Usul al-Fiqh : New

Usul al-Fiqh : New,
Methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence,
*[-A4] Large Paperback - 362+ pages,
by Dr. Recep Dogan,
Published by Tughra Book, Turkey.





Back in Stock January 2025


Description :

This book deals with the sources of Islamic jurisprudence and their importance in deducing the religious rulings. It covers the concept of ijtihād (independent reasoning), its conditions and application and illustrates why it is a practice for experts rather than laymen. It also explains the differences in the levels of expertise of the mujtahids. In fact, there are seven distinct classifications of mujtahid.

The book also covers the communication of God as Lawgiver with regard to the conduct of liable persons. It details the difference in probative value of communication based on the extent to which it binds an individual be it absolutely binding, a recommendation or mere permissibility.

The reader will be able to understand the difference between fiqh (law) and Usūl al-Fiqh (methodology of law). Fiqh is the law itself whereas Usūl al-Fiqh is the methodology utilised to extract the law. The relationship between the two disciplines resembles that of the rules of grammar to a language, or of logic to philosophy. Usūl al-Fiqh in this sense provides the standard criteria for the correct deduction of the rulings of fiqh from the sources of Shari’ah (the Qur’an and Sunnah).

Dr. Recep Dogan is a prominent Muslim scholar, author and a respected community activist in Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Divinity (Islamic Theology) at Ankara University, Turkey. He then continued on at Ankara University to complete a Master of Islamic Studies and later a PhD in the Islamic Studies Department, Philosophy of Religion. Hosted lecture on The Nature of Man from Islamic perspective (UC Berkeley, California, April 2015).

In 2014, Dr Dogan was appointed Islamic Chaplain of Charles Sturt University. Currently teaches Family Law and Usul Hadith (Methodology of Prophetic Traditions) at Charles Sturt University.

Table of Contents :

---Transliteration Table,

Chapter One :
---Introduction to Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
---The Literal Meaning of Fiqh,
------Summary: The Literal Meaning of Fiqh,
---The Definition of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
------Summary: The Definition of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
---The Differences between Mujtahid and Faqīh,
------Summary: The Differences between Mujtahid and Faqīh,
---The Development of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
------Summary: The Development of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
---The First Work in the Field of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
------Summary: The First Work in the Field of Uṣūl al-Fiqh,
---The Methodology of Mutakallimīn,
------Summary: The Methodology of Mutakallimīn,
---The Methodology of Ḫanafī,
------Summary: The Methodology of Ḫanafī,
---The Books Written according to the Methodology of Mutakallimīn:
---The Books Written according to the Methodology of Ḫanafī:
---The Sources of Islamic Rulings,
---Evidences Agreed Upon (Sources),
------Summary: Evidences Agreed Upon (Sources),
---The Disputed Evidences,
---General Information about the Evidences,
---Summary: General Information about the Evidences.

Chapter Two :
---Kitāb (The Qur’an),
---Definition of the Kitāb,
------Summary: Definition of the Kitāb,
---The Specifications of the Kitāb (The Qur’an),
------Summary: The Specifications of the Kitāb,
---The General Features of the Qur’an,
------Summary: The General Features of the Qur’an,
---The Dispute over Personal Copies of the Qur’an,
------Summary: The Dispute over Variant Readings of the Qur’an,
---The Stages of Revelation,
------Summary: The Stages of Revelation,
---The Wisdom behind the Gradual Revelation of the Qur’an,
------Summary: The Wisdom behind the Gradual Revelation of the Qur’an,
---Transmission of the Qur’an,
------Summary: Transmission of the Qur’an,
---The Methodology in the Collection of ‘Uthman,
------Summary: The Methodology in the Collection of ‘Uthman,
---Qur’anic Script,
------Summary: Qur’anic Script,
---The Value of the Qur’an in Islamic Jurisprudence,
------Summary: The Value of the Qur’an in Islamic Jurisprudence,
---Characteristics of the Qur’an Regarding Islamic Rulings,
------Summary: Characteristics of the Qur’an Regarding Islamic Rulings,
---The Style of the Qur’an in Ahkām Shar’iyya (Legal Rules),
------Summary: The Style of the Qur’an in Ahkām Shar’iyya (Legal Rules),
---Ta’līl (Causation) in the Qur’an,
------Summary: Ta’līl (Causation) in the Qur’an,
---I’jāz (Inimitability) of the Qur’an,
------Summary: I’jāz (Inimitability) of the Qur’an,
---Arguments for the Divine Authorship of the Qur’an,
------Summary: Arguments for the Divine Authorship of the Qur’an,
---Asbāb an-Nuzūl (The Occasions of the Revelations),
------The Benefits of Knowing the Asbāb an-Nuzūl,
------Summary: The Benefits of Knowing the Asbāb an-Nuzūl'.

