Etiquettes of Companionship :
Adab as-Suhbah, New,
*[A5] Paperback - 240 pages, English /Arabic,
by Imam ash-Sharani,
Transl. by Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Kiani,
Published by Crowned & Renowned Publishers.
Back in Stock July 2024
Description :
This book Adab as-Suhbah (Risalat al-Anwar fi Adab as-Suhbah 'inda'l-Akhyar) is one of Imam ash-Sharani's more popular works on disciplining the soul, strengthening the heart and freeing the mind. It encompasses teaches from the Holy Qur'an and Noble Sunnah, and a multitude of sayings of the elite scholars, codified in a manner that eases understanding and implementing for the reader.
The book consists of an introduction, three chapters; on the importance of companionship with utmost sincerity for the sake of the Creator, on rights of others and on etiquettes of the elite, respectively, and a conclusion dealing with the manners of dhikr (Remembering God). In this particular edition, each distinct etiquette is numbered and the complete Arabic text is included at the end.
The 'Etiquettes of Companionship' is the much awaited first English translation of Imam ash-Sharani's, may Allah be pleased with him, Adab al-Suhba. It is on the subject of practising excellent conduct and spiritual etiquette and is authored by one of the greatest scholars of his generation. Imam al-Sha’rani was one of the most distinguished and prolific writers in Egypt during the Ottoman caliphate, who produced works on a variety of subjects such as mystical, legal, and theological matters, as well as the history of Sufism in Egypt.
Qutb al-Rabbani; Al-Imam 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Sharaani, may Allah be pleased with him, was one of the great awliya [saints] of Egypt and an Imam of Islamic law of the Shafi'i School. His given name was Abd ul' Wahhab. He was born in 1491 Common Era (898 After Hijri).
He memorised the Qur’an by the age of seven. He also memorised most of the books he studied in his lessons. Imam Sharani frequented the circles of knowledge and took lessons from various Imams. Thus becoming competent in knowledge of hadith and Islamic law at a young age. Ali al-Hawas and Sayyed Ibrahim ed-Dusuki were among his famous teachers. When it was asked of him how he entered the path of Sufism and how he proceeded, and who brought him to it, he answered, “I initially learned the way of Sufism from Khidr, alayhi’s-salam and my master Ali al-Hawas.
Imam Sharani wrote more than 300 books. The most valuable of them is “Mizan al-Kubra” which comprises the knowledge of all the four Islamic schools of law. Another precious book is “Tabakat al-Kubra”. This is a valuable book which includes the manners, wonders and words of more than four hundred great scholars and saints beginning from Asr al-Sa’adah (the Age of Bliss).
Imam Tahir Mahmood Kiani is well-versed in various fields of Islamic Sacred Sciences, which includes Arabic Grammar, rhetorics, prose, poetry, syntax, etymology, Hadith, Qur’an, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence), and Mantiq (logic). He teaches Arabic and Islamic Sacred Sciences in various educational and academic centres and masjids, on a long term and short term basis. Being fluent in Arabic, English and Urdu, Imam Tahir Mahmood Kiani has translated numerous Islamic texts such as the 'The Mukhtasar Al-Quduri' & Al-Fawz al-Kabir.
Table of Contents :
---About the Author,
------His Studies,
------His Family,
------His Hajj,
------His Teachers,
------His Works,
------His Zawiyah,
------His Spiritual and Legal Afflictions,
------His Ascetism,
------His Death.
