The Kashful Mahjub : Unveiling the Veiled, PB

The Kashful Mahjub :
Unveiling the Veiled,
*[-A4] Large Paperback - 465 pages,
by Syed Ali bin Uthman al-Hujweri,
Translation with Commentary by
Mawlana Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani,
Published by A.S. Noordeen, Malaysia.

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Highly Recommended!!!

Description :

The Earliest Persian Treatise on Sufism.

Kashful Mahjub, originally in Persian, was written at the request of a student of sufism (tasawwuf) at that time. He had asked the shaykh to compile a comprehensive study on sufism as a guide for spiritual aspirants. Although Data Ganj Baksh; Sayyad Ali bin Uthman al-Hujweri, May Allah be pleased witrh him, was a master in the science of Islamic scholasticism and his judgements based on logic, the conclusions he arrived at were the result of his deep spiritual experience, where he has shown the absence of any conflict between true sufism and Islamic Shari'ah.

Starting from the life of the Prophet's, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, brimful experience of Divine nearness, Presence, Union and Communion, this book describes the spiritual experiences of the Companions of the Prophet, Companions of the Companions (tabi'in), their Companions (taba-tabi'in), and the Imams (heads) of the four schools of Islamic law (Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama'ah), showing in truth, "when sufism was made to leave Islam," and that it is not the so called question of "when sufism 'entered' Islam." This book also explains the various aspects of sufism in a thorough yet simple manner.

This Edition of Kashful Mahjub, contains for the first time ever, an invaluable comprehensive English Commentary by a practising sufi shaikh, further clarifying in today's language and context, the various subtleties of Sufism in an understandable form rarely found elswhere.

Hadhrat Syed Ali bin Uthman al-Hujweri, may Allah be pleased with him, popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh (Bestower of Spiritual Treasures) belonged to a place called Hujwer in the town of Ghazna, Afghanistan. He lived during the 5th century A.H. (11th century C.E.) and was well versed in all the Islamic sciences such as Tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an, Hadith (Traditions of the Prophet), Fiqh (Muslim Law) and dogmatic theology (Ilmu Kalam). Al-Hujweri's, Radi Allahu anhu, spiritual lineage traces back to Hadhrat Junaid al-Baghdadi, Radi Allahu anhu, through the three intermediaries al-Husri, an-Nasrabadi, and Shibli, may Allah be pleased with them.

In the course of his spiritual journey to God, he journeyed physically to many countries, often alone and with hardship. These places included Turkestan, Transoxania, Iran, Iraq, and Syria where he met innumerable Sufi shaikhs, many of whom he has mentioned in this book. He went to Lahore in the later part of this life to spread Islam, converting large numbers of Hindus into Muslims. He passed away in Lahore in 469 A.H. (1077 Common Era) where his maqam currently stands, visited by people of all walks of life, from near and far.

This is a book that must be read not only by those interested in sufism, but by all who yearn for tranquility and inner-peace in this present day of lop-sided, imbalanced and over-materialistic tendencies, where man has deplorably failed to strike a balance between his physical and spiritual life. This imbalance is now resulting in untold misery, restlessness, frustration, worries, woes, conflicts and confrontations which have virtually torn this world asunder.


About the Translator : The Translator and Commentator of this book, Hadhrat Mawlana Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, an eminent sufi saint of this century. He spent 12 years in the company of his shaykh; Hadhrat Mawlana Sayyad Muhammad Zawqi Shah, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, (1878-1951), and was a practising sufi for over 55 years until his passing away on the 21st of Dhul Qaddah 1415 (April 1995). Like his shaykh, he had written numerous books on tasawwuf of which "Islamic Sufism", a comprehensive manual on sufism in English, was one of his masterpieces. He also translated many valuable Sufi works from Persian to urdu including "Mirratul Asrar", "Maqabis-ul-Majalis", and "Talqin-i-Laduni", and was a recognised master of tasawwuf of his time. 



