Qadiani ko Dawat-e-Islam (Urdu),
[A5] Paperback booklet - 30 pages.
by Allama Ghulam Saeedi,
Published in Pakistan.
Currently Out of Stock
Synopsis :
This booklet in urdu is a refutation of the deviated Qadiani sect, and an invitation to them to enter into Islam with total faith.
It is written by Shaykh al Hadith Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi Sahib, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. The book was compiled after the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat (Finality of Prophethood) Conference which was held annually in Watford, UK.
Limited copies. Subject to Availability.
This is an Urdu language book only.
Also see Aqidah,
Also see Refutation,
Also see Sects.