---This Book,
------This Translation,
---Author's Introduction
---Chapter [1]: The Merits of Companionship for the Sake of Allāh ﷻ
---1.1. Association verses Reclusion,
---1.2. Real Companionship,
---1.3. Traditions on the Merits of Loving One Another for the Sake of Allah,
---Chapter [2]: The Rights of Companionship,
---2.1. Overlooking the Defects of Others,
---2.2. Observing the Positives in Others,
---2.3. Wishing the Best for Others,
---2.4. Concealing the Past Faults of Others,
---2.5. Not Dishonouring Someone over a Sin,
---2.6. Not Being Contemptful,
---2.7. Blaming Oneself for the Defect in Others,
---2.8. Considering Oneself Inferior to Others,
---2.9. Giving Preference to Others,
---2.10. Serving Others,
---2.11. Respecting and Revering Others,
---2.12. Praising Others,
---2.13. Honouring Others when Meeting Them,
---2.14. Making Space for Others in Gatheries,
---2.15. Not Calling Others by Only Their Name,
---2.16. Acknowledging the Merits of Others,
---2.17. Paying Visits to Others,
---2.18. When Meeting Others,
---2.19. Exchanging Gifts,
---2.20. Advising to Avoid Seeking Revenge,
---2.21. Assisting Others in Marriage,
---2.22. Visiting and Serving the Ill,
---2.23. Advising Another in Making a Bequest,
---2.24. Staying Overnight with the Moribund,
---2.25. Acknowledging One Who Calims Noble Lineage,
---2.26. Not Declaring Apostasy Due to a Sin,
---2.27. Not Hating Others Over Inappropriate Acts,
---2.28. Increasing in Doing Good When an Interposition Takes Place,
---2.29. Giving Preference to the Needs of Others,
---2.30. Seeking Forgiveness for Shortcomings,
---2.31. Accepting Excuses of Others,
---2.32. Avoiding Envy,
---2.33. Bidding Farewell when Travelling,
---2.34. Visiting Others when They Return from a Journey,
---2.35. Consulting with Others,
---2.36. Having Concern for Other's Dependents,
---2.37. Extending Wealth and Time to Others,
---2.38. When Others Dislike Him,
---2.39. Keeping the Secrets of Others,
---2.40. Rejecting Talebearers,
---2.41. Defending Anothers Reputation,
---2.42. Waking Others for Prayers,
---2.43. Wise Counsel and Irresponsible Flattery,
---2.44. Self-Accusation on Another's Being Burdensome,
---2.45. Accepting the Counsel of Others,
---2.46. Awaiting One's Fellow When Entering Paradise,
---2.47. Abstaining from Food and Drink,
---2.48. Abstaining from Minor Sins,
---2.49. Preventing Others from Expressing Their Spiritual Status,
---2.50. Being Apparently Hostile to the One Who is Hostile to Others,
---2.51. Standing for the Comer,
---2.52. Not Lying to Others,
---2.53. Supplicating for Others,
---2.54. Not Harbouring Malice,
---2.55. Listening Well to Others,
---2.56. On Testing Others,
---2.57. Meeting Others Honourably,
---2.58. Allowing Others to Repent,
---2.59. Preserving Cordiality with Others,
---2.60. Not Reminding of Favours,
---2.61. Avoiding Disputes,
---2.62. Avoid Hastening Abandonment,
---2.63. Avoid Taking to Task,
---2.64. Compassion to the Children of Others,
---2.65. Opposing Others on Innovations,
---2.66. Avoiding to Marry a Fellow's Divorcee or Widow.
---Conclusion to Chapter 2.
---Chapter [3]: The Etiquettes of the People [of Verity],
---3.1. Rushing to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, for Help,
---3.2. Having the Presence of Heart,
---3.3. Investigating the State of Limbs,
---3.4. Investigating the Inner Self,
---3.5. Refraining from Making Promises,
---3.6. Being the Teacher's Servant,
---3.7. Elevating the Status of Colleagues in their Absence,
---3.8. Not Claiming the Seniors to Have Perished,
---3.9. Not Seeking the Absence of Opposition,
---3.10. Not Stating the Power of Allah Almighty When They Mention Their Own Sins,
---3.20. Asking Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, by Proxy,
---3.30. Being Content Without Desires,
---3.40. Praising Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, When Putting on New Clothes,
---3.50. Not Abusing the Leaders,
---3.60. Being True Without Pretence,
---3.70. Conferring Reward to the Backbitten,
---3.80. Not Responding to Aspirants of Discipleship,
---3.90. Cleansing Deception from Their Hearts,
---3.100. Returning Property to the Rulers,
---3.101. Not Eating Food from the Wayward,
---3.102. Praying for Whom One Eats With,
---3.103. Praying When Intending to Do Good.
---Conclusion to Chapter 3.
---Conclusion : The Agreed Upon Etiquettes for the Dhikr [of Allāh ﷻ]
---The Agreed Upon Etiquettes for the Dhikr [of Allah, subhanahu wa Ta'ala],
----4.1. Etiquettes Pre-Dhikr,
----4.2. Etiquettes During Dhikr,
----4.3. Etiquettes Post Dhikr,
---The Arabic Text [of Ādāb aṣ-Ṣuhbah].
---About the Translator,
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*Dimensions : 14 x 21.5cm (5.5 x 8.5").