Table of Contents :

---Authors Preface,

---Chapter [1] The Importance of Knowledge in Islam (ilm),
---Kinds of Knowledge,
---Divine Knowledge,
---Man's Knowledge,
---Constituents of Ma'rifat (Batin of Islam),
---Constituents of Shariat (Zahir of Islam),
---Knowledge of the Essence of God,
---Knowledge of Sifat (Attributes),
---Knowledge of Divine Deeds (Af'al),
---Knowledge of Shariat,
---Knowledge of Consensus,
---The Philosophers,
---Sayings of the Saints of Islam about Knowledge.

---Chapter [2] Dervishood (faqr),
---Controversy about Faqr and Ghina (poverty and richness),
---Abul Qasim Qushayri on Faqr and Ghina,
---Secrets of Faqr and Ghina.

---Chapter [3] About Sufism (tasawwuf),
---The reason for the name of Sufi or Sufism,
---Section - Sayings of the Sufi's,
---Saying of Dhunnun al-Misri,
---Saying of Junayd al-Baghdadi,
---Saying of Abul Hasan an-Nuri,
---Saying of Ibn Jala al-Damishqi,
---Saying of Abu Umar al-Damishqi,
---Saying of Abu Bakr al-Shibli,
---Saying of Shaykh Husri,
---Saying of Muhammad bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali ibn Abi Talib,
---Saying of Abu Muhammad Murtaish,
---More sayings of Abu Bakr al-Shibli,
---More sayings of Junayd al-Baghdadi,
---More sayings of Shaykh Husri,
---Saying of Ali bin Bandar al-Sairni,
---Saying of Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Maqri,
---Section - Conduct of the Sufi's in the Affairs of People,
---Saying of Abu Hafs,
---Saying of Muhammad Murtaish,
---Saying of Abu Ali Quzwini,
---More sayings of Abul Hasan an-Nuri,
---Saying of Abul Hasan Abu Shanja.

---Chapter [4] Wearing of Patched Garments,
------Method of Patching,
------Merits and demerits of wearing wool and other patched garments,
------Reason for wearing blue clothes?
------Qualifications of a Shaykh,
------Section - Reason for changing Dress.

---Chapter [5] Difference between Faqr (dervishood) and Safwat (purity),

---Chapter [6] Self-Abasement (malamat),
------The causes of malamat (defamation),
------More examples of malamat,
------Merits of malamat.

---Chapter [7] Leading Companions of the Beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---Abu Bakr as-Siddiq,
---Umar bin al-Khattab,
---Uthman bin Affan,
---Ali bin Abi Talib (the fourth Caliph).

---Chapter [8] The Imams of the House of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---Imam Hasan bin al-Murtaza,
---Imam Hussain bin al-Murtaza,
---Abul Hasan Ali Zain al-Abidin,
---Imam Ali Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali bin Hussain al-Baqir,
---Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq.

---Chapter [9] Companions of the Verandah (Ahl al-Suffah),

---Chapter [10] Followers of the Companions (Tabi'in),
------Uwais Qarni,
------Harm bin Hayan,
------Khawaja Hasan Basri,
------Saeed bin Mussayyib.

