Fiqh of Worship :
Commentary on
'Umdat al-Fiqh (The Reliable Source of
*[A5+] Large Paperback - 429 pages,
by Shaykh ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi [d.620h],
Commentary & Translation by Dr. Hatem al-Haj,
Published by I.I.P.H.
Description :
'The Fiqh of Worship' is a translation of and commentary on Ibn Qudâmah’s highly esteemed
‘Umdat al-Fiqh, an abridged book of
fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) according to the
Hanbali school. Dr. Hatem al-Haj has translated and elaborated on it, noting the opinions of other schools of Islamic jurisprudence, thus giving the English-speaking student a broader base for his or her understanding of
The author has made the difficult subject of
fiqh easier to learn and more comprehensible by using visual aids and a unique symbol system. This book is a must-have for the serious student of knowledge.
In the author’s words
:"This knowledge will only be beneficial if it is sought for Allah’s sake, coupled with compassionate devotion towards Him and diligent adherence to the way of our most beloved, Prophet Muhammad,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace. It will be retained only by frequent reviews, and confirmed by teaching it to those who are less knowledgeable.
Worship, when devoutly observed and correctly performed, is the ultimate human function for which people were created, and the only way to attain the ultimate success, being the pleasure of our Lord (Exalted is He).
The Author : Shaykh al-Islam Imam al-Muwaffaq ibn Qudama,
May Allah be pleased with him,
(A.H. 541-620), was one of the luminaries of his day and age. Born in
the town of Jamma'il in Nablus in Palestine, he emigrated to Damascus
with his family at the age of eight, after the Crusaders had seized
control of his country.
Studying at first under the
tutelage of his father, Shaikh Abu ’l-'Abbås Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn
Qudama, he learned the rudiments of the religious sciences, and the
texts of the
Hanbali school of jurisprudence, including the
Mukhtasar [Compendium] of
At the next stage he studied under various of the Shaikhs of Damascus
and continued to make progress in learning, until he reached the age of
Then, between the years A.H.560 and 561 he embarked
on an educational expedition to Baghdad. At the outset of his career,
al-Muwaffaq spent a brief period in the presence of Shaikh 'Abd al-Qådir
May Allah be pleased with him. Under the Shaikh, then in the ninetieth year his life, he studied the
Mukhtasar [Compendium] of al-Kharaqi at the level of understanding and meticulous scrutiny.
Shaikh 'Abd al-Qådir,
may Allah sanctify his secret, completed his earthly life shortly after that, so al-Muwaffaq turned to the Shaikh of the
and the leading jurist of 'Iråq, Nasih al-Islam Abu ’l-Fath Nasr ibn
Fityan ibn Matar an-Nahrawani, well-known as Ibn al-Muna (A.H. 477–564).
Under him he studied the jurisprudence of the school of Imam Ahmad [ibn
Hanbal]. After four years in Baghdad he returned to Damascus and there
he preoccupied himself with the composition of his great commentary (
al-Mughni) on al-Kharaqi’s Mukhtasar.
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*Dimensions : 23.8 x 16.8cm.