Tarbiatul Ishaq : Training of Divine Lovers

Tarbiatul Ishaq :
The Training of Divine Lovers,
*[A5+] Hardback - 427 pages,
by Maulana Syed Mohammad Zauqi Shah al-Chishti, 
Published by A.S.Noorudeen, Malaysia.

''Discourses of Spiritual Training by an Eminent Contemporary Shaikh of the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent''



Description :

Introduction by Capt. Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani, the premier translator of the acclaimed and best selling Kashful Mahjub (Unveiling the Veiled).


In Praise of Allah and His Prophet,

Allah is not awaiting praise by us,
Nor is Muhammad anxious for it,
Allah is the best admirer of Muhammad,
And Muhammad is the best admirer of Allah,
If however, speak you must,
Say, ''O' Muhammad give me Allah,
And ''O' Allah give me Muhammad.''


How can a tiny creature like me thank the Almighty, the Divine Beloved of all, who pulled Adam out of the Ocean of Eternity (Itlaq) and bestowed upon him the honour of His Vicegerency, and then created a storm of love in his heart to seek reunion with the fountain of Divinity. Thanks and gratitute are also due to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah Almighty shower His Mercy upon him and give him peace, who came forward to guide the caravan of the lovers and enabled them to drink deep at the fountain of Divine Beauty and Unity.


'' What is Man,
The Purpose of His Life,
And How to Achieve it ! ''


This book consists of the life account and sayings of my shaykh Hazrat Mawlana Sayed Muhammad Zauqi Shah, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, of the Chishtiya spiritual order (silsila) who was also initiated in the Qadiriyyah, Suhrawardiyyah and Naqshbandiyyah silsilas and was qualified as khalifah (spiritual guide) to teach and train the seekers to reach Divine Nearness and Union.

This book is not only a mine of knowledge for the beginners and the intermediates, but it also serves as a code of conduct for the ulama, elite and adepts. From this the purpose of the creation of MAN -- who is the best specimen of God's Creation, and Vicegerent of God on earth -- can therefore be known.---Sufi Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani al-Chishti.

Brief Contents:

Introduction: What is Man, the Purpose of His Life, and How to Achieve it?
------Discussing, e.g., stages of knowledge: Ilm al-Yaqin, Ain al-Yaqin, and Haq al-Yaqin, six spiritual centers in the human body: Nafs, qalb, Ruh, Sirr, khafi and akhfaa. The editor shows its relevance to the worldly matters, kindness towards sinners, kamal irfan and baaqiyaat, Love of Allah, jihad, and his role in the Pakistan movement,

Part [I] :  A Brief Account of the Life of Sayyad Zauqi Shah.
------Discussing his sufi maslak, the author points out the role of shariah, ibadat, spiritual potentials, Darweshood, correct approach towards tasawwuf, away from officials and rich people, his teaching methods, his dhikr circles, Sama, his followers, friends, habits and qualities, consistency, courage, neatness, fondness for studies and reading.

Part [II]:
------Discourses I [malfoodhaat] compiled by Hadrat Shah Shahidullah Faridi, rahmatullahi 'alayhi, covering the period 19 July 1942 to 6 November 1950

Part [III]:
------Discourses II: Covers period 1359/June 1940 to 9th Dhil-Hajj 1370 / 1951, covering numerous themes & topics relevant to theological and mystical values of Islam to modern day Muslim practitioners.

A descendant of Sayyad Jalal ud-Din Makhdum Jahanian Jahan Gasht, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, Shaykh Zauqi born 15 September 1877, turned to journalism and edited Al-Haq (Hyderabad Sindh) 1905, worked in India: Jaipur, Peshawar, Agra, Bombay, Hyderabad Deccan, Ajmer, Ahmadabad, Karachi. Passed away on Arafat on 13 September 1951.





More books on Tasawwuf (Sufism).
Also see Sufi Wisdom,
Also see Sufi Saints,
Also see Sufi Poetry.


*Good quality paper, print and binding!





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