---Chapter [11] Companions of the Followers of the Companions,
------Habib Ajami,
------Malik bin Dinar,
------Abu Halim Habib bin Aslam al-Rayj,
------Abu Hazim al-Madni,
------Muhammad bin Wasia,
------Imam Abu Hanifah,
------Abdullah bin Mubarak al-Mazuri,
------Fudhail bin Ayadh,
------Dhunnun bin Ibrahim al-Misri (the Egyptian),
------Khawaja Ibrahim bin Adham,
------Bishr al-Hafi,
------Abu Yazid al-Bistami,
------Abu Abdullah al-Harith bin Asad al-Muhasibi,
------Abu Sulayman Da'ud bin al-Tai,
------Abul Hasan Sari Saqti,
------Charms of the Vision of God (Didar),
------Abu Ali Shaqiq al-Balkhi,
------The Pious do not Die,
------Shaykh Abu Sulayman Daraani,
------Maruf al-Karkhi,
------Hatim al-Asam,
------Imam Shafi'i,
------Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
------Ahmad bin al-Hawari,
------Ahmad bin Khadhroya,
------Abu Turab al-Nasfi,
------Yahya bin Muadh Razi,
------Shaykh Abu Hafs,
------Abu Salih Hamdun,
------Masur bin Ammar,
------Abu Abdullah bin Asim Autaki,
------Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Khafif,
------Abul Qasim Junayd al-Baghdadi,
------Abul Hasan Ahmad Khurasani al-Nuri,
------Sufi Sects,
------Abu Uthman Saeed bin Ismail al-Hiri,
------Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Yahya bin Jalal,
------Abu Muhammad Ruwaym bin Ahmad,
------Abu Yaqub Yusuf bin Hussain Razi,
------Abul Hasan Samnun bin Abdullah Khawass,
------Shah Shuja Kirmani,
------Umar bin Uthman al-Makki,
------Abu Muhmmad Suhail bin Abdullah al-Tustari,
------Abu Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad bin Balkhi,
------Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali al-Tirmidhi,
------Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Umar al-Warraq,
------Abu Saeed bin Isa al-Kharraz,
------Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Asfahani,
------Muhammad bin Ismail Khayr un Nasaj,
------Abu Hamzah al-Khurasani,
------Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Masruq,
------Abu Abdullah bin Ahmad Ismail al-Maghribi.
------Abu Ali bin Hasan bin Ali al-Jurjani,
------Abu Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hussain al-Jariri,
------Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sahl Amli,
------Abul Mughith Hussain bin Mansur al-Hallaj,
------Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Ahmad al-Khawass,
------Abu Hamzah Baghdadi Bazzaz,
------Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Musa Wasiti,
------Abu Bakr bin Dulaf Shibli,
------Abu Muhammad bin Ja'far bin Nasiruddin Khuldi,
------Abu Ali Rodbari,
------Abul Abbas Qasim bin Mahdi as-Sayyari,
------Abul Abbas Qasim,
------Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Khafif,
------Abu Uthman Saeed bin Sallam al-Maghribi,
------Abul Qasim Ibrahim bin Mahmud al-Nasrabadi,
------Abul Hasan Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Husri.

---Chapter [12] About the Sufis of Modern Times,
------Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad Qassab,
------Abu Ali al-Daqqaq,
------Abul Hasan Ali ibn Ahmad al-Kharqani,
------Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali Daghistani,
------Abu Saeed Fadhlullah bin Muhammad Mihni,
------Abul Fadhl Muhammad bin Hasan al-Khuttali,
------Abul Qasim bin Ali bin Abdullah Gorgani,
------Abu Ahmad al-Muzaffar bin Ahmad bin Hamdan.

---Chapter [13] Contemporary Sufis,
------The shaykhs of Syria and Iraq,
------The shaykhs of Fars,
------The shaykhs of Kolistan, Azerbaijan and Tabaristan,
------The shaykhs of Karman,
------The shaykhs of Khurasan, The Blessed Land,
------The shaykhs of Transoxus Countries,
------The shaykhs of Ghazna.

---Chapter [14] Difference of Opinion amongst Sufi Orders,
---The Muhasibi School of Thought,
------What is Ridha?
------Sayings about Ridha,
------Difference between Hal and Maqam,
---The Qassaris,
------What is Greatness?
---The Taifuris,
------Difference between Shukr and Sahw,
------Kinds of Shukr,
------Kinds of Sahw,
---The Junaidiya School,
---The Nuriya Doctrine,
------The Nature of Ithar,
------Kinds of Ithar,
------Sacrifice of Abul Hasan Nuri,
------Sacrifice of Abdullah bin Umar,
------Sacrifice of Nine Sufis,
------Sacrifice of Hadrat Ali,
------Sacrifice of the wounded Sahabah,
------Sacrifice of an Israelite,
------Sacrifice of a Lion,
---The Sahliyya Doctrine,
------The nature of Nafs (lowerself) and Hawwa (lust),
------Sayings of the Sufi Shaykhs about Nafs,
------Purification of Nafs,
------The Nature of Lust (Hawwa),
---The Hakimiyyah School,
------The Affirmation of Walayat (Sainthood),
------On miracles (karamat),
------The difference between Mu'jizat and Karamat,
------Manifestation of Karamat on the Part of One who Professess Divinity,
------Superiority of Prophets to the Awliya,
------Superiority of the Prophets and Saints to the Angels,
---The Kharraziyah Order,
------Fana and Baqa,
------What is Fana?
---Opinions of various Shaykhs on Fana and Baqa,
---The Khafifiyyah Order,
------Discourse on Ghaibat and Hudhur,
---The Sayyariyah Order,
------Discourse on Jama' and Tafriqa (Union and Separation),
---The Hululiyah Sect (the Reincarnationists),
------Discourse on the human soul (ruh).

