Heavenly Jewels : Sunni Bahishti Zewar,
[A5] Paperback - 446 pages,
by Mufti Muhammad Khalil Khan Barkati.
Transl. into English by Mawlana M. Omar Dawood Qadri.
This version includes (only 1st Part - Aqeedah) English translation of Bahar-e-Shariat,
by Mufti Amjad Ali Azami,
Transl. into English by:Mawlana Aftab Cassim Noorie.
Out of Stock | Out of Print
Description :
Long awaited book which eradicates the doubts and misconceptions, and in doing so clarifies the truth in simple terms.A comprehensive fiqh [jurisprudence] guide for everyone, in particular sisters.
This version of Sunni Bahishti Zewar includes translation into English of the complete first section of 'Bahar-e-Shari'at' on aqeedah by 'Sadrus Shari'ah': Mufti Amjad Ali, 'alayhir rahman. Also available from Madani Propagation :
***Bahar e Shariat Vol 1,2,3, English,
***Bahar e Shariat Vol 3,4, English,
***Bahar e Shariat Vol 16, English.
---Sunni Bahishti Zewar [Heavenly Jewels] Contents - 318 pages,
---Qaseedah Burdah Sharif (English transliteration),
---Salaam to our Beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---Du'a by Sayyid Amin miya Barkati,
---Translator's Note.
---Chapter [1]. Tahaarat,
---Chapter [2]. Important Terms,
---Chapter [3]. Wudhu,
---Chapter [4]. Ghusl,
---Chapter [5]. Tayammum,
---Chapter [6]. Haiz and Nifaas,
---Chapter [7]. Istihaaza,
---Chapter [8]. Najaasat,
---Chapter [9]. Istinjaa,
---Chapter [10]. Salaah,
---Chapter [11]. Purdah,
---Chapter [12]. The Rights of a Husband,
---Chapter [13]. The Rights of a Wife,
---Chapter [14]. Forty Ahadeeth,
---Chapter [15]. Bringing up and Educating Children,
---Chapter [16]. Nafl Namaaz,
---Chapter [17]. Sickness,
---Chapter [18]. Death,
---Chapter [19]. Taaziyat,
---Chapter [20]. Isaal e Thawaab,
---Chapter [21]. Rights of Parents after they pass away,
---Chapter [22]. Zakaat,
---Chapter [23]. Fasting,
---Chapter [24]. Hajj,
------Specific Ahkaam of Women during Hajj,
------A Necessary Naseehat,
---Chapter [25]. Travelling to Madinah Tayyibah,
---Chapter [26]. Discussion on Nikah,
------Women prior to Islam,
------Ijaab and Qabool,
---Chapter [27]. Discussion on Talaaq,
---Chapter [28]. Custody and Raising of the Child,
---Chapter [29]. Gatherings of Blessings,
---Chapter [30]. Aqeeqa and Circumcision,
---Chapter [31]. Zeenat (Beautification - Embellishment),
---Chapter [32]. Correction of Practices,
---Chapter [33]. Excellence and Masa'il of Durood Shareef,
------A few masa'il,
---Chapter [34]. Fazaa'il and Adaab of Reciting the Holy Qur'an,
------Adaab of Tilawat and Masa'il of Qiraat,
---Chapter [35]. Fazaa'il and Adaab of Du'a,
------Times for Du'a to be Accepted,
------Glad Tidings,
---Chapter [36]. Qasam and Kaffarah,
------Offences and Castigation,
---Chapter [37]. Fiqhi Masa'il regarding Zinaa,
---Chapter [38]. Hadd e Qazf,
---Chapter [39]. Tazeer,
------Important Note,
------Hadd for drinking alcohol,
------Related Masa'il,
---Chapter [40]. Murtad,
------Ahkaam regarding Irtidaad,
------Important Note,
------Do not be Fooled,
---Chapter [41]. A few statements of Kufr,
---Chapter [42]. Luqt (gleanings),
---Chapter [43]. Discussion on Business Transactions (Sales),
------Miscellaneous Masa'il concerning Buying and Selling,
------Ba'ee e Makrooh,
------Related Masa'il,
---Chapter [44]. Discussion on Loans (Qarz),
---Chapter [45]. Miscellaneous Masa'il,
---Chapter [46]. Islamic Manners,
------A few masa'il regarding 'Day to Day' living.
---A Few Chapters of Islamic Manners:
------Adaab of Walking,
------Adaab of a Gathering (Mehfil),
------Adaab of Meeting, Greeting and Speaking,
------Adaab of Sleeping,
------Adaab of Happiness and Grief,
------Adaab concerning Neighbours,
------Factors that cause Poverty,
------Factors that bring about Affluence.
---Bahar-e-Shariat Contents - 125 pages,
---About the Author,
---Chapter [1]. Belief regarding Allah The Exalted,
------Words of Kufr uttered in regard to the Being of Allah The Exalted,
---Chapter [2]. Belief concerning Nabuwwat (Prophethood),
------Important Law,
---Chapter [3]. The Angels,
------The Upper class of the favourite Angels,
---Chapter [4]. Aalam e Barzakh : The domain between Death & Resurrection,
---Chapter [5]. The HereAfter and Resurrection,
------The Book of Deeds,
------The Pond of Kawthar,
------Maqaam e Mahmood,
------Liwa ul Hamd,
------Pul Siraat,
---Chapter [6]. Jannat (Paradise - Heaven),
---Chapter [7]. Dozakh (Hell),
---Chapter [8]. The Books of Allah The Exalted,
---Chapter [9]. Imaan and Kufr (Faith and Disbelief),
------Misguided and Corrupt Sects,
------Corrupt Qadiani Beliefs,
------Corrupt Raafzi (Shi'ah) Beliefs,
------Take Heed,
------Ghayr Muqalideen, (Anti-Madhhab Cult),
--------Important Note,
---Chapter [10]. Imaamat : Correct Religious Leadership,
Also see Fiqh Homepage.
Sub-Continent Paper/Print Quality !