The Ultimate Conspectus :
Matn al-Ghayat wa al-Taqrib,
[A5] Glossy Paperback - 182 pages,
by Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani,
Translation with Notes by Musa Furber.
Published by Islamosaic.
Back in Stock July 2019
Description :
Matn al-Ghayat wa al-Taqrib,
A translation of Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani’s,
may Allah have mercy upon him, introduction to classical Islamic law,
Matn al-Ghayat wa al-Taqrib.
This enduring classic covers the full range of basic topics within the
Shafi'i school of law. It includes the full Arabic text and notes to point out where later
Shafi'i jurists have differed from the author, Imam al-Nawawi's,
may Allah be pleased with him, preferences, and minor clarifications and explanations.
From the preface:
'' Individual muslims are required to learn the rulings for anything they do in their daily lives. Most Muslims today trace their understanding of law back to schools founded by well-known
Imāms, who themselves trace their understanding back to the Prophet ﷺ. This body of Islamic law allows one to carry out what one has been ordered to do while avoiding what one has been ordered to avoid, which results in happiness now and in the Afterlife.
One of the first texts students of the
Shāfiʿ ī school of law read is Abū Shujāʿ ah al-Asfahānī’s introduction to classical Islamic law. This enduring classic covers the full range of basic topics within the
Shāfiʿ ī school of law. The present work includes a complete translation of Abū Shujāʿ ah’s conspectus, along with the full Arabic text and notes to point out where later jurists have differed from the author, Imām al-Nawawī’s preferences, and minor clarifications and explanations.
''Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani : He is Shihab ud-Din Ahmad ibn al-Husayn [and it reads Al-Hasan in some works] ibn Ahmad al-Asfahānī. His agnomen (
kunya) is
Abu Shuja’ as well as
Abu Tayyib. He was the
Qadi (judge), Imam, scholar of high repute, the ascetic (
zahid), a tenacious
Faqih (jurist), a righteous and humble ruler (
All such characteristics have been attributed to him by his
contemporaries and biographers throughout the ages, such as in the
Tabaqat Ash-Shafi’yyah of Qadi ibn Shuhbah, the
Tabaqat of As-Subki, and within the many works of the scholars that are commentaries and super-commentaries upon his famous ”
Ghayat At-Taqrib”.
Table of Contents:
---Transliteration Key,
---Translator's Preface,
---Author's Introduction.
---[1]. Purification,
---[2]. Prayer,
---[3]. Funerals,
---[5]. Fasting,
---[6]. Pilgrimage,
---[7]. Selling and Other Transactions,
---[8]. Inheritance and Bequests,
---[9]. Marriage and Divorce,
---[10]. Injurious Crimes,
---[11]. Punishments,
---[13]. Hunting & Slaughtering,
---[14]. Contests & Marksmanship,
---[15]. Oaths & Vows,
---[16]. Courts & Testimony,
---[17]. Manumission.
Musa Furber is a Research Fellow at the Tabah Foundation, and is a qualified issuer of edicts (
mufti). He received his license to deliver legal edicts (
from senior scholars at the Egyptian House of Edicts, including the
Grand Mufti of Egypt. He was raised in Portland, Oregon, and lives in
Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
Now also available the perfect companion to this book ...
The Accessible Conspectus.