Shafi'i : Tasheelul Fiqh 5

Shafi'i : Tasheelul Fiqh no 5,
*[A5] Paperback /Booklet  - 99 pages
For the Shafi'i Madhhab.
Part of "Fiqh Made Easy" Series.

Description :

New Edition of Tasheelul Fiqh, according to the Shafi'i madh-hab [Book 5] - Fiqh Made Easy.

These books are well presented and concise in terms of clarity, and breath of coverage, for adults, but in particular for children. Completely interactive books in English, with Questions, quiz, word search, etc ideal for schools, madrassahs or teach at home.

Table of Contents :

---[1]. Najaasah, impurities,
---[2]. Hadath, impure condition,
---[3]. Water,
--------Questions on the types of water,
---[4]. The Rules of Water,
---[5]. Istinja, purification of private parts,
---[6]. Miswaak, the toothstick,
---[7]. Wudhu, Ablution,
---[8]. How to make Wudhu,
--------New Words,
------- Faraaidh and Sunnah acts in Wudhu,
---------Faraaidh acts,
---------Sunnah acts,
---[9]. The Aadaab (eqtiquette) & Mandoob (mustahab; recommended) acts of Wudhu,
---------Some of the Aadaab acts of Wudhu,
---------Some of the Mandoob acts of Wudhu,
---[10]. The Makrooh acts of Wudhu,
---[11]. Actions that break Wudhu,
---------Four Nawaaqidh,
---[12]. Acts that do not break Wudhu,
---------Questions, true or false,
---[13]. Occassions when Wudhu is Mandoob / Mustahab,
---------Questions, tick or cross,
---[14]. Ghusl, Complete Body Wash,
---[15]. The Fard acts of Ghusl,
---------How to make Ghusl,
---[16]. The Sunnah acts of Ghusl,
---[17]. Occasions when Ghusl becomes necessary ...
---------Occasions when Ghusl becomes fard,
---------Occasions when Ghusl is Sunnah,
---------Occasions when Ghusl is Mandoob,
---[18]. Tayammum,
---------Method of Tayammum,
---[19]. Faraaidh of Tayammum,
---------Six Faraaidh of Tayammum,
---------Things on which Tayammum is not permitted,
---[20]. Masah on the Khuf (leather socks),
---------The method of making masah,
---------Important : What makes the sock a ''khuf'' ?
---[21]. Masah on wounds, bandages & plasters or casts,
---[22]. The Ab'aadh Sunnahs in Salaah : The main Sunnahs,
---------17 acts of fard in Salaah,
---------New Words,
---------The Ab'aadh Sunnahs in Salaah,
---------Questions; match the columns,
---[23]. The Sunan (regular Sunnats) in Salaah :
----------The Sunan in Qiyaam,
----------The Sunan in Qiraat,
----------The Sunan in Ruku and Sujood,
----------The Sunan in Qadah and Jalsah,
---[24]. The Aadaab or Etiquette in Salaah :
----------24 Makhroohaat (disliked acts) in Salaah,
----------True or False,
----------Fill in the correct phrases,
---[25]. Things that break the Salaah; Mufsidaatus Salaah,
----------They are ...,
----------Fill in the gaps,
---[26]. Practical Salaah : How to perform,
----------Before Salaah,
----------Niyyah (Intention),
----------Takbeer at-Tahreemah and Qiyaam,
----------Du'a Istiftaah,
----------First Rakah,
----------Tasmee' and the I'tidaal,
----------First Sajdah,
----------Second Sajdah,
----------Second Rakaat,
----------Qa'dah Oola (first sitting),
----------Tashahhud (Du'a of testification),
----------The third and fourth Rakaats,
----------Qa'dah Akheerah (final sitting),
-----------Salat-alan-Nabi, ﷺ, (Darud e Ibrahim),
----------The Maathoor Duas,
----------Completion of Salaah.

More Shafi'i books,


*Dimensions : 21 x 14.5cm.











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