The Way of Sufi Chivalry

The Way of Sufi Chivalry :
 Kitab al-Futuwwah,
*[A5] Paperback - 125 pages,
by Abu Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami [d.412h],
An Interpretation by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi.
Published by Inner Traditions, USA.



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Description :  First English Translation of Kitab al Futuwwah,

This is the book of adab, perfect behaviour, modeled after the Beloved Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Sufis see adab as a continuous act of devotion, for it is a method of contsnat remembrance of God, an alarm clock forever ringing, reminding one that the reason for one's existence is to know, to find, and to be with God. As God Himself said to His Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ''I was a hidden treasure. I loved to be known, so I created Man.''

A highly respected Sufi saint and scholar of the 10th century, Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami, may Allah be pleased with him, compiled this book as a guide to enlightened behaviour for the spiritual aspirant. In its pages, he records the teachings of renowned spiritual masters (available for the first time in English translation) as well as tales and quotations from the Qur'an & hadith.

                                             When the light of the heart
                                        is reflected in the beauty of the face,
                                                       that beauty is

The teachings reveal the true meaning of compassion, love, friendship, genorisity, etc, as well as the right actions associated with these virtues. According to the Sufi's, Futuwwah is a code of honourable behaviour that follows the example of the Prophets, saints & sages.

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami [d.412h].

He is Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmân Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn Musa al-Azdi al-Sulami, al-Naysaburi, alayhi ar-Rahman. He was born in Nishapur (arabic: Naysabur) (Persia) in 325 Hijri. It was the influence of Al-Sulami's grandfather which first drew him towards the ascetic doctrine. He travelled extensively throughout Khorasan and Iraq in his pursuit of hadith knowledge. Al-Sulami's education was also supported by a thorough training in religious law and theology, Ash'ari kalam in particular, which he learned from the Qadi Abu Bakr al-Baqillani [d.403/1013].  In fiqh, Al-Sulami followed the Shafi'i school. In Nishapur Al-Sulami became renowned as a Shafi'i scholar and a collector of traditions. He was a prolific author of many sciences but in paricular of tafsir, hadith and tasawwuf - who according to his biographers Al-Sulami wrote more than a hundred books and treatises over a period of some fifty years.




His books tended to deal with the more practical aspects of tasawwuf, like the Jawami Adab al-Sufiyya and 'Uyub al-Nafs wa-Mudawatuhu which focused on sufi customs and practices. Most of his works included citations from the Qur'an and Sunnah in support of orthodox Sufi behaviour.





Table of Contents :

---Translator's Note,

------On Sulami and His Times,
------On Futuwwah,


---Isnad : The Chain of Authorities of Transmission,

---The Way of Sufi Chivalry,
------Part One,
------Part Two,
------Part Three,
------Part Four,
------Part Five,

---Isnad to the Text.








See Sufi Books Homepage.




*Dimensions : 31 x 13.8cm.









  • Shipping Weight: 0.375 kgs
  • 5 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami

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