The Solution to the Dilemma of Isha & Sehri in Europe :
*[A5] Booklet - 16 pages, New,
by Shaykh Nizamuddin Misbahi,
Published by Jamaat Raza e Mustafa.
Description :
" The issue concerning the commencement of Isha and the termination of Sehri has caused great confusion and debate amongst the scholars let alone the general masses. As Ramadan approaches in the summer months and the time between Isha and Sehri becomes ever so constrained, it is imperative that a solution is soon found which satisfies the tenets of Shariah and is practical for every Muslim living in the UK.
This book has been translated from the works of Shaykh Nizamuddin Misbahi who has exhausted his efforts in researching this subject and through the aid of many International scholars, produced a short yet informative booklet. It intends to present to the reader the fundamental issues we are faced with, why certain arguments practiced by many must be dispelled due to their invalidity and how we can move forward using the advice and rulings of our great scholars of the past and present .. "
*Dimensions : 21 x 15cm.