Towards Understanding Aqidah

Towards Understanding Aqidah,
An Introductory Guide to the Beliefs that
each & every Muslim is required to adhere to

*[A5] Paperback - 158 pages, 4th Print : Feb 2023,
by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari.
Foreword by Allama Shahid Raza Na'imi,
Published by HSBT Publications.           


Back in Stock August 2023


Description :

'Towards Understanding Aqidah' is an Introductory Guide to the Beliefs that each and every Muslim is required to adhere to. In essence the Aqida of the Ahl as-Sunnah w'al-Jama'ah in this book will be based on Iman Mufassal which all Muslims learn from a young age. This itself is derived directly from the famous Hadith of Jibrail, in which the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, defined faith (imaan) as:


''That you believe in Allah, His Angels, His Scriptures, His Messengers,
The Last Day, and that you believe  in Qadr, the good and bad of it.


This book devotes an important chapter to the following topics :

---Belief in Allah Almighty,
---Understanding Shirk (Ascribing Partners to Allah),
---Belief in the Angels,
---Belief in the Divine Scriptures,
---Belief in the Messengers,
---Belief in the Last Day,
---Belief in Destiny,
---Belief in Resurrection after Death,
---Bid'a (Innovation),

Insha-Allah this book will serve as an indispensable guide for Muslims seeking to learn the fundamentals of their religion.



About the Author:
Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari is currently a lecturer in the Islamic Sciences at Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust, Birmingham.

Ather Hussain began his Islamic education by completing the memorisation of the Holy Qur'an at the age of thirteen. After completing his GCSE's he moved to Jamia al-Karam, where he studied Arabic Grammar under the guardianship of M.I.H. Pirzada and Mawlana Abdul-Bari Sahib. In 1995, he travelled to Bhera Sharif, Pakistan, and completed the traditional seminary course with First Class Honours. Here he had an opportunity to be taught directly by Pir Karam Shah al-Azhari, may Allah shower His mercy upon him.

Between 1996 and 1999, he studied at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, the oldest seat of Islamic learning in the world. He specialised in Hadith studies, and graduated in BA Principles of Theology in 1999.

Upon returning to England, he joined the University of Birmingham, to study BA Political Science. He graduated with First Class Honours in 2003. In 2006, he completed his Mphil in Theology at the University of Birmingham on the al-Jami of al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, and he has completed his PhD (Theology) at the same institution.



Table of Contents :

------What is Aqidah?
------What areas does Aqidah cover ?
------Why is Aqidah important ?
------The Aqidah of the Ahl al-Sunna; its source.

Chapter 1: Belief in Allah Almighty,
---1.0. Imaan and Islam,
---1.1. What is Tawhid?
---1.2. The Attributes of Allah,
---1.3. What Attributes cannot be associated with Allah the Almighty,
---1.4. Does Allah have hands ?
----Position One,
----Position Two, The correct and majority opinion,
----Position Three, Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya and his followers.
---1.5. Is our intellect sufficient to acknowledge that Allah exists?
---1.6. Conclusion.

Chapter 2: One: Understanding Shirk (Ascribing Partners to Allah),
---2.0. Shirk - Introduction,
---2.1. Defining Shirk; Imam al-Qurtubi's definition,
---2.2. Defining Shirk; The Wahhabi Interpretation,
---2.3. Understanding Shirk,
---2.4. Refuting the Wahhabi position,
---2.4.1. Calling anyone other than Allah (like Ya RasullAllah) for istighatha (seeking help),
---2.4.2. Seeking the Prophet's Wasila (medium),
---2.4.3. To suggest that the Prophet, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, has Ilm e Ghayb (Knowledge of the Unseen),
---2.4.4. To seek Blessings (Tabarruk) from Islamic Relics,
---2.4.5. To slaughter in the name of someone other than Allah,
---2.4.6. Is Imam al-Busiri, a mushrik ?
---2.5. Takfir: The issue of declaring others infidels.

Chapter 3: One: Belief in the Angels,
---3.0. Angels; Introduction,
---3.1. The Key Attributes of Angels,
---3.2. The Duties of the four prominent Angels,
----Jibra'il, peace be upon him,
----Mika'il, peace be upon him,
----Isra'il, peace be upon him,
----Israf'il, peace be upon him,
---3.3. The duties of other Angels,
---3.4. Who are superior: Humans or Angels,
---3.4.1. Humans are superior,
---3.4.2. Angels are superior?
---3.4. Conclusion.

Chapter 4: Belief in the Divine Scriptures,
---4.0. The Divine Scriptures - Introduction,
---4.1. The main, Divine Scriptures,
---4.2. The Protection and Preservation of the Divine Scriptures,
---4.3. The names of the Qur'an,
---4.4. The Gathering of the Qur'an,
---4.4.1. Stage One: During the Prophet's, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, Lifetime,
---4.4.2. Stage Two: During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---4.4.3. Stage Three: The Caliphate of Uthman, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---4.5. Objections from the Orientalists on the Qur'an,
---4.5.1. ''The Qur'an is not the Word of God.''
----Our Response.
---4.5.2. ''Only Four Companions had memorised the Qur'an,''
----Our Response.
---4.5.3. ''Uthman burnt copies of the Qur'an,''
----Our Response.
---4.6. Conclusion.

