The Fiqh of Food and Drink,
*[A5] Paperback - 45 pages, Updated Edition,
by S.Z.Chowdhury,
Published by Ad-Duha, USA.
Part of the Introducing
Fiqh Series.
Back in Stock October 2020
Description :
This is the eighth volume in the Introducing
Fiqh educational series. It contains 11 short sections covering key aspects of the legal rulings (
ahkam) related to the conditions, integrals, scenarios and application of Food and Drink (
at'ima wa ashriba). The primary material is drawn from a range of classical legal manuals from the
Hanafi legal school as well as its major
fatawa collections.
The major texts include al-Quduri's
Mukhtasar with its commentary
al-Lubab by 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi,
al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, al-Kasani's al-Bada'i al-Sana'i and the 19th century canonical corpus juris
Radd al-Muhtar of Ibn Abidin.
Contains the basic rulings on food and drink in Islam according to the
Hanafi jurists complete with original Arabic legal references. This is Volume 8 of the Introducing
Fiqh Educational Series.
Table of Contents :
---Table of Abbreviations,
---Table of Symbols,
---[1]. Introduction,
---[2]. Preliminaries, relevant
Qawaid (legal maxims),
---[3]. Meats and Fish,
---[4]. Fruits, Vegetables and Baking products,
---[5]. Dairy Products, Confectionery, Condiments, Oils and Dried Food,
---[6]. General Beverages,
---[7]. Prawns - Legal Discussion,
---[8]. Crows - Legal Discussion,
---[9]. Eels - Legal Discussion,
Nabidh (fermented beverages),
---Miscellaneous Rulings,
---Key References.
Other books in the series :
Volume 1 : Introducing the Fiqh of Prayer,
Volume 2 : Introducing the Fiqh of Purification,
Volume 3 : Introducing the Fiqh of Fasting,
Volume 4 : Introducing the Fiqh of Zakat,
Volume 6 : Introducing the Fiqh of Marriage & Divorce,
Volume 7 : Introducing the Fiqh of Marital Intimacy,
Volume 8 : Introducing the Fiqh of Food & Drink,
Volume 9 : Introducing the Fiqh of Clothing and Dress,
Volume 10 : Introducing the Fiqh of Employment.
*Dimensions : 23 x 15.3cm.