Mustufa : The Paragon of Mercy [2017]

Mustafa, ?, The Paragon of Mercy, Extended Edition,
*[A5] Paperback - 301 pages, Volume1, 2nd Edition,
by Mufti Muhammad Khan Qaadri,
Explanation of the Salaam (written by AlaHadrat)
'Mustafa Jaan e Rahmat'!
English Translation by : Muhammad Sajid Younus,
by True Islam Publications.


Back in Stock February 2025


Description :

''Mustafa Jaan e Rahmat pe Laakhon Salaam'' is the famous urdu language salawaat and salaam written by the Mujaddid (Reviver) of the 19th Century and Imam of the Ahl e Sunna in the Subcontinent, al-Shaykh al-Imam Ahmad Riza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him. It has not only been lauded as a work of prose for its unique composition and style but by leading religious scholars for its beautiful distillation of core Islamic beliefs.

Like its famous Arabic predecessor, the Qaseeda Burdah, each of its 171 sonnets is based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Ahadith and alongwith fulfilling the compulsion of presenting Salawaat and Salaam upon Allah’s Beloved, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, it also details the Islamic creed; describes the Prophet’s May Allah bless him and grant him peace, virtues, khasaais (particularities), Khilq (physique) and his Khulq (character) together with narrating his miracles and his major events.

Finally, in true Islamic fashion, it sends blessings upon the Companions, Ahl ul Bait, Ulama and Awliyaa, before finishing with a supplication for blessings upon one’s teachers and parents.

This updated edition of the English explanation of the famous salaam covers the first 81 couplets that focus on the Prophet's khasaais and his physical appearance – which was the masterpiece creation of the Most Powerful. This will not only be of interest to those who recite and hear this salaam but to all those who have a genuine in interest in increasing their love for the Prophet, ?, by getting to know him more.

Al-Shaykh Al-Imam Ahmad Rida Khan  (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned Hanafi jurist, hadith expert and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver of his era. He was a prolific writer whose legal edicts were gathered into twelve encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day.

Mufti Muhammad Khan Qaadri is based in Lahore, Pakistan and is one of the leading teachers of Dars e Nizami. He is the first to begin and publish an Urdu translation of Imam Raazi’s epic famous ‘Tafseer Kabeer’ ! A number of his works have been translated into English, most notably The Prophet's Ramadhan and The Prophet's Hajj.

More Naat & Qasidah,
More AlaHadrat related works,
More True Islam Publications.


*Dimensions : 21.7 x 14.4cm.




  • Shipping Weight: 0.355 kgs
  • 10 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam Ahmad Rida Khan

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