Rasa'il al-Khams :
*[-A4] Hardback - 419 pages,
by Imam Shaykh Abid Sindhi al-Ansari [d.1257h],
Tahqiq by Abi Ubaydullah M. Jan bin Abdullah Naeemi,
Published by Dar al-Naeemia, Pakistan.
Description :
Rasail al-Khams - comprises of five assorted treatises on Islamic doctrine and jurisprudence by Imam al-Faqih, Shaykh Muhammad Abid Sindhi al-Ansari, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi [d.1841 C.E.].
*** 1st Treatise. On Tawwsul, its ahkam and its types,
*** 2nd Treatise. On the permissibility of kissing the Hands and Head of the Beloved Messenger of Allah, ﷺ,
*** 3rd Treatise. On the term 'Abd, in relation to the Beloved Messenger of Allah, ﷺ,
*** 4th Treatise. On the commands in relation to the consumption and distribution of food, during occasions such as Urs, Mawlid, teeja, chaleesma, salaana, etc,
*** 5th Treatise. On the miracles (karamat) of the Awliya and Saliheen.
This Edition : This is a decent Pakistan print. Some minor blemishes and bruising to covers. Good quality paper and binding. See image below for sample page.
About the Author :
He is Shaykh al-Islam, Allama al-Hafidh al-Imam Muhammad Abid al-Sindhi al-Ansari, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, (b1776 - d.1841 Common Era). Shaykh Abid al-Sindhi was a great scholar of Hadith (Muhaddith) and Islamic Jurisprudence (Faqih). He was born in India, but later moved to Yemen and then finally settled in Madinah.
From his many works he wrote Tawali’ al-Anwar; the commentary of the famous Hanafi fatwa book ‘al-Durr al-Mukhtar’ by Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ‘Alauddin al-Haskafi (d. 1677), rahimahullah.
The manuscript of this book consists of 9522 folios distributed in 16
volumes and if published after due editing it may appear in around 50
volumes. The manuscripts are available in Maulana Azad Arabic &
Persian Research Institute Tonk (Rajasthan), Al-Maktaba al-Azhariya
Cairo, Umm al-Qura University Library Makkah and Topkapi Palace Turkey.
Thus it is most comprehensive work on ‘al-Durr al-Mukhtar’ than the famous Hashiya of Ibn ‘Abidin al-Shami (d. 1836).
*Dimensions : 25 x 16.5cm.