Chapter Three :
---Summary: Introduction,
---Proof-Value of Sunnah in Legislation,
------Summary: Proof-Value of Sunnah in Legislation,
---The Verbal Sunnah,
---The Practical Sunnah,
---The Sunnah Based on His Approval,
------Summary: The Sunnah Based on His Approval,
---The Role of Sunnah in Legislation,
---Summary: The Role of Sunnah in Legislation,
---The Prophet as a Messenger of God,
---The Prophet as a Ruler,
---The Prophet as a Judge,
---The Differences between the Qur’an and Sunnah,
---Summary: The Differences between Qur’an and Sunnah,
---Forgery in the Hadith,
---Summary: Forgery in the Hadith,
---Classification of Hadith in regard to Chain of Transmission,
---Muttasil (The Continuous) Hadith,
------a) Mutawātir Hadith,
------b) The Mashhūr (Well-Known) Hadith,
------c) Āhād (Solitary) Hadith,
------Summary: Muttasil (the Continuous) Hadith,
---Ghayr Muttasil (The Discontinued) Hadith,
------a) Mursal Hadith,
------b) Munqati’ Hadith,
------c) Mu’ḏal Hadith,
------Summary: Ghayr Muttasil (The Discontinued) Hadith,
---Sahih Hasan and Da’īf,
------Summary: Sahih, Hasan and Da’īf.

Chapter Four :
---Ijma’ (General Consensus)
---Summary: Introduction
---The Types of Ijma’
------a) Ṣarīh Ijma
------b) Sukūtī (tacit) Ijma
---Summary: The Types of Ijma’
---The Proof Value of Ijma
------Summary: The Proof Value of Ijma
---The Arguments of the Scholars Who do not Accept Ijma’ Evidence
------Summary: The Arguments of the Scholars Who do not Accept Ijma’ Evidence
---Feasibility of Ijma
------Summary: Feasibility of Ijma
---Sanad (Basis) of Ijma
------Summary: Sanad (Basis) of Ijma`
---Transmission of Ijma

Chapter Five :
---Qiyas (Analogy),
------Summary: Introduction,
---The Proof Value of Qiyās,
---The Arguments of the Majority,
------Summary: The Arguments of the Majority,
---The Arguments against Qiyās,
------Summary: The Arguments against Qiyās,
---The Conditions of Qiyās,
-----Summary: The Conditions of Qiyās,
---Determining the ‘Illah,
------Summary: Determining the ‘Illah,
---The Categories of a Proper Attribute,
-----Takhrīj al-Manāt,
-----Tanqīh al-Manāt,
-----Tahqīq al-Manāt,
-----Summary: The Categories of a Proper Attribute.

