Sharh al-Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah : English

 Al Aqa'id al Nasafiyyah : English, New,
A Commentary on the Creed of Islam by Imam an-Nasafi [d.537h],
*[A5] Paperback - 217 pages,
Commentary by Imam Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani [d.792h],
Translated with Introduction & Notes by Earl Edgar Elder.
Published by Istinarah Press [Reprint].

Description :

Al Aqaid al-Nasafi : This famous treatise soon gained acceptance amongst the Ummah due to the fact that it was the most comprehensive and indeed complete summary on the subject of what the Muslim is to believe. This short tract has been highly praised by all the scholars for its brevity, accuracy and completeness.

Publishers Note about this Reproduction :

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilisation as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, stamps, and other notations in the work. 

In this translation, use has been made of the Cairo text of 1335 Hijri with supercommentaries by Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. 'Arabshah al-Isfara'ini 'Islam al-Din and Ahmad b. Musa al-Khayali. There are no chapters or sections in the text and commentary as published in Arabic. The translator alone is responsible for the chapter divisions and headings as they appear in this translation.

Al 'Allamah, Imam Abu Hafs 'Umar ibn Muhammad an-Nasafi, may Allah be pleased with him (d. 537), was born in a town called Nasaf near Samarkand in Turkestan. He was a great Hanafi scholar and author of some one hundred books on such diverse topics as fiqh, literature, tafsir and so on. Amongst his numerous titles are: the magnanimous Imam, Leader of the Muslim and Star of Religion and Nation. Imam al-Nasafi wrote a short, succinct and accurate summary of the authentic Muslim beliefs in his popular work, 'Aqaa 'id an-Nasafi, presented here before you.

Imam Sad al-Din Masud ibn Umar al-Taftazani. Imam al-Taftazani, may Allah have mercy upon him, was a renowned scholar from a distinguished scholarly family, born in the village of Taftazan in the northeastern Persian province of Khurasan. He was of the Hanafi school in matters of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and a Maturidi with regard to issues of Aqidah (Islamic creed).

He was author of numerous works on Arabic grammar, rhetoric, theology, logic, law, and Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir). His commentaries on well-known works in various fields of Islamic sciences were and are still widely used in madrasahs and Islamic seminaries. He passed away in Samarqand in 1390 Common Era.

Table of Contents

---Preface by Imam al-Taftazani,

---[1]. The Real Essences of Things,
---[2]. The Causes of Knowledge,
---[3]. The World,
---[4]. The Originator of the World,
---[5]. Some Attributes of Allah,
---[6]. The Attribute of Speech,
---[7]. The Attributes of Creating and Willing,
---[8]. The Beatific Vision of Allah,
---[9]. The Creator and the Actions of His Creatures,
---[10]. The Creatures Legal Responsibility and Allah's Sustenance and Guidance,
---[11]. Some Eschatological Realities,
---[12]. Sins,
---[13]. Relief,
---[14]. The Messengers, Angels and Books of Allah,
---[15]. The Ascension of the Prophet, ﷺ, and Miracles,
---[16]. The Khalifate and Imamate,
---[17]. Various Articles of Belief Concerning Worship,
----------The Companions of the Prophet, ﷺ,
----------The Wiping on the Inner Shoes,
---[18]. Various Articles of Belief Concerning the Rank of the Wali (Saint),
----------The People of the Inner Meaning,
----------The Feeling of Security and Despair,
----------The Diviner,
----------The Non-Existent,
----------Prayers for the Deceased,
---[19]. Various Articles of Belief Concerning the Last Hour,
----------The Comparative Excellence of Men and Angels.


This book is a reprint of the orginal. See image below of sample page.
English translation only ; Does not contain any Arabic text.

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More Dars e Nizami Texts.

*Dimensions :  20.5 x 14.7cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.445 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam al-Taftazani

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