Lessons in Islamic History :
"Durus fi al tarikh al Islami" - New,
*[A5] Large Paperback - 245 pages,
by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Khudari Bak Al-Bajuri,
Translated by Mariam Madge Conlan,
Published by Turath.
Back in Stock October 2021
Description :
'Lessons in Islamic History' is an essential summary of Shaykh Muhammad Khudari Bak's series of groundbreaking works on Islamic history, in which this pioneering Egyptian historian and scholar of Shari'ah and Arabic literature distils the essence of his three outstanding works on the Prophetic Biography, the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and the Umayyad and 'Abbasid Dynasties.
In his distinctively eloquent yet uncomplicated style, the author traces the changing political and social circumstances of the Islamic peoples from their origins in the pre-Islamic Arabic Peninsula until his own time in the Ottoman Khedivate of Egypt. An instinctive educator who explained that he wrote not merely to record history, but so that history might benefit, the author outlines the vicissitudes of Islamic history with refreshing objectivity and restraint, highlighting the lessons to be learnt from past events.
In an era when competing historical narratives vie for supremacy, this text provides a clear and concise account of Muslim leadership throughout history and its consequences for the Ummah. As such, it is an indispensable read for young and old alike.
Shaykh Muhammad Khudari Bak was a pioneer amongst his contemporaries in formulating a modern written account of Islamic history, in his clear and uncomplicated style, based on analysis that looked objectively at historical events but was nevertheless grounded in reality.
The importance of this work, (first published in 1909,] lies in extracting the essence of his books :
*** Nur al-Yaqin fir Sirat Sayyid al-Mursalin (The Light of Certainty in the Biography of the Master of the Messengers),
*** Itmam al-Wafa' fi Sirat al-Khulafa' (The History of the Four Caliphs),
*** Muhadarat fi Tarikh al-Umam al-Islamiyyah (Ad-Dawlatayn al-Umawiyyah wa'l-Abbasiyyah) (Lectures on the History of the Muslim Nations - The Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties).
He added to these by summarising Islamic history from the end of the 'Abbasid era until his own time.
About the Author: He is Muhammad ibn Afifi al-Bajuri, popularly known as Shaykh Khudari Bak. He was a scholar of Shariah, literature and Islamic history. He was born in Egypt in 1289/1872 and lived in Zaytun, a suburb of Cairo. He graduated from Madrasah Dar al-Ulum and surpassed his contemporaries as a scholar, researcher, orator, educator and reformer. During the course of his life he was an Islamic judge in Khartoum, an educator in the Islamic Judicial School in Cairo for a period of twelve years, a Professor in Islamic history at the University of Egypt (now named The University of Cairo), the Deputy-Head of the Islamic judicial school and an inspector for the Ministry of Education.
Table of Contents :
---Publishers Foreword,
---About the Author,
---Lesson [1]. The Arabian Peninusula,
------Origins of the Arabs,
------Perished Arabs (Al-'Arab al-Badiyah),
---[2]. The Surviving Arabs (Al-'Arab al-Baqiyah),
------Pure Arabs,
------Arabised Arabs,
------The Arab Way of Life,
---[3]. Arab Civilisation before Islam,
---[4]. Arab Religion,
------Arab Character,
---[5]. Arabic Language, Literature and Learning,
---[6]. Arab Social Status before Islam.
---[7]. Sayyduna Muhammad, ?,
------The Noble Mission,
---[8]. Migration (Hijrah) to Madinah,
------Achievements in Makkah,
---[9]. Construction of the Mosque,
------The Legitimacy of Fighting,
------Fighting Commences,
---[10]. Fourth Year after the Hijra,
---[11]. Eight Year after the Hijra,
---[12]. The Character of Allah's Messenger, ?,
---[13]. The Miracles of the Messenger of Allah, ?,
---[14]. The Caliphate (Khilafah) of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
------The Achievements of Abu Bakr,
------The Deliverance of Usamah's Army,
------Instances of Apostasy,
------The death of As-Siddiq (The Truthful One) radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---[15]. The Caliphate of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
------Iraq under 'Umar,
------The Martyrdom of 'Umar,
---[16]. The Caliphate of 'Uthman, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---The Caliphate of 'Ali, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
------The Caliphate of Hasan ibn Ali, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---[17]. The Ummayad (Ad-Dawlah al-Umawiyyah),
---The Sufyanids,
------1. Mu'awiyah, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
------2. Yazid,
-----------The murder of Husayn, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
-----------The Battle of Harrah,
-----------The Seige of the Ka'bah,
------3. Mu'awiyah II.