---Chapter [15] Lifting the First Veil, Regarding Marifat of Allah (Gnosis),

---Chapter [16] Lifting the Second Veil, Regarding Tawhid (Oneness or Monotheism),

---Chapter [17] Lifting the Third Veil, Regarding Imaan (faith),

---Chapter [18] Lifting the Fourth Veil, Regarding Purification (taharat),
------Kinds of Purification,

---Chapter [19] Repentance and it's Implications,
------What is Repentance (tawbah) ?

---Chapter [20] Lifting the Fifth Veil, Regarding Salat (prayer),

---Chapter [21] Love and Matters connected with it
------Kinds of Love,
------Love (ishq),

---Chapter [22] Lifting of the Sixth Veil, Regarding Zakat (Compulsory Tax for the Poor),
------Regarding Bountifulness (Jud) and Genorosity (Sakha),

---Chapter [23] Lifting of the Seventh Veil : On Fasting (as-Sawm),
------On Hunger and Matters related to it,

---Chapter [24] Lifting of the Eighth Veil : On the Pilgrimage (Hajj),
------On Mushahidah,

---Chapter [25] Lifting of the Ninth Veil : Cn Companionship and Allied Topics,
------On Details of Etiquettes,
------Rules of Companionship concerning the Residents,
------Regarding Rules for the Travelling Dervishes,
------Manners of Eating,
------On Mashaikh's manners of walking,
------Etiquette of Sleeping in Travel and at Home,
------On Rules Regarding Speech and Silence,
------On the Etiquette of Asking (sawal),
------Rules and Etiquette Regarding the Sufi's Marriage (taswij) and Celibacy (tajrid).

---Chapter [26] On the Lifting of the Tenth Veil : Concerning Sufi Phraseology and Definitions of their Terms and Variety of Spiritual Experiences, Secrets and Mysteries,
------Hal and Waqt,
------Maqam and Tamkin,
------Muhadhirah and Mukashfah,
------Qabd (contraction) and Bast (expansion),
------Uns (Intimacy) and Haibat (Awe),
------Qahr (violence) and Lutf (kindness),
------Nafi (Negation) and Asbat (affirmation),
------Musamrah and Muhadithah,
------Ilm al-Yaqin, Ain al-Yaqin, Haq al-Yaqin,
------Ilm (knowledge) and Marifah (gnosis),
------Shari'at (Law) and Haqiqat (Reality),
---Second Category of Sufi Terms with Metaphor to describe Spiritual Experiences :

---Third Category of Sufi Terms without  Metaphor to describe Spiritual Experiences:
---Fourth Category of Terms :

---Chapter [27] On the Lifting of the Eleventh Veil : On Samaa' (Spiritual Music).
------Hearing of the Qur'an and Allied Matters,
------On Hearing Poetry,
------On Hearing Songs and Melodies,
------On Ahkam-i-Samaa' (Principles of Music),
------Sayings of Mashaikh on Samaa',
------On difference of Opinion about Samaa',
------Regarding their grades (maratib), in Samaa',
------Wajd, Wujud and Tawajud,
------On dancing (raqs),
------Looking at Human Beauty,
------On the Rules of Samaa' (Adaab-e-Samaa').

---Appendix One,
------Index of Names of Persons Mentioned in this Book.

---Appendix Two,
------Selective Index of Terms and Subjects Mentioned in this Book.









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*Dimensions : 24.2 x 18.1cm.








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  • Written by: Sh. Data Ali al-Hujweri

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