Miraculous Wonders of Sayyiduna Ali

Miraculous Wonders
of Sayyiduna Ali
, karam Allahu ta'ala wazhul kareem,
[A5] Paperback - 88 pages, New,
by Mawlana Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri,
Published by Maktaba tul Madinah, Pakistan.

Back in Stock August 2023

Description :

Sayyiduna 'Ali al-Murtada, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, is the very origin and foundation of the pure and pious Sadat, he is the mediator for becoming Wasil Billah (i.e. being close to Allah Almighty) and is the portal from where virtues of Wilayat come from. May there be millions of Salutations upon him :

                              Asal e nasl e safa wajh e wasl e Khuda,
                              Bab e fazl e wilayat pay lakhaun Salaam
                                                                                  ----Kalam e Raza.

The life and miracles of Sayyiduna Imam Ali, karam Allahu ta'ala wazhul kareem, from Qur'an, Hadith and other authentic sources.

Table of Contents :

---Du’a for Reading the Book,
---Transliteration Chart,

Miraculous Wonders of Sayyiduna ‘Ali,
---Excellence of Salat-‘Alan-Nabi,
---Maula ‘Ali blew on an empty palm and Severed hand was re-attached,
---What is a Karamah (miracle)?
---A heavy flood subsided,
---A water spring gushed out,
---A paralysed person was cured,
---Reward of good manners towards Sayyiduna ‘Alis progeny,
---Name and appellations,
---A brief introduction to Sayyiduna ‘Ali,
---The reason of mentioning and writing ‘
---How and when was the Kunyah ‘Abu Turab’ granted!,
---He would recite the whole Qur'an in a moment,
---Grandeur of Maula ‘Ali as mentioned in the Qur'an,
---Four ways of giving four dirhams in charity,
---Our way of giving charity,
---Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s comprehension of the Holy Quran,
---Exegesis (commentary) of Surah Al-Fatehah,
---Door of the City of Knowledge and Wisdom,
---Grandeur of Sayyiduna ‘Ali as mentioned by the Nabi,
---Grudge against Sayyiduna ‘Ali,
---The scholar of the seen & unseen,
---Three distinctions of Sayyiduna ‘Ali,
---Ranking of the Sahabah in superiority,
---The names of the ‘Asharah Mubashsharah,
---The excellence of the Khulafa-e-Rashidin,
---What Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s love demands,
---Strange secret of being never thirsty,
---Beholding Sayyiduna ‘Ali is an ‘Ibadah,
---Conversation with the deceased,
---Madani pearls of admonition,
---Benevolence of Mustafa for Maula ‘Ali Mushkil-Kusha,
---The conqueror of Khyber,
---A glimpse into Haydari’s strength,
---Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s bravery is matchless,
---Blessings of saliva and supplication of Mustafa Karim,
---Devotion of Maula ‘Ali,
---Past 30 years of Salah were repeated,
---You are from me!
---You are my brother,
---Explanation of this hadith,
---Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s love for the Holy Prophet,
---The  distinctive traits of Sayyiduna ‘Ali,
---Maula ‘Ali is ‘Wali’ of the believers,
---What is meant by ‘Wali’ here?,
---To know the rationale behind saying ‘Ya ‘Ali Madad’,
---Reward of Loving the Ahl-e-Bayt,
---Excellence of Haydar’s households,
---He will turn your beard red with blood,
---Conspiracy of three Khawarij against three Companions,
---Love affair brought misfortune to Ibn Muljam,
---Night of martyrdom,
---Pieces of Ibn Muljam’s corpse were burnt to ashes,
---Blood-curdling parable of the punishment of Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s murderer after his death,
---Terrible fate of craving after lust,
---Eminence of the Prophet’s companions,
---Keep associated with the Madan? environment,
---Repentance from corrupt beliefs,

Questions & Answers about ‘Seeking help from other than Allah’
---Regarding calling Sayyiduna Ali as Mushkil-Kusha?
---Regarding calling ‘Maula Ali?
---He of whom I am Maula, of him ‘Ali is also Maula!
------The meanings of ‘Maula
------The meanings of ‘Maula’ interpreted by renowned exegetists,
---Best explanation ....,
---Persuasion of seeking help from other than Allah in a Hadith,
------Vision restored to a blind person,
------Du’a made by invoking ‘Ya Rasulallah was granted!
------The Holy Prophet helped after his ‘apparent demise’
---O' Allah’s servants! Help me!
------If a pet animal flees away in the jungle, then,
------When the riding animal of a respected teacher fled away!
------Who is meant by ‘Allah’s servants’?
---Why should one ask help from the dead?
------The Prophets are Alive!
------Sayyiduna Musa was offering Salah in his grave,
------The Awliya (friends) of Allah are also alive,
------Difference between the life of Prophets and the life of Muslim Saints,
------The support from the departed is stronger,
------The Fatwa of a Shafi'i Mufti about seeking help from other than Allah,
------The young deceased person said with a smile,
------Every beloved of Allah is alive,
---The proof of saying ‘Ya ‘Ali Madad
------If saying ‘Ya ‘Ali’ is Shirk,
---The evidence of saying ‘Y? Ghawth
------Three faith refreshing sayings of Ghawth al-A’zam,
------Understanding other languages by the Pure Maidens of Paradise,
------A faith-refreshing commentary on this Hadith,
---Why should one seek help from others when Allah can help us?
------1. Help each other in righteousness,
------2. Seek help in patience and Salah,
------3. Sikandar Zul-Qarnayn sought help,
------4. Help the religion of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
------5. A Prophet sought help for the religion from other than Allah,
------6. The helpers nominated by Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---No individual can live without help from others!
------How 50 times of Salah was reduced to 5 times?
------Help of others is desperately needed in Paradise,
---Is seeking help from other than Allah ever Wajib?
------The situations when seeking help is Wajib,
------The situations when helping is Wajib,
------Seeking help from idols is Shirk,
------The definition of Shirk,




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  • Shipping Weight: 0.225 kgs
  • 12 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mawlana Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri

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