Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam, Meelad,
*[A5] Paperback Booklet - 22 pages, NEW,
by Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi al-Ashrafi,
Translated by Mawlana Omar Qadri Moeeni,
Published by Kutub Khana Amjadiya, Delhi.
Description :
Firstly we should know what Meelad Sharif (Mawlid, Milad, Milad an Nabi) actually is and what is the ruling concerning it. Once we have established what this represents thereafter proofs can be presented in support of it.
However, certain sects like the Wahabbies and Deobandies say that doing so is an "Innovation," "Haraam" and
"Shirk" and who knows what else. This book provides authentic evidence and refutes all the objections raised by these groups.
*Dimensions : 21.5 x 14cm