Sharh Nazm Aqida Ahl al-Sunnah :
*[A5+] Hardback - 141 pages,
by Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi,
Edited by Ustadh Abd al-Rahman al-Sha'ar,
Published by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani.
Description :
Sharh Nazm 'Aqidat Ahl al-Sunna - (Commentary on the Versification of a Creed of the People of the
Sunna), was written by Shaykh al-Hashimi in Damascus in 1379h/1960CE. In it Shaykh al-Hashimi follows the traditional method of commenting upon the
manzumat, sometimes giving a word by word explanation and sometimes explaining individual expressions.
Some of the topics covered :
*** The Tenets of Faith,
*** Affirmation/Negation, its obligation to know the legal rulings,
shar'i hukm,
*** The Attributes of Allah Almighty and its categories,
*** Regarding the origination of the world,
*** In Respect of the Messengers of Allah Almighty.
About this Print :
Another very high quality publication by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani. This is a two colour print using high grade cream matt paper. Contains extensive references and notes.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hāshimī :
The teacher and guide of souls, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hāshimī al-Hasani was born to
pious parents, both prophetic scions who traced their lineage back to
Imam al-Hasan ibn 'Alī,
may Allah be pleased with him, in 1298
A.H. in the town of Sabdou, which lies in the vicinity of Tlemcen, one
of the main cities of Algeria. His father Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sahili, was one of the city's
scholars, and a judge therein. When he died, he left behind him young
children; the Shaykh was the oldest of them.
Also see
Life & Works of Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi,
Arabic books,
*Dimensions : 24.2 x 17cm.