reviver (
mujaddid) of his era.
alayhi ar-Rahman, was a prolific
writer whose legal edicts (
Al-Fatawa Ridawiyya) were gathered into numerous encyclopedic volumes
and covered almost every science of his day. He is known to have authored in excess of 1000 books.
selection of works of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan,
alayhi ar-Rahman.
*Dimensions : 21.8 x 14cm.
Sub-continent print quality.