---[18]. The Marwanids,
------4. Marwan ibn al-Hakam,
------5. Abd al-Malik,
------6. Walid I,
------7. Sulayman,
------8. 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-Aziz,
------9. Yazid II,
---[19]. Hisham,
------11. Walid II,
------12. Yazid III,
------13. Marwan II,
---[20]. Andalusia (Andalus),
---[21]. The Umayyad Rulers of Andalusia,
------1. 'Abd ar-Rahman I,
------2. Hisham,
------3. Hakam ibn Hisham,
------4. 'Abd ar-Rahman II,
------5. Muhammad 'Abd ar-Rahman II,
------6. Mundhir ibn Muhammad,
------7. 'Abdullah,
---[22]. Commander of the Faithful (Amir al-Mu'minin) 'Abd ar-Rahman an-Nasir,
---------Al-Hakam al-Mustansir,
---[23]. Muhammad al-Mahdi,
---------The End of the Ummayad Dynasty in Andalusia,
---------The Petty Kings,
---The Mulaththamun Dynasty [or Almoravids (Murabitun)],
---[24]. The Almohad Dynasty (Muwahhidun),
------The Banu 'l-Ahmar Dynasty,
---[25]. A Lesson from the Dynasty of Andalusia,
------The State of Andalusia under Islamic Rule,
---[26]. The Abbasid Dynasty (Ad-Dawlah al-Abbasiyyah),
---[27]. Harun ar-Rashid (Reigned 170/786 - 193/809),
---[28]. Harun al-Wathiq (Reigned 227/842 - 232/847),
---[29]. 'Abd al-Karim at-Ta'i (Reigned 363/974 - 381/991),
---[30]. Al-Mansur al-Mustansir Bi'llah (Reigned 623/1226 - 640/1242),
---General Characteristics of the Abbasid Dynasty,
---[31]. Dynasties and Emirates which Emerged during the Abbasid Era,
---The Buyids (Banu Buyah),
---[32]. The Saljuq Dynasty,
------The Legacy of the Saljuq Dynasty,
---[33]. The Subuktukin Family Dynasty,
---[34]. The History of Egypt,
------Egypt Under the Abbasids,
---[35]. The Tulunid Dynasty (Tuluniyyah),
------The Return of Egypt to the Abbasid Caliphate,
---[36]. The Fatimid Dynasty (Ad-Dawlah al-Fatimiyyah),
---[37]. Amir bi-Ahkami'llah Mansur,
---[38]. The Ayyubid Dynasty (Ad-Dawlah al-Ayyubiyyah),
------General Aspects of the Ayyubid Dynasty,
---[39]. The Mamluk Dynasty (Dawlat al-Mamalik),
---[40]. The Circassian Dynasty (Dawlat ash-Sirakisah),
------General Aspects of the Mamluk Dynasty,
---[41]. Ashraf Qatbay,
---[42]. Ashraf Tuman Bay,
---[43]. Egypt under the Ottoman Dynasty (Ad-Dawlah al-'Uthmaniyyah),
---[44].Egypt under French Rule, 1216/1801 - 1220/1805,
------1. Muhammad 'Ali,
---[45]. Ibrahim Pasha,
----------'Abbas Pasha I,
----------Muhammad Sa'id Pasha,
----------Isma'il Pasha,
----------Muhammad Tawfiq Pasha,
---[46]. 'Abbas Hilmi II.
More Islamic History.
*Dimensions : 24 x 16.4cm.