Chapter 5: Belief in the Messengers,
---5.0. Introduction to the Messengers,
---5.1. The definition of Nabi and Rasul,
---5.2. The Attribute of Messengers, What is necessary for them?
---5.2.1. Sidq (Truthfulness),
--- Fitana (Intelligence),
--- ma Umiru bi hi, (to preach what they have been ordered to do),
--- Amana (Trustworthiness),
--- Evidence to support immunity of Prophets from Sin,
--- Objections,
--- Answers,
----Adam, peace be upon him,
----Ibrahim, peace be upon him,
----Prophet Muhammad, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
----Musa, peace be upon him,
---5.2.1. What is permissible for them,
---5.2.2. What is impossible for them,
---5.3. The number of Messengers,
---5.4. Mu'jiza, (Miracles),
---5.4.1. Examples of the Prophet's Mu'jizas,
---5.5. The Difference between a Karama and a Mu'jiza.

Chapter 6: Belief in the Messengers II,
---6.1. The rank of the Prophets and Messengers,
---6.2. Prophet Muhammad's superiority over other Messengers,
---6.3. Is the Prophet 'just a man like us' ?
---6.4. Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets,
---6.4.1. Who was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and who are the Qadianis?
---6.4.2. Evidence from the Holy Qur'an that Muhammad is the Final Messenger,
---6.4.3. Evidence from the Ahadith,
---6.4.4. Evidence from Common Sense,
---6.4.5. Conclusion.

Chapter 7: Belief in the Last Day,
---7.1. Introduction,
---7.2. Logical Proofs for the occurence of the Day of Judgement,
---7.3. The Signs of the Last Day,
---7.3.1. Some of the minor signs include,
---7.3.2. The major signs are,
---7.4. The length of the Last Day,
---7.5. Our belief regarding the Gathering (Hashr),
---7.6. The Accounting (Hisab),
---7.7. The Scales,
---7.8. The Bridge,
---7.9. The Fountain (Hawdh),
---7.10. The Intercession (Shafa'a),
---7.10.1. The Great Intercession,
---7.10.2. Other forms of Intercession.

Chapter 8: Belief in Destiny, (Taqdir),
---8.1. Introduction,
----[a]. The Flawless Knowledge of Allah Almighty,
----[b]. The World is a Test.
---8.2. What is taqdir ?
---8.3. The sensitivity surrounding taqdir,
---8.4. The different sects on taqdir,
---8.4.1. Al-Jabariyya,
---8.4.2. Al-Qadariyya,
---8.4.3. The Ahl al-Sunnah,
---8.5. Possible Objections,
---Questions and Responses.

Chapter 9: Belief in Resurrection after Death,
---9.1. Introduction,
---9.2. Ressurection after Death,
---9.3. What is Death (mawt) ?
---9.4. Those people whose bodies will not decay in the grave,
---9.5. Our Belief regarding the Questioning in the Grave,
---9.5.1. The people who will not be questioned in their Graves,
---9.6. Barzakh and the Punishment/reward in this world,
---9.7. The sustained life of all Prophets in the grave,
---9.8. Do the dead benefit from the endeavours of the living? The issue of Isal Sawab,
---9.8.1. Proof of Isaal e Sawab from the Holy Qur'an ?
---9.8.2. Proof of Isaal e Sawab from the Sunnah,
---9.8.3. Proof of Isaal e Sawab from Ijma (Concensus) & from the scholars,
---9.8.4. Objection and Answer.

Chapter 10 : Bid'a,
---10.1. The meaning of Bid'a,
---10.2. The Prophet's, Salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam, guidance on Bid'a,
---10.3. Did the Prophet declare all Innovations as misguidance,
---10.4. Other Categorisations of Bid'a,
----[i]. Compulsory,
----[ii]. Forbidden,
----[iii]. Recommended,
----[iv]. Disliked,
----[v]. Permissible,
---10.5. Examples of Innovations from the Companions,
---10.6. 'All innovations are wrong' - the opinions of the Wahhabis,
---10.7. The Refutation of the Wahhabis,
---10.7.1. Commemorating 'Layla al-Isra' & 'Layla Nisf Sha'ban' is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.2. Reading Salaam upon the Prophet before the Azaan is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.3. Salah al-Tasbih is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.4. The du'a after the obligatory Salah [Prayer] is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.5. Reading Salaam upon the Prophet loudly after the Azaan is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.6. Shaking hands after Salaah is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.7. Collective Zikr is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.8. Saying the intention verbally before commencing Salaah is Bid'a,
----Our Response,
---10.7.9. Placing flowers on graves is Bid'a and an imitation of the infidels,
----Our Response,
---10.8. Conclusion.




'' An Absolute Must for Every Home '' !
---Also see Islamic Creed.

*Dimensions :


  • Shipping Weight: 0.595 kgs
  • 76 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Allama Hafiz Ather H. al-Azhari

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