Islamic Beliefs

 Islamic Beliefs,
*[A5] Paperback - 107 pages,
by Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada,
Published by Al-Karam.

Back in Stock - February 2020

Description :

A simple but comprehensive book covering every aspect of fundamental Islamic belief (aqida). Whilst the print may be old the language is very easy to follow and understand, hence the reason why it is still widely used across madrassahs and Islamic schools in the west. Includes exercises at the end of each chapter to aid students revision.

Review : The book, “Islamic Beliefs” ---Over a dozen of the books compiled by the respected ‘Allama, on a variety of important topics (such as Arabic Grammar, Fiqh, Hadith and Seerah) are receiving appreciation and acclamation. Praise be to Allah, the respected ‘Allama has presented to the academic world the present counselling and thought provoking work. May Allah accept this endeavour of the ‘Allama.

This book is a collection of the important and fundamental beliefs of Islam. It is a unique gift for the sound natured man. A glance over its contents reveals that along with being beautifully composed, it is full of many thought provoking subjects and intellectual and narrative proofs. Due to its logical and intellectual proofs, this book will on one hand play a very effective role in erasing the doubts in the minds of wavering Muslims and will make them into right believing Sunnis. Whilst on the other hand, it will be very efficient to remove the ‘scientifically’ based arguments of the non-Muslims.

May Allah bless the author and reward him for compiling such a valuable and informative book and make this book useful for all Muslims, especially the Muslim students. ---Sahibzada Muhammad Habib al-Rahman Mahboobi, Suffa Tul Islam Assoc'n, Bradford, UK.

Table of Contents:

---The reason for writing.

Chapter [1] Islam.

Chapter [2] Imaan (Faith),
---The difference between Islam and Iman,
---The Unbeliever, apostate and hypocrite.

Chapter [3] Belief in Allah,
---Shirk, (polytheism),
---The Qur'an and Tawhid,
---The Bible and Tawhid.

Chapter [4] Tawhid and Logical Proofs,
---Who was before Allah ?
---Allah is everywhere ?
---A debate upon the existence of God,
---Allah exists,
---Allah Is only One,
---A disbeliever,
---God cannot be seen,
---A conversation between a Muslim and a disbeliever,
---Imam Jafar al-Saadiq,
---God does not sleep,
---Imam al-Shafi'i,
---God is Needed,
---Creator of All,
---Self existent,
---The True Creator,
---One God.

Chapter [5] Tawhid and Science,
---Some verses of the Qur'an relating to Creation.

Chapter [6] Belief in the Prophets of Allah,
---The difference between a Rasool (Messenger) and a Nabi (Prophet),
---The number of Prophets,
---Definition of Prophet,
---The need for Prophets,
---Practical Example,
---Human Understanding,
---The Human Mind,
---Holy attributes,
---Important point relating to Prophet's,
---Eminent status,
---Obligatory respect,
---The Status of Prophethood,
---Duty of Preaching,
---Superior Intellect,
---Knowledge of the Unseen (Ilm-e-Ghayb),
---Human Nature,
---Life of a Prophet,
---Bestowment of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---Matters which could not have been fulfilled without Prophethood,
---Tawhid (Oneness of God),
---Irfan (Recognition of God),
---Lawful and Unlawful,
---Human Nature,
---Good and Bad,
---Mu'jizaat (miracles),
---The difference between mu'jizah and karaamah.

Chapter [7] Proofs of the Prophethood of Muhammad, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---The Mission of Prophethood,
---The Luminous visage,
---The Fulfillment of Prophecies,
---The Book of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---Invitation of Mubaahala,
---Confirmation of previous Prophets,
---The particularities of Muhammad, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---The Need for the Seal of the Prophets,
---Completion of the Deen,
---Completion of Irfan (recognition),
---The Preservation of the Qur'an,
---Universal Prophethood,
---Last Model,
---Khatm al-Nabuwwah (finality of Prophethood) is a blessing,
---The pure Ahl al-Bayt and the Aal, (The Prophet's Blessed Household)
---Umar ibn Abdul Aziz,
---Imam Malik,
---Sahaaba al-Kiraam (The Noble Companions),
---Some Sayings of the Prophet, Salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam, regarding the Sahaaba,
---Pir Muhammad Karam Shah,
---Wali-Allah (Friend of Allah),
---Aalim al-Deen, (Religious Scholar),
---The link between Wali-Allah and Aalim al-Deen,

Chapter [8] Belief in the Angels,
---The Jinn,
---The Devil (Shaytan - Iblees),
---The record of Good and Evil.

Chapter [9] Belief in the Books of Allah,
---The Teachings of the Earlier Books,
---Acting upon the Earlier Books,
---The Qur'an,
---The Compilation of the Qur'an.

Chapter [10] Destiny,
---Mahmood Ghaznavi,
---Mawlana Rume,
---Imam Abu Hanifa,
---Three views concerning Destiny.

Chapter [11] Belief in Akhirah (the Hereafter),
---The Barzakh,
---Conveying Reward of Virtue (Eesaale Sawaab).

Chapter [12] Resurrection (al-Qiyaamah),
---Consequences of Rejecting al-Qiyaamah,
---The Need for Qiyaamah,
---Hidden Crimes,
---Truth and Falsehood,
---The Reward of the Martyrs,
---Zia al-Ummah Pir Karam Shah,
---The Qur'an and Qiyaamah.

Chapter [13] Signs of Qiyaamah,
---Some signs of Qiyaamah,
---The appearance of Imam Mahdi, alayhi as-salam,
---The descent of Prophet Isa, alayhi as-salam,
---Yajooj and Majooj,
---The passing away of Prophet Isa, alayhi as-salam,
---The spread of smoke,
---The rising of the Sun from the West,
---The appearance of an 'Animal' !
---The 10th of Muharram.

Chapter [14] The Day of Qiyaamah,
---Register of Actions,
---The Fountain of Kawthar,
---The Bridge of Sirat,
---Shafa'ah (Intercession),

---Appreciation I, Shaykh Sahibzada Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman Mahboobi,
---Appreciation II, Allama Bashir Ahmad Syalvi.

Also available in urdu language.

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More Madrassah textbooks,
More books on Islamic Creed.

*Sub-continent print quality.

*Dimensions : 20.5 x 14.2cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.245 kgs
  • 4 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Sh. Imdad Hussain Pirzada

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