Chapter Six :
---Istihsān (Juristic Preference), Qawli Sahābah (The Statement of the Companions) and Revealed Law Preceding the Shari’ah of Islam,
---Istihsān (Juristic Preference),
---Introduction to Istihsān (Jurist’s Preference),
------Summary: Introduction to Istihsān (Jurist’s Preference),
---The Terminological Meanings of Qiyās,
------Summary: The Terminological Meanings of Qiyās,
---The Terminological Meanings of Asl,
------Summary: The Terminological Meanings of Asl,
---The Reason for the Dispute over Istihsān,
------Summary: The Reason for the Dispute over Istihsān,
---The Definition of Istihsān,
------Summary: The Definition of Istihsān,
---The Different Types of Istihsān,
---Istihsān because of Nass,
------Summary: Istihsān because of Nass,
---Istihsān because of Ijma
------Summary: Istihsān Because of Ijma
---Istihsān because of Necessity,
------Summary: Istihsān Because of Necessity,
---Istihsān because of Khafī (Unclear) Qiyās,
------Summary: Istihsān Because of Unclear (Khafī) Qiyās,
---Istihsān because of ‘Urf,
------Summary: Istihsān Because of ‘Urf,
---Istihsān because of Maslahah,
------Summary: Istihsān Because of Maslahah,
---The Proof Value of Istihsān,
------Summary: The Proof Value of Istihsān,
---Comparing Istihsān with Maslahah,
---Qawli Sahābah (The Statement of the Companions),
---The Proof Value of the Statement of the Companions,
---The Critique of These Two Views,
---Summary: The Statement of the Companions (Qawli Sahābah),
---Shar’u Man Qablanā (The Laws Preceding Islam),
---The Classifications of Previous Laws.

Chapter Seven :
---‘Urf (Custom) and Maslahah Mursala (Consideration of Public Interest),
---‘Urf (Custom),
------Summary: Introduction,
---Proof Value of ‘Urf,
------Summary: Proof Value of ‘Urf,
---The Conditions for the Validity of ‘Urf,
------Summary: The Conditions for the Validity of ‘Urf,
---Changes in the Rulings by Changing ‘Urf,
------Summary: Changes in the Rulings by Changing ‘Urf,
---Maslahah Mursala (Considerations of Public Interest),
---Summary: Introduction
---The Definition of Maslahah Mursala,
------Summary: The Definition of Maslahah Mursala,
---The Proof Value of Maslahah Mursala,
---The Conditions for the Application of Maslahah Mursala,
------Summary: The Conditions for the Application of Maslahah Mursala,
---The Arguments of the Proponents,
------Summary: The Arguments of the Proponents,
---The Arguments of the Opponents,
---Summary: The Arguments of the Opponents,
---Comparing Maslahah Mursala with Qiyāṣ and Istihsān,
---Summary: Comparing Maslahah Mursala with Qiyāṣ and Istihsān.

Chapter Eight :
---Istishāb and Sadd Dharā’ī,
---Istishāb (Presumption of Continuity),
------Summary: Introduction,
---The Types of Istishāb,
------Summary: The Types of Istishāb,
---The Proof Value of Istishāb,
---The Principles of Istishāb,
------Summary: The Principles of Istishāb,
---Sadd al-Dharā’ī (Blocking the Means),
---Summary: Sadd al-dharā’ī (Blocking the Means),
---Proof Value of Sadd Dharā’ī,
------Summary: Proof Value of Sadd al-dharā’ī,
---The Classification of the Acts,
------Summary: The Classification of the Acts,
---Ahkām Shar’ī (Value of Islamic Law),
---Hukm (The Law) and Its Types,
------Summary: Hukm (The Law) and Its Types,
---The Pillars of Islamic Law,
---Hākim (The Lawgiver),
------Summary: Hākim (the Lawgiver),
---Mahkūm Fīh (The Subject-Matter of the Law),
------Summary: Mahkūm Fīh (The Subject-Matter of the Law),
---Mahkūm ‘Alayh (The Addressee of the Law),
------Summary: Mahkūm ‘Alayh (the Addressee of the Law).

Chapter Nine :
---Ahkām Shar’ī (Value of Islamic Law),
---Ahkām Taklifiyya (Defining Law),
---Wajib, Fard (The Obligatory),
------Summary: Wajib, Fard (The Obligatory),
---Mandub (Recommended),
------Summary: Mandub (Recommended),
---Haram (Prohibited),
------Summary: Haram (Prohibited),
---Makruh (Disliked),
------Summary: Makruh (Disliked),
---Mubah (Permissible),
------Summary: Mubah (Permissible),
---Ahkām Wad’iyya (Declaratory Law),
---Sabab (a Cause),
------Summary: Sabab (a Cause),
---Rukun (a Pillar),
---Shart (a Condition),
------Summary: Shart (a Condition),
---Māni’ (an Obstacle),
------Summary: Māni’ (an Obstacle),
---Sahih (Valid), Bātil (Invalid) and Fāsid (Irregular),
------Summary: Sahih (Valid), Bātil (Invalid), and Fāsid (Irregular),
---‘Azimah (Initial Rules) and Rukhsah (Exemptions),
---Summary: ‘Azimah (Initial Rules) and Rukhsah (Exemptions).

Chapter 10 :
---The Rules of Interpretation,
------Summary: Introduction,
---Ta’wil (Interpretation),
------Summary: Ta’wil (Interpretation),
---Clear and Unclear Words,
---Clear Words,
---Ẕāhir (Manifest),
---Nass (Evident),
---Mufassar (Explained),
---Summary: Clear Words,
---Unclear Words,
---Khafī (Secret),
---Mushkil (The Difficult),
---Mujmal (Brief),
---Mutashābih (Complex),
---Summary: Unclear Words,
---The ‘Āam (General) and the Khās (Specific),
------Summary: The Āam (general) and the Khās (specific),
---Mutlaq (The Absolute) and Muqayyad (The Qualified),
------Summary: Mutlaq (the Absolute) and Muqayyad (the Qualified),
---Haqiqī (The Literal) and Majāzī (The Metaphorical),
------Summary: Haqiqī (the Literal) and Majāzī (the metaphorical),
---The Mushtarak (The Homonym),
------Summary: The Mushtarak (The Homonym).

Chapter 11 :
---Command and Prohibition,
------Summary: Introduction,
---Amr (Command),
------Summary: Command (Amr),
---Nahy (Prohibitions),
------Summary: Nahy (Prohibition),
---Naskh (Abrogation),
------Summary: Introduction,
---Classification of Naskh,
---Summary: Classification of Naskh,
---Difference between Naskh (Abrogation) and Takhsis (Specification),
---Summary: Difference between Naskh (Abrogation) and Takhsis (Specification),
---Dalālah (Textual Implications),
---Ibārah Nass (The Explicit Meaning),
---Ishārah Nass (The Alluded Meaning),
---Dalālah Nass (The Inferred Meaning),
---Iktizā Nass (The Required Meaning),
------Summary: Dalālah (Textual Implications).

Chapter 12 :
---Ijtihād (Personal Reasoning),
------Summary: Introduction,
---The Proof Value of Ijtihād,
------Summary: The Proof Value of Ijtihād,
---Conditions of Ijtihād,
------Summary: Conditions of Ijtihād,
---The Matter of Division in Ijtihād,
------Summary: The Matter of Division in Ijtihād,
---Truth and Fallacy of Ijtihād,
------Summary: Truth and Fallacy of Ijtihād,
---Restrictions on Ijtihād,
------Summary: Restrictions on Ijtihād,
---The Classification of Mujtahids,
------Summary: The Classification of Mujtahids,
---Taqlid (Imitation),
------Summary: Taqlid (Imitation),
---Ta’arud al-Adillah (The Conflicts of the Evidences),
---Summary: Ta’arud al-Adillah (The Conflicts of the Evidences).


More on Fiqh (General),
More on Usul al-Fiqh (Advanced).

Also see Usul al-Tafsir by Dr. Recep Dogan.




*Dimensions : 24 x 17 x 2.8cm.












  • Shipping Weight: 0.695 kgs
  • 4 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Dr Recep Dogan

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