The 20 Principles of Guidance : New

The 20 Principles of Guidance : New,
Understanding Shirk, Bid'ah, 'Ibadah & Tawhid,
*[A5] Paperback - 99 pages,
being an Abridgement in English of
Mufti Naqi 'Ali Khan's Usul al-Rashad,
Transl. by Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq,
Printed in Turkey.

Description :

Usul al-Rashad li-Qam' Mabani al-Fasad, by Mufti Naqi Ali Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, was written to eradicate misconceptions regarding Shirk, Bid'ah, 'Ibadah & Tawhid. This English translation with annotations is by Shaykh Mufti Monawwar Ateeq.




From the Introduction :
"I discovered a matchless treatise that enlightens the understanding of numerous matters concerning Sunni doctrine and its methodology, and protects one from the darkness of confusion, namely Usul al-Rashad [Principles of Guidance] by one of the most learned scholars of his time in the principles and branches of this wonderful religion, Mufti Naqi Ali Khan, may Allah Almighty sanctify his secret, - the father and teacher of one of Islam's greatest revivers, Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him.
The original work was written in classical Urdu, Persian and Arabic and published approximately 137 years ago in 1881 in India. The purpose of the original text was to present an unadulterated and refined study of terms and rules of Islamic Law that were often misconstrued, misquoted and displaced in controversial narratives by Anti-Madhhabi authors.

Table of Contents :
---About the Author,
---About the Translator,

---[1] The First Principle; True Meanings of the Words Illah, Ibadah, Shirk & Bid'ah,
---1.1. First term, "Illah"
---1.1.1. Words that do not entail "Shirk"
---1.1.2. Every prostration to creation is not "Shirk"
---1.2. Second Term, "Ibadah"
---1.2.1. Actions that are not "Shirk"
---1.2.2. Certain actions are always "Shirk"

---1.3. Third term, "Shirk"

---1.4. Fourth Term, "Bid'ah"
---1.4.1. Good Innovations of the Companions,
---1.4.2. Fallacies regarding Innovations,
---1.4.3. Fallacy of including the Companions and their Successors in the Definition of Innovation,
---1.4.4. Meaning of Obedience to the Noble Prophet, ?, 
---[2]. The Second Principle; Combining Individually Virtuous Acts,

---2.1. Basis for this principle in a Hadith,


---[3]. The Third Principle; Ibadah (Indifference),

---3.1. The burden of proof is on the condemner,
---3.2. Indifference in relation to Innovation,
---[4]. The Fourth Principle; Applying Unconditional Proofs,
---4.1. First Discussion; Good Innovations by some Muslims,
---4.2. Second Discussion; Not every act requires an independent explicit primary proof-text,
---4.3. Third Discussion; Carrying out acts at specific times and forms, fulfils the unconditional command,

---4.4. Fourth Discussion; The absence of Prophetic narration do not make acts that fall under unconditional words evil,

---[5]. The Fifth Principle;
---Virtuous acts tainted with repulsive acts,
---[6]. The Sixth Principle;
---Resemblance with non-Muslims,
---[7]. The Seventh Principle;
---Affiliation with honourable objects,
---[8]. The Eighth Principle;
---Customary acts of Muslims,
---[9]. The Ninth Principle;
---Majority agreements,
---[10]. The Tenth Principle;
---Non-mujtahids and legal rulings,
---[11]. The Eleventh Principle;
---Customs of the Two Holy Sanctuaries,
---[12]. The Twelfth Principle;
---Tacit consensus of the scholars,
---[13]. The Thirteenth Principle;
---Consensus after disagreement,
---[141]. The Fourteenth Principle;
---Persistence is praiseworthy,
---[15]. The Fifteenth Principle;
---Unrestricted respect of the Messenger of Allah, ?,
---[16]. The Sixthteenth Principle;
---Timeless respect of the Messenger of Allah, ?, 
---[17]. The Seventeenth Principle;
---Respecting His Blessed Name, ?, and Utterances,
---[18]. The Eighteenth Principle;
---Honouring in absence,
---[19]. The Nineteenth Principle;
---The manner and forms of respecting,
---[20]. The Twentieth Principle;
---Veneration and blasphemy contextualised.
Other works of Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan,
Other works on Islamic Doctrine.

*Dimensions : 21 x 14.7cm.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.299 kgs
  • 11 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan

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