Usul e Shaashi : English Translation,
*[A5] Hardback - 341 pages,
by Imam Nizam al-Din Shaashi,
English Translation by: A. Molvi,
Published by Zamzam, Pakistan.
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Description :
Usul al-Shashi ; The famous Hanafi guidebook on usul-e-fiqh. Includes translation, commentary and Arabic text.
The Usul (principles) of fiqh (jurisprudence) are four :
**The Noble Qur'an (The Book of Allah),
**Hadith (The Sunnah of Rasulullah, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam),
**Ijma (concensus) of the Ummat (of Rasulullah, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam),
**Qiyaas (deduction).
Although this is not an authentic sunni translation it has been deemed permissible to use for reference purposes until an authentic sunni translation is published.
Contents :
---The Principles of Fiqh.
Section [1]. The Qur'an.
---The Book of Allah,
---Khaas and Aam,
---The ruling of khaas,
---Definition of Aam,
---Aam Ghair Makhsoosul Ba'adh,
---Proof of Aam,
---More examples,
---Aam Makhsoosul Ba'adh,.
---Lesson on Mutlaq and Muqayyad,
---A deduction made from the ruling of Mutlaq,
---An objection.
---Lesson on Mushtaraq and Mu'awwal,
---The ruling of Mushtaraq,
---Definition of Mu'awwal,
---Examples of Mu'awwal,
---Definition of Mufassar,
---Example of Mufassar.
---Lesson on Haqiqat and Majaaz,
---The ruling on Haqiqat and Majaaz,
---Other examples nased on this principle,
---Objection to this rule,
---Three types of Haqiqat,
---Example of Haqiqat Mut'adhirah,
---Example of Haqiqat Mahjoorah,
---Another example of Haqiqat Mahjoorah,
---Ruling of Haqiqat Must'amilah,
---Example of Haqiqat Must'amilah,
---Another example of Haqiqat Must'amilah,
---Difference in opinion regarding the manner in which Majaaz substitutes Haqiqat,
---A reply to an objection.
---Lesson of the methods of Isti'aarah,
---Example of the first type of Isti'aarah,
---Example of the second type of Isti'aarah,
---Niyyat is not necessary,
---An objection.
---Lesson on Sareeh and Kinaayah,
---Differences which arise as a result of this,
---Definition and ruling of Kinaayah,
---Punishments are not established by Kinaayah.
---Lesson on Mutaqaabalaat,
---Example [1] of Thaahir and Nas,
---Example [2] of Thaahir and Nas,
---Example [3] of Thaahir and Nas,
---Example [4] of Thaahir and Nas,
---The ruling of Thaahir and Nas,
---Contradiction of Thaahir and Nas,
---Three Examples.
---Lesson on Mufassar,
---Definition of Mufassar,
---Example of Mufassar,
---Example of Mufassar in the laws of Shari'ah,
---Three Examples.
---Lesson on Muhkam,
---Definition of Muhkam,
---Example of Muhkam,
---Ruling of Mufassar and Muhkam,
---The opposite of Thaahir, Nas, Mufassar and Muhkam.
---Lesson on Khafie,
---Definition of Khafie,
---Three Examples,
---Ruling of Khafie.
---Lesson on Mushkil,
---Definition of Mushkil,
---Example of Mushkil.
---Lesson on Mujmal,
---Definition of Mujmal,
---Example of Mujmal.
---Lesson on Mutashaabih,
---Definition of Mutashaabih,
---Ruling of Mujmal and Mutashaabih.
---Lessons on those instances where the meaning of Haqiqat is abandoned,
---Dalaalatul Urf,
---Abandoning Haqiqat for Urf,
---Dalaatu fi nafsil Kalaam,
---Dalaalatu Siyaaqil Kalaam,
---Dalaalatu min qablil Mutakalim,
---Dalaalatu Mahalil Kalaam,
---Lesson on the manner in which rulings are derived,
---Definition of Ibaaratun Nas,
---Definition of Ishaaratun Nas,
---Example of Ibaaratun Nas and Ishaaratun Nas,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---Further rulings,
---Definition of Dalaalatun Nas,
---Ruling for Dalaalatun Nas,
---Dalaalatun Nas is the same as Ibaaratun Nas,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---Definition of Iqtidha'un Nas,
---Example of Iqtidha'un Nas,
---Ruling of Iqtidha'un Nas,
---Further example of Iqtidha'un Nas,
---Rulings derived from the above.
---Lesson on Amr,
---Definition of Amr,
---Lesson on Amr Mutlaq,
---Lesson on Taqraar in Amr,
---Rulings deduced from the above,
---A reply to an objection to this principle,
---Two types of Ma'mur Bihi,
---Mutlaq anil waqt is Waajib Kaamil,
---Types of Amr-Muqayyad bil waqt,
---The ruling of the first type,
---The second type of Amr-Muqayyad bil waqt,
---The ruling of this type,
---Rulings deduced from the above,
---Amr necessitates Hasan in the Ma'mur Bihi,
---Two type of Hasan in Ma'mur Bihi,
---The ruling of Hasan bi Nafsihi,
---Rulings deduced from the above,
---Hasan li-Ghairihi,
---The ruling of Hasan li-Ghairihi,
---Waajib established by Amr is of two types,
---Examples of Adaa-Kaamil,
---The ruling of Adaa-Kaamil,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---Definition of Adaa-Qaasir,
---The ruling of Adaa-Qaasir,
---Rulings deduced from the above,
---Adaa is the primary choice,
---Types of Qadhaa,
---Qadhaa Qaasir,
---Kaamil is the primary choice in Qadhaa,
---Qadhaa of that which has no equivalent,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---An exception to the rule.
---Lesson on Nahy,
---Types of Nahy,
---The ruling of Nahy of Af'aalil Hissiyah,
---The ruling of Nahy of Tasarrufaatish Shari'ah,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---A reply to an objection,
---Prohibition does not prevent the laws from applying,
---Rulings derived from the above.
---Lesson on the method in which the implication of speech is recognised,
---If a word has the meaning of Haqiqat and Majaaz,
---If one meaning requires Takhsees and not the other,
---If a word has two different forms of recitation
---Rulings derived from the above,
---Weak methods in which the implication of speech is recognised
---Six examples.
---Lesson on Huroof Ma'aani,
---The letter 'waaw'
---Rulings derived from the above,
---The letter 'waaw' which sometimes denotes Haal,
---Two conditions for the letter 'waaw' to denote Haal,
---An example when the letter 'waaw' cannot denote Haal,
---Rulings derived from the above.
---The Letter 'Faa'
---Three examples,
---'Faa' sometimes describes Illat,
---'Faa' is sometimes attached to the ruling of the Illat,
---Rulings derived from the above.
---Suspension, correction and clarification of letters,
---Preconditions for it to serve the purpose of clarification,
---Letter to grant choice,
---Six examples,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---When the letter is used in negation,
---The neccessity of having choice,
---The letter comes with the meaning of 'unless'!
---Letter that indicates limit,
---If 'urf' opposes the literal meaning of ...,
---If the verb cannot be prolonged.
---The letter denotes the extremity of the limit,
---If it indicates that the action is prolonged,
---Rulings derived from the above,
---This can indicate postponement.
---Letter for obligation,
---At times this will have the meaning of the letter 'Baa,'
---At times this will indicate a condition.
---Letter indicates containment,
---This is also used to denote place or time,
---When this letter denotes place,
---This sometimes indicates a condition.
---The letter 'Baa' is for correlation,
---Rulings derived from the above.
---Lessons on the methods of clarification,
---'Bayaanut Taqrir,
---'Bayaanut Tafsir,
---The ruling of 'Bayaanut Taqrir and 'Bayaanut Tafsir,
---'Bayaanut Taghyeer,
---The outcome of this difference of opinion,
---When the ruling is affixed to a adjective,
---The second method of Taghyeer: Exception,
---An example of 'Bayaanut Taghyeer by way of exception,
---Another form of 'Bayaanut Taghyeer,
---The ruling of 'Bayaanut Taghyeer,
---'Bayaanul Haal'
---'Bayaanul Athaf,
---'Bayaanul Tabdeel,
---Exception of all is impermissible,
---Rulings derived from the above.
Section [2]. The Sunnah.
---The types of Ahadith,
---Khabar Mutawaatir,
---Khabar Mashur,
---Khabar Wahid,
---Condition of narrators,
---The second type of narrators,
---A condition for practicing on Khabar Wahid,
---The substantiation that the conditions of the narrators differ,
---An example of comparing a Hadith to the Qur'an,
---When Khabar Wahid contradicts Khabar Mashur,
---When Khabar Wahid contradicts the common practice,
---An example of Khabar Wahid contradicting the apparent,
---Khabar Wahid can be mentioned in four instances.
Section [3]. Ijmaa.
---Ijmaa is of four types,
---Whose ijma' will be considered?
---Ijma' is divided into two categories,
---A reply to an objection,
---Examples of the above,
---Sub-division of ijma'
---The second type of 'Adamu Qaa'il bil fasl,
---Duties of the mujtahid,
---Discretion is weaker than narration,
---When two proofs contradict each other,
---Contradiction of two Ahadith,
---Practicing one's discretion.
Section [4 ]. Qiyaas.
---Conditions for the validity of Qiyaas,
---Example of Qiyaas contradicting Nas,
---Example of Qiyaas altering a ruling established by Nas,
---Example of Qiyaas based on a ruling contrary to reason,
---Example of Qiyaas whereby the illat was identified by diction,
---Example of Qiyaas wherein the ruling is being sought for something mentioned in Nas,
---Definition of Qiyaas,
---Ascertaining the Illat,
---Illat ascertained from the Sunnat,
---Illat ascertained by ijmaa,
---Two types of Qiyaas,
---Example of 'Itiehaadul Jins'
---The illat must be wide ranging,
---The ruling for 'Itiehaadun No'a'
---The ruling for 'Itiehaadul Jins'
---The third type of Qiyaas,
---The ruling of this type of Qiyaas,
---Objecting to Qiyaas,
---Objection through refutation,
---Objection to the interference of the illat,
---Objection by reversal,
---The second type of reversal,
---Objection by 'Aks,
---Objection by the illat being inappropriate for the ruling,
---Objection by disproval,
---Objection by counteraction,
---Definition of Sabab, Illat and Sharth,
---The ruling will linked to the illat,
---A reply to a misconception,
---Sabab will have the meaning of the illat,
---Sabab will take the place of the illat,
---Other than the Sabab can be called the Sabab (in a manner of majaaz),
---The laws of Shari'ah are affixed to the Sabab,
---The second method,
---The Sabab for fasting and Zakaat,
---The Sabab for Hajj,
---Sabab for Sadaqat al-Fitr,
---Prevention of the illat and ruling,
---Fardh and Waajib,
---Sunnat and Nafl,
---Definition of Azeemat,
---Definition of Rukhsat,
---Substantiating without proof,
---A reply to an objection.
*Dimensions : 22 x 15cm.
NON ASWJ Publication. Sub-continent print quality